Tyra on Fall sports...


Jun 20, 2001
From his announcement:

Q: Will it be difficult for fall sports to begin?

TYRA: I think, one is, what you guys can’t see is how intact we are and how in touch we are with our student athletes and what’s happening with our coaching staffs and what not.

And recruiting is continuing. I was on a recruiting call last night with a couple of the football coaches for an hour or so. So I think that workouts, the student athletes checking in, the things they’re doing to keep themselves ready physically.

We’re certainly trying to make sure they’re safe wherever they are at home. They’re keeping mentally sharp as well. It’s going to take some fine tuning. I think that’s why you’re hearing about this window of time of preparation for student athletes that they may need for football specifically six weeks

Certainly for soccer in the fall. Your endurance has really got to be strong or injuries are going to come about.

So I think there’s a window of time to worry about safety. And those head coaches across the country are providing the guidance to our conference offices and to us, the ADs, and we’re in turn providing that to the NCAA to help make prudent decisions about how to be properly conditioned going into a season, if it’s a truncated pre-season.”


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