I was a troll, or was I RIGHT????OP is a uahkay/cayut troll. Ignore his ignorant @$$.
GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
Eat crow all of you.
I'm not off the Bobby train, but I called this last year and all of you kool-aid drinkers hammered me like I was stupid for saying this stuff.
Our fan base does it to ourselves. We always just assume things are going to be great and we never question leadership.
Tom insulated the coaches and made it a great place to work, but it shows that Bobby has no motivation to get better because no one has the guts to call him out. Bobby thinks he did us a favor by coming back and we owe him more the he owes us for accepting him back.
We have talent and I know Bobby can coach at a high level, we need to demand better from him now.