Courier-Journal still sUcKs


Oct 27, 2006
Glad I cancelled my subscription to that POS paper 6 years ago but I have to admit I was still amazed when I saw the front page of the sports section at my brother's house this morning.

I'm sure they will defend giving the University of Calipari basketball team the headline on the front page by saying that going 31-0 in the regular season is the bigger story. If both schools resided in the city of Louisville you could argue that but they don't. To be honest Louisville beating the No.2 team in the nation on a last second shot on Senior Night is a much better story than an NBA farm team going undefeated during the regular season playing in a Mid-Major conference anyway. But to put that crap on the front page of a Louisville newspaper is an insulting joke, especially in a city where Louisville fans outnumber UK fans 2-1.

I'd be willing to bet that if Tony Bennett and his Virginia team stayed overnight and picked up a Courier-Journal and saw the headlines they would be shocked and wondering if they had awakened in Lexington. A small side note on the corner of the front page after 2 heavyweights played one of the best 3 college basketball games all year and the city's home team was the winner? For a spread about a quasi-pro team from 75 miles away beating a team that has a losing record and equaling what Wichita St. did last year. Bullsh!t.

I hope the C-J loses a huge number of subscriptions and glad I haven't given them a dime for almost 6 years.


Eff the Courier-Journal and T-Shirt U
Agreed 100% on the UofL beating the #2 team in the country on senior night. If Pitt did in the way the Cards did it I that guarantee you in my hometown of Pittsburgh that story would lead on page 1! I suggest dropping your subscription and letting CJ know why. Jeff Greer might enlighten the brass why scripts are down all of a sudden. L1C4
Local media blows.

Dont read the the crap journal
Dont watch any of the news
Dont listen to any of the the sports radio, save 93.9

Been lachlame free for 3 weeks and its been great. His bizarre and incessant fascination with Tiger woods
is psychotic. UofL had an upcoming game and he bags on Tiger for an hour.
Final straw was his ignorant, putrid barbs he threw at Petrino and the UofL fans about greyshirting.

To hell with local media and their advertisers.
Originally posted by Majestic Red:
The CJ sports writers are UK homers? There's a shocker.
Well it's not the writers really because you have beat writers that cover both UK and UofL and they are simply doing their jobs. Then you have Tim Sullivan who is as neutral as they come IMO. It's the editors that decide the headlines and what goes where like making sure Chris Jones' arrest took up the entire front page as well as the front page of the sports section in such a fashion that the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center probably paled in comparison.

I thought maybe that BS was over when that UKay loving A-hole Harry Bryan retired but it looks like his twin succeeded him.
Problem with this city too many Uk fans and it comes down to economics $$. Couier has always been bias toward Louisville coverage. In lexington the HL only gives UL , a column you have too look for it. And they act like theres no UL fans in Lex and believe it or not theirs a crap load there. More than they want to ever admit.
I too ranted about that this morning when I saw the paper at my mom's house. I have long since stopped reading the CJ regularly but I'll check it out on the weekends. Seems to me that they have forgotten that they are a LOUISVILLE paper that is first and foremost supposed to cover the LOUISVILLE basketball team. I don't rant and rave about other scenarios of this sort, stuff like UK vs. UNC dominating the headlines on a day where U of L plays some tomato can. But on a day where U of L played the #2 team in the nation on Senior Day, wins on a last second shot, and then gets a write up on the left hand corner of the sports? Are you kidding?
The CJ is living in bygone times, and their business results are proof of it.

I looked at all of the late nite local news programs on Saturday. Every one of the sports segments started with the U of L game. I think it was WHAS 11 that teased the LPT game in its 4-5 lead stories at 11 PM. But none of them gave precedent to the LPT game during their sports time slot.

I'm not sure that has a lot to do with the gravity of the respective weekend games. That same prioritization is true of the news/sports programs throughout the football and basketball seasons. The U of L game leads 95% of the time. And it's all about viewership. These media outlets give lip service to LPT and talk about 50-50 audience breakdown bull$hit. But they know better. They know that the vast majority of the viewers in their broadcast area--Louisville and surrounding counties--are U of L fans. And money is of course the big driver.

Money will eventually teach the CJ how to manage what's left of its business as well.

"Elite program", my a$$...

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