That is a different matter. Many who dislike Trump have no desire to see the country fail (Bill Maher being the exception). You seem to not care if the university faces ruin, so long as the result is the elimination of the current leadership. But let’s say events unfold to your liking, and a different board, president, and AD materialize, and they are not your estimation “clowns”. What will they inherit? How many long difficult years would be spent rebuilding UofL as an institution, not to mention athletics, and how would they attract top- flight people to such a disastrous situation in the first place? The funny thing is, I hold no UofL degrees and never attended UofL as a student, though I did a fellowship at the medical center. But I seem to have fonder wishes for it than some on here and I don’t understand why it’s necessary to destroy to save. You have been unfair to Vince NQ. He is certainly not above criticism, but every word, every deed, isn’t sinister or incompetent. You have been extremely unfair to Dr. Bendapudi, labeling her with snide nicknames and attacking everything she does based on the people who hired her. Unlike Mr Trump, the leadership and faculty ARE the institution. To hope for their failure is to hope the institution fails.