Flowers took HVL off the hook


Apr 27, 2015
Fans now can switch from HVL to Flowers to display their wrath. At least Haley played for the Cards.

After reading comments here and on social media, I just shake my head at those fans who wish Flowers luck and act like what he did wasn't a big deal. That kind of thinking is not just naive it's harmful.

Flowers is off to a bad start in adulthood. He's going to learn the hard way if he even learns at all. At the start of his career he's already stabbing in the back people who were helping him.

It doesn't concern him what this does to the team and the people that were relying on him. That's not a good trait to have starting a career. As far as I'm concerned, he could flame out in the D league and that would serve him right.

But as the classic song lyric says,

" There are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there's still time to change the road you're on "

For this young man's sake, I do hope he chooses correctly.
The amount of $ these guys are worth went through the roof once TV got heavily involved. The game grew and went global too. There's just so much $ for them out there all over the world, somebody is going to pay 'em and pay 'em a lot.

Rules changed over the years so they don't have to wait to cash in. There could be a limited window for the players to get paid. Their careers can abruptly end without notice due to injuries and/or poor performance or some other circumstance. It's not about greed it's about cashing in while they can. From that competitive level they have a dream to make the NBA and want the clearest path possible and make a bunch of $ while they are at it.

They aren't going to value much beyond their dreams and bottom line $, taking care of themselves and their families. So with that, this kid is actually off to a great start given the income he's about to start making.

All that said, our fans don't need to take some high road and wish him the best, pretending to be nice or whatever that is. I completely agree with you on that. Fans don't need to cross the line the other way either. Maybe fans need to re-evaluate the skin we put in the game. This is not the product we fell in love with long ago. I've gradually withdrawn and will probably continue to do so.
This is true. ^^

I have withdrawn gradually as well. And I do agree the youngsters today just don't know better considering the times they live in.

I have resigned myself to the fact that the Cards hoops program I fell in love with some forty years ago is probably gone forever. And this brings out my vindictive side.

So thanks for the lesson. I do want nothing but success for young Mr. Flowers. The reality is, he's not the problem with this program.

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