shadow force Moderator Moderator Jun 8, 2010 12,568 7,126 26 Yesterday at 2:49 PM #1 Reactions: rh62531
TheRealVille 6000+ Apr 27, 2015 6,294 4,869 26 Yesterday at 3:16 PM #2 Interesting. Reactions: rh62531
R Rollem Cards Five-Star Poster Jul 9, 2001 22,712 13,292 26 Yesterday at 10:51 PM #4 You serious Clark?
2 2330859 Four-Star Poster Nov 28, 2002 11,667 9,194 26 Today at 7:55 AM #5 No surprise there; somewhat strange when he initially announced entering the Portal, as there was insufficient evidence that he would find himself in high demand without much of a resume. Reactions: Rollem Cards
No surprise there; somewhat strange when he initially announced entering the Portal, as there was insufficient evidence that he would find himself in high demand without much of a resume.