Damage is done


Mar 21, 2015
Regardless if this story is true or not the damage with recruiting is going to be costly. We already have issues getting any top recruit we don't stand any chance in hell now . I hate too say this BB program has taken a serious pr hit. I don't think we we recover from this going forward. Right before the season starts nothing but unecI'm just sick essary distractions. UK, NC the Dukes escape without issues. I'm just sick.
I'd relax a little. You'll probably know a lot more in the very near future. And if it's all bull$hit, the long term damage will be minimal. Americans have a 15-second attention span on most subjects...

This is a true statement Zipp made. I hope it is not true, TJ and CRP will handle this. We will be fine.
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Americans have a 15-second attention span on most subjects...

Nice touch
It won't be resolved by the early signing period, it surely isn't going to help.
Does Indiana University have something to do with this? I know they were mad that we took Kenny Johnson away from them...
Does Indiana University have something to do with this? I know they were mad that we took Kenny Johnson away from them...

From what I have been reading they are the ones that gave us the heads up on it.
Someone from IU was giving Tom a heads up. Tom and Kenny said they were not presented with the "picture". It was someone trying to help UL get a jump on this. Now IU having a law building named after this publisher???? They might want to remove his name from campus when the rest of the story is out. Maybe he was being blackmailed to do this story? Sounds more logical to me than the story he's backing. It stinks and the trash needs to be thrown out.
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Sorry this happened Card fans. I cherished our rivalry games. Good luck to you guys as this can't not be an easy time.
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In a hastily assembled press conference on Friday night, the lawyer for a former University of Louisville basketball staffer slammed a new book filled with salacious allegations that the staffer paid thousands of dollars for prostitutes to have sexual encounters with U of L players and recruits.

Scott Cox, a well-known attorney in Louisville, said his client, U of L's ex-director of basketball operations Andre McGee, "has never supplied a prostitute or escort to a player or recruit at the University of Louisville" and that he denies the explosive accusations in "Breaking Cardinal Rules," a new book written by Louisville-based escort Katina Powell that is due out in the coming days.

McGee, who is now an assistant coach at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, spent four years as a program assistant and then director of operations after a brief professional hoops career in Europe. He played for coach Rick Pitino and Louisville from 2005-09.

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Book claims U of L arranged for prostitutes

He was placed on administrative leave at UMKC as a private investigator, hired by U of L, looks into the allegations in coordination with the NCAA.

"He loves the University of Louisville and would not do anything to hurt the image of the university," Cox said.

Cox said McGee retained him and partner Michael Mazzoli about two weeks ago. U of L first learned of Powell's book in late August, when an Indiana University booster, Mickey Maurer, who is also the chairman of the company publishing the book, contacted an IU administrator about a photo Powell had.

Pitino said he learned about the book through former players who'd been contacted by the book's authors. Powell wrote the book with journalist Dick Cady.

Cox did confirm that McGee has met Powell before, but he said "there was certainly nothing nefarious or inappropriate at all" about their interactions.
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First things first I happen to personally know this chicks brothers they are all criminals just as written in the book. Doesn't change the situation however with her and Magee though. What i take from it unless the persons involved flip and say xyz happened especially with the players and recruits. The NCAA is gonna have to charge U of L with erroneous accusations. I'm not gonna lie i feel for Rick, because some of this stuff truly happened and Andre really screwed up. Especially with these text and Hyatt regency hotel things. Bottom line it's gonna be a long process he say she say. Why us i waited 24 years to see another championship only with us does the BS come out!
There's a football game being played right now that we have a decent chance of winning. Check it out.
Scholarship reductions and maybe a probation year. I don't think the title is in jeopardy unless they can prove a recruit on that team was involved and would have been ineligible because of it.
if things are true..........does Katina Powell admit to prostitution(a misdeameanor in ky) and the use of her UNDERAGE daughters at the time(trafficking which is a felony in ky).
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What you have here runs deeper as an overall disregard of morals, integrity and ethics as a society. This got started in the 60s with the 1960s hippie drug counter culture, in which crude behavior, "free and open" drug use and sex was legitimized to youth. Then you have had national "leaders" like Teddy Kennedy and Bill Clinton of low morals. The morals problem has resulted in a large breakdown societally, and this is another pathetic example.
What you have here runs deeper as an overall disregard of morals, integrity and ethics as a society. This got started in the 60s with the 1960s hippie drug counter culture, in which crude behavior, "free and open" drug use and sex was legitimized to youth. Then you have had national "leaders" like Teddy Kennedy and Bill Clinton of low morals. The morals problem has resulted in a large breakdown societally, and this is another pathetic example.

You said it all in this statement. These kids look up to the NBA Stars and this is what they see them doing. D. Wade was engaged and had a baby by another women. Shaq and Kobe both cheating and one telling on the other. Lets not talk about James Worthy gets caught calling for 3 prostitutes in one night. etc.etc. we can go on and on.
Americans might have a short attention span but the NCAA can do things that will punish school, team, fans, players, etc for a long time. My hope that it wasn't widespread if any of it is true.
I do question the booster. A booster is anyone who buys tickets and/or gives donations of some kind, whether a fan or not.
I still believe Samaki Walker was given the car by a booster who was not a fan. He was from 'out in the state' and has had a history of illegal activities. Most recently, he burned down his house.
Thank goodness that Mr. Jurich has been doing so many good things. That's got to help our cause.
I think the main reason you see the NCAA doing very little to schools who get in trouble lately is because they have become very unpopular. Whenever the President of the NCAA Mark Emmert goes to a college game he is booed loudly. The Power 5 conferences have threatened to leave the NCAA and form their own governing body.
If this ever happens it will be the end of the NCAA. I think that is why the NCAA is not carrying such a big stick anymore.
One of the things that frustrates me most about the NCAA is how slow it is to rule on cases whether it be eligibility or investigations. In the UNC and Miami cases the NCAA allowed and are still allowing a black cloud to hover over the schools for far too long without a ruling. The uncertainty before the ruling can make it harder to recruit than the actual sanctions do
If Penn State can survive their ordeal, we can certainly get through this (if the allegations are true)
If anybody had sex with the prostitutes they better get themselves checked for disease. And if anyone was that desperate based on the pictures of the self described prostitute being published, you would have to be drunk or on drugs. Chick doesn't look very feminine.
Yeah, give this time. There's a lot still out there. Can't believe this got published. There's a story there all in it's own. If I was IU I'd wouldn't want to be associated with this publisher. They should call it the Larry Flint Law Library. --Looking to profit off some ghetto rat's account of a party that humiliates a couple of students. I guess he needs the money!

If there's something here let's hope we paid cash.
Yeah this is starting to smell more and more like a money grab scam if that was actually said by Powell. You don't say stuff like "there's more evidence that's not in the book" if it's legit. If it's legit, then you put ALL the evidence in the book and lets the chips fall where they fall. Making that statement (if it was actually made) is beyond suspicious, and besides that, the OP and his agenda is just as suspicious IMO. The OP smells like a troll.
Cady did make that statement according to WDRB. I equate his statement with a football coach saying "our recruiting class met our needs" or a strength coach saying "we got stronger in the offseason". What the hell else are they going to say?
After watching the Cady interview I'm thinking there's zero evidence to backup the sex for money story he and the woman are pushing. I don't doubt that Andre paid her for something, but I've seen zero evidence that the money was for prostitution.
I'd relax a little. You'll probably know a lot more in the very near future. And if it's all bull$hit, the long term damage will be minimal. Americans have a 15-second attention span on most subjects...
Enough with the 15 second jokes !
Louisville Fans.........I am an IU Alum with some insight to this. This story has absolutely 100% nothing to do with IU other than the owner of the publishing company went to IU for law school. He asked for an introduction without telling the IU AD department why. IU had no idea why when passing on a name and a contact. IU has no part of this, not part of this story. The man that owns the publishing company asked for an introduction. Once the introduction was given, he then told Louisville and IU why.

The man that owns the publishing company and has the IU LAW SCHOOL named for him didn't probe for this story. The story showed up on his desk and before saying "RUN WITH IT" he did his due diligence, hired the right people, vetted the story and asked for confirmation before it went to print.

I know this man very well, he is a very good man, very smart and does not need $$. He is a LAWYER that would not put himself or his business in jeopardy without doing the background and getting the facts.

Rick Pitino, Louisville and AD had no idea this was going on at all. This was one bad apple that did this for HS players. However, If it was under Pitino's watch, he is in trouble.

I think the World of Pitino as a coach and wish he was at IU, But he is in trouble here because it was under his watch.

This is nothing to do with IU.
It's in print co-authored by a Pulitzer prize winning writer, you don't think the publishing company has SOME DOCS to back it up and protect themselves??? Get your head out of the sand!!!
I believe part of what I read and more of what I see. So far I haven't read or seen anything to support the main theme of the story. I would assume the "publishing company" (which is kind of a pretentious name for such a low-dollar operation) would have documented proof that backs up their story. But, so far they've only made vague references to having stuff that's not in the book.
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Regardless if this story is true or not the damage with recruiting is going to be costly. We already have issues getting any top recruit we don't stand any chance in hell now . I hate too say this BB program has taken a serious pr hit. I don't think we we recover from this going forward. Right before the season starts nothing but unecI'm just sick essary distractions. UK, NC the Dukes escape without issues. I'm just sick.

I understand about Duke ($100,000 necklaces during the season) and UNC's academic cheating, but what exactly has UK done since Cal has been there to skip the NCAA's wrath?
Louisville Fans.........I am an IU Alum with some insight to this. This story has absolutely 100% nothing to do with IU other than the owner of the publishing company went to IU for law school. He asked for an introduction without telling the IU AD department why. IU had no idea why when passing on a name and a contact. IU has no part of this, not part of this story. The man that owns the publishing company asked for an introduction. Once the introduction was given, he then told Louisville and IU why.

The man that owns the publishing company and has the IU LAW SCHOOL named for him didn't probe for this story. The story showed up on his desk and before saying "RUN WITH IT" he did his due diligence, hired the right people, vetted the story and asked for confirmation before it went to print.

I know this man very well, he is a very good man, very smart and does not need $$. He is a LAWYER that would not put himself or his business in jeopardy without doing the background and getting the facts.

Rick Pitino, Louisville and AD had no idea this was going on at all. This was one bad apple that did this for HS players. However, If it was under Pitino's watch, he is in trouble.

I think the World of Pitino as a coach and wish he was at IU, But he is in trouble here because it was under his watch.

This is nothing to do with IU.

I would be embarrassed to know him. And I have more respect for the players involved. At least they were YOUNG and NAIVE. He struck a business deal with a prostitute who's only purpose was to profit off destroying lives, that says a lot.