Volleyball vs ND tonight

You would think the number 1 ranked and undefeated volleyball team would at least be on the ACC Network. Especially since they don’t have anything on there tonight except reruns. Who makes the decisions on what they are going to broadcast?
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Reactions: Bardman and rh62531
Congratulations to the Volleyball team what a huge achievement to go undefeated. Now it is tournament time and a new season begins and I am liking our chances.
I thought the samething Kozmas; I do believe there is some bias within the ACC towards UL. With that said, with so much emphasis on gender equality, I would think that both ND and UL ADs might want to question the system that could have allowed this obvious discount to occur of the Women’s Volleyball and Sports in general.
The thing I don’t understand about the negligence of this is because not only would they be promoting women sports but also the ACC. Here you have the #1 team in the country who was currently undefeated playing their last game which will determine whether or not they achieve an undefeated season. An undefeated season in any sport at any level should be recognized. I guarantee you that if we lose this season it will be talked about.