There is a generalized media premonition out there that Louisville women's athletics begins and ends with women's basketball. I could point out that Cardinal Couple covers women's athletics at UofL each and every day, but, I don't want a "homerism" tag applied to me. And, if you listen to some media "#C*&@$'s" -- Cardinal Couple isn't a real media outlet.
(Excuse me while I pause to laugh). Maybe it's because they don't have nice hair...
We have a local paper that is pitiful, and they couldn't cover a dog walking down the road accurately or correctly. Every few months or so, they trot out someone new to cover women's athletics, but, that changes when an opportunity to cover men's sports opens up, or a job in a larger market develops.
So, you have to search for coverage. For years, this site lacked much women's coverage. I was asked to cover women. I asked if I could cover ALL the women's sports at UofL, not just basketball, and got the "go ahead". I've enjoyed it, but my article seldom get read and never get headlines here. That's the way it is, I suppose. It doesn't bother me, though I'm jusr grateful to be in the the band, don't need to be the lead singer or guitaraist.
I will say that Howie Lindsey was a mentor and I learned a lot from him, but, he left sports reporting to make more money. God bless him.
In the final analysis, all one can do is put information out there and see if anyone cares, or reads it. Covering women's sports was once chauvinistically described to me as "putting a dessert on the table, but then five other desserts appear and yours doesn't get paid any attention to".
For those of us who care, we can look at the UofL women's sports programs and not see any furor over particular coaches, game-decisions, job-flirting, philosophy, dis-satisfaction from former minority athletes, NCAA sanctions or mediocrity. We just win and go to post-season tournaments.
Nothing to see here -- what did Mack do today while drinking his coffee or Satterfield say on his way to the locker room? That's news, not two teams in the top five currently.