USC putting full court press on Tom Jurich


Jan 5, 2012
According to miltiple local sources, USC is courting (once again) Tom Jurich for it's AD position, with a possible offer already on the table. THIS is scary. I am ambivalent regarding Coach Pitino's future at UofL, but IMO, Tom Jurich is the athletic department superstar whose leadership we definitely need to keep here.
According to miltiple local sources, USC is courting (once again) Tom Jurich for it's AD position, with a possible offer already on the table. THIS is scary. I am ambivalent regarding Coach Pitino's future at UofL, but IMO, Tom Jurich is the athletic department superstar whose leadership we definitely need to keep here.
What local sources? Those idiots on the underdogs!
What local sources? Those idiots on the underdogs!

Actually, originally reported by Ramsey and Rutherford. This isn't one of those Matt Jones leaked stories.

And this from Jody Demling:

Because it was floated in several places some people not sure how to take it. But am told the Tom Jurich to USC chatter has “serious legs."
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Actually, originally reported by Ramsey and Rutherford. This isn't one of those Matt Jones leaked stories.

And this from Jody Demling:

Because it was floated in several places some people not sure how to take it. But am told the Tom Jurich to USC chatter has “serious legs."

I could be wrong, but I'm guessing this was floated by Jurich, especially given that the information was "broke" by John Ramsey. This looks like Jurich trying (probably effectively) to rally support for him.
Actually, originally reported by Ramsey and Rutherford. This isn't one of those Matt Jones leaked stories.

And this from Jody Demling:

Because it was floated in several places some people not sure how to take it. But am told the Tom Jurich to USC chatter has “serious legs."
Maybe it is the Trojan site is quoting KSR as the source.
The big boys dont poach unsuccessfull ADs.

like Coach Pitino, Jurich is not going to be here forever.

He might be forced out or feels unappreciated by the academics first crowd at UofL.

I dont think he's going anywhere. However if he did, he's going to USC. Cant blame him.
And now...from WLKY's Fred Cowgill:

U of L's SID Kenny Klein says "tom (jurich) is not talking to anyone about any job. there's nothing to it." on rumors of talking with usc.

I would think if Kenny Klein is making a public statement about it, then it is coming straight from Tom Jurich himself.
Further confirmation as far as I'm concerned, that Va-nuisance's only "source" is that DA jones.
CHAMPCAT11, Thanks for all the post "likes". I appreciate all of your support to my thoughts. Fans are nice to have. You are the wind beneath my wings.
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I could be wrong, but I'm guessing this was floated by Jurich, especially given that the information was "broke" by John Ramsey. This looks like Jurich trying (probably effectively) to rally support for him.

Exactly right....why was Lville media breaking it and not USC media?? It's TJ's M.O. in these situations. He and Ramsey playing chicken. In my opinion he's letting the board know "me or Ramsey".
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Exactly right....why was Lville media breaking it and not USC media?? It's TJ's M.O. in these situations. He and Ramsey playing chicken. In my opinion he's letting the board know "me or Ramsey".

You could be right. But in this case, Tom Jurich has made it clear via his own statement saying he is NOT going to USC or anywhere else...within a couple of hours of the story breaking. No playing any games; no waffling or deflecting; no negotiating; just a very strong statement of his intention to stay right here.
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That my friend is how you handle that situation! As always TJ with quick direct firm statement.
That also tells me there isn't a divide behind close doors in Card Nation.
You could be right. But in this case, Tom Jurich has made it clear via his own statement saying he is NOT going to USC or anywhere else...within a couple of hours of the story breaking. No playing any games; no waffling or deflecting; no negotiating; just a very strong statement of his intention to stay right here.

While he squashed this quickly once it was public, I'm wondering if this might have been swirling inside the UofL administration for a longer period of time. It would be an effective tactic by Jurich if it was played that way. It seems really weird that UofL mouthpieces Jody Demling and John Ramsey were the ones who had the scoop on this. On his show today it almost seemed like John Ramsey was teeing this up for Jurich. Quite frankly Ramsey didn't seem genuine in his concern about the rumor, so I got the feeling he already knew it wasn't going to happen.
Rutherford said that this is the 3rd time since TJ has been here that USC has tried to hire him. They must go through a lot of AD's.
While he squashed this quickly once it was public, I'm wondering if this might have been swirling inside the UofL administration for a longer period of time. It would be an effective tactic by Jurich if it was played that way. It seems really weird that UofL mouthpieces Jody Demling and John Ramsey were the ones who had the scoop on this. On his show today it almost seemed like John Ramsey was teeing this up for Jurich. Quite frankly Ramsey didn't seem genuine in his concern about the rumor, so I got the feeling he already knew it wasn't going to happen.

Ramsey thinks he is pals with TJ but in reality he's a pawn being used by TJ and UL
Great for TJ to squash that rumor. Surprised me that people believed that. 40 years ago USC may have been a better job but not today. If TJ ever leaves, I hope it's for the White House. He's much better than all these clowns currently running.
I could be totally ignorant of the situation but u of L athletics has thrived under the leadership of Ramsey AND Jurich, not in spite of each other. Does anybody really know on this message board what their true relationship is? I doubt it.
My guess is that Ramsey and Jurich have grown apart lately over the support-or-not issue WRT Pitino.

I don't know that Jurich is as joined at the hip with Pitino as Pitino wants to think they are. But the way Jurich handles communications, I doubt seriously that he approves of the way Ramsey has (mis)handled his communications regarding Pitino.

Jurich likely feels that it's best to keep family matters within the family whether it's Ramsey or Pitino in front of a mike. And neither guy seems to be able to do that at the moment...
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Jurich is one of the most talented ADs around. I'm beyond impressed on how he has built up the UL program across the board.
Even the rowing center is insane.

Tom is the glue that holds everything together in my opinion.
Certainly seems like something that Jurich or his people intentionally put out there at this point to gain support from Ramsey or the fan base with all that's going on. Hearing something from USC sources would give the rumor more credibility. Not to say that Tom isn't worthy of the interest the timing just seems curious as did the UNLV interest with Pitino
According to miltiple local sources, USC is courting (once again) Tom Jurich for it's AD position, with a possible offer already on the table. THIS is scary. I am ambivalent regarding Coach Pitino's future at UofL, but IMO, Tom Jurich is the athletic department superstar whose leadership we definitely need to keep here.
Man, you all are some conspiracy throwing fools. Former USC AD Pat Hayden and Juruch are buds. I'm sure Hayden told USC folks to give up the kitchen sink to get Tom. It's silly to think anything other than that.
Man, you all are some conspiracy throwing fools. Former USC AD Pat Hayden and Juruch are buds. I'm sure Hayden told USC folks to give up the kitchen sink to get Tom. It's silly to think anything other than that.

Did you mean to respond to MY quote with this response?
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In many ways, mostly financial, the athletic department is separate from the University. Jurich is the CEO of that entity. He really is untouchable when it comes to athletics. The scandal is the first time an athletic issue with one of his programs crossed over into University policies. The events happened on University property, it hurts the University image, and involved other groups or individuals that weren't athletes.

That is Ramsey's world, he has to take over at that point. All the rest is just smoke and mirrors. The bottom line is Jurich, once he found out about the violation, recommended or made the call to ban post season play. Ramsey then made the call to accept the recommendation which is exactly how it should have played out.

The only thing to question is why Jurich wasn't initially on the committee? I think the serious nature of the issue his presence could create the perception he would influence the process. I have no issue with that decision.

In the end I don't believe Ramsey isn't going to touch Jurich or Pitino unless there was a clear lack of control in the basketball operation or athletic department. Whatever happens to Pitino will be a Jurich call, which will hing on his or his staffs role in the mess.

Jurich is the key, while I don't want to see Pitino leave, Louisville will get another great coach. I am not sure you can find another AD to come close to want Jurich built. He will finish up the football stadium expansion then turn his baby over.
Man, you all are some conspiracy throwing fools. Former USC AD Pat Hayden and Juruch are buds. I'm sure Hayden told USC folks to give up the kitchen sink to get Tom. It's silly to think anything other than that.

FWIW...drew deener, who is essentially John Ramsey's boss, basically verified my conspiracy theory this morning. Had there been real legs to this "story" it would have been Pat Forde or Brett McMurphy breaking it. Instead John Ramsey and Jody Demling were used as tools in this situation.
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Jurich couldn't initially be on the committee because at the time and they still may not know is how deep into the athletic department does this run. If they included Tom initially he would always be subject to a cover up. This removes any concern. Why don't we let things play out before we slander or condemn anyone until all the facts or at least most of them have surfaced.
Tom is not going anywhere soon and neither is CRP all this talk that they are using this as leverage is ridiculous. We are lucky to have them and I don't blame other schools for wanting them.