Satt allegedly seriously interested in USCjr Job

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Gold Member
Sep 4, 2006

The only new information I have to pass on is that Louisville head coach Scott Satterfield has been mentioned to me by multiple sources today as someone gaining traction with the South Carolina job. I am told he is now the candidate president Bob Caslen prefers. I spoke with a source familiar with him as a coach and a person. He is known as a good person and one with a strong offensive mind. I was told the biggest concern about him is he took over an Appalachian State program that was already built and just continued doing what they had been doing. Since arriving at Louisville, the feeling is he has continued to recruit the same kind of athlete as he did in Boone, and that is going to catch up with him if he stays with the Cardinals. It also would not work at South Carolina. So the question is whether he would be able to recruit at the necessary level to increase the talent and build the Gamecock program going forward? Also, Satterfield’s buyout is believed to be in the $8 mil range and was thought to be a deterrent for the Gamecocks, but word is he is willing to handle that on his own.

From what I am reading Satt and his agent are the pushing this hard.
IF this is true and Satt leaves after only 2 years, a major rebuild becomes more difficult. Regardless, recruits - prospects are certainly aware of the speculation.
IMO, just reading too much to deny that Satt and his agent are behind this. Again, IF true and he's interested but does NOT go, just how long does he stay around if he's successful here?
I am not one of the guys that was cutting his wrist when Jeff stayed at Purdue, namely for 6plus million reasons and his just over 500 record. But, we gotta find a guy with local state ties that's wants to be here, retire here.
The funny thing is, people can deny deny deny, but all Scott has to do is publicly say he’s staying here and not interested, but he’s not doing that, so that tells me all I need to know. He could shut this down today.
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Yeah, but if USCjr , not exactly an $EC powerhouse, can pluck our coach so easily, it makes us look that much more second-rate. I really don’t understand why you’d leave so quickly, but I guess the lure of the $EC is irresistible, even for a relative bottom feeder.
Yeah, but if USCjr , not exactly an $EC powerhouse, can pluck our coach so easily, it makes us look that much more second-rate. I really don’t understand why you’d leave so quickly, but I guess the lure of the $EC is irresistible, even for a relative bottom feeder.
I think it’s more that part of the country is where he’s from. I’m not sure how well he and his family have acclimated here. That’s a total guess on my part based on loose stories.
I think it’s more that part of the country is where he’s from. I’m not sure how well he and his family have acclimated here. That’s a total guess on my part based on loose stories.
Yea, I don't known if I buy that. I have read similar as well. Is Louisville that much different than other places he has coached at, other than size? It just doesn't seem reasonable.
The funny thing is, people can deny deny deny, but all Scott has to do is publicly say he’s staying here and not interested, but he’s not doing that, so that tells me all I need to know. He could shut this down today.

I don't think you can shut it down once the story gets going, until the job is filled or the coach publicly turns down an offer. Even then the story will just move from SC to School 2 with an opening.

How many coaches have we seen say things like "I'm not cut that way" only to leave anyway. Some coaches will say nothing, others will lie and leave anyway. Still others will say they're staying but change their minds.

The only way to avoid this speculation is if your coach is unsuccessful. And who wants that?
It would be a net negative if he left but I’m not worried about it. I think there are other coaches out there that would be better fits here.

He was not too fond with Javian Hawkins opting out and then he shows that perhaps he is willing to leave early for money as well. Hmm.
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· 16m
Louisville AD @vincetyra says Scott Satterfield has told him several times, including tonight, he's committed to being the Louisville football coach and the report that Satterfield will interview for the South Carolina job is NOT true. Story coming at

Tyra denies report of Satterfield interview at South Carolina, says he’s happy at U of L
Cameron Teague Robinson
Louisville Courier Journal
USCjr will throw the bank at Huge Freeze. That is who they want, that’s who they’ll get. I’m sure it will be a big love fest at E$PN and $EC Network. Never mind the crap they threw at us because we rehired Petrino. USCjr is in an arms race with Clempson and they they are losing it big.
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Pat Forde


Some additional South Carolina-Satterfield info: the school did express interest in the Louisville coach through intermediaries, as well as several other coaches. There was no interview set, per an industry source.
at Forde


News: After an Athletic report that South Carolina has an interview scheduled with Louisville coach Scott Satterfield, sources say Satterfield is "not interested and happy at Louisville."
I am surprised by this turn. I thought when he signed this coach would do at least a four to five year run at Louisville before his agent got happy. Its all about money though. South Carolina would be looking at throwing in for about a hundred million when all is said and done. Their coach has a 56 million buyout plus all the staff, then a new coach. But they wanna go back to better days. A coach's contract is just a starting point.
I am also surprised due to the effect Covid 19 has had that a school would do this.
Honestly, I believe most coaches and agents are kind of holding their cards until Michigan and Harbough part ways....and that seems a mutual agreement. Also beginning to wonder how safe the Penn State slot is....0 for 2020 makes for unrest. When the big names start the moves, the coaching feeding frenzy will beat up.
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I’ve thought it from day 1.

The guy left his alma mater to come here. If he wasn’t committed to his program that gave him his first shot, why would he be committed to staying here?

But for Succckks Carolina? Gross.
Another poorly handled situation by a coach. Easily avoidable tell your agent to not float your name. Instead the coach let’s his agent float his name. Not exactly a fan base to play this game with and right before early signing

To me this was tone deaf especially after making comments about players being all in.

Part of the process but my guess is VT is not happy. The only acceptable response would be his Agent floated his name without his approval.
It's troubling that Satt tweets out a denial at nearly mid night Tuesday. Que the hostage video, with a gun pointed at the hostage's head.
The speculation, articles etc., had been floating around since at least last Friday. No way Sexton would have contact with USCjr without Satt signing off on it. Also, it's not like the Athletic is some rag source, in fact just the opposite.
On a side note, The mods at 2 USCjr sites were pretty damn confident in their reporting 4-5 days before the Athletic report came out.
Unfortunately, I am getting the same " I am not cut that way " feel others are.
I wouldn’t have said a word to anybody but my team.

What different does it make? Name me a successful coach that was “happy” here that didn’t leave?

So what does he “say” that will make everybody happy?
If Satterfield initiated this, and it doesn't look like he's getting the SC job, all he's done is make his job at Louisville harder. Hurts recruiting, makes people who were already ornery about 3-6 even ornerier. Patient people will show less patience. AD probably not happy.

I knew he wasn't a lifer but I had hoped he would at least finish rebuilding our program before trying to move on.
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Another poorly handled situation by a coach. Easily avoidable tell your agent to not float your name. Instead the coach let’s his agent float his name. Not exactly a fan base to play this game with and right before early signing

To me this was tone deaf especially after making comments about players being all in.

Part of the process but my guess is VT is not happy. The only acceptable response would be his Agent floated his name without his approval.

VT certainly understands how this game is played, so I don't expect he's unhappy - just busy assembling a list of the best possible head coaching candidates available at this time. And any agent who would float Satterfield's name without his approval would not be his agent for long. Unless we see that he has fired his agent here in the next few weeks, you will have your answer to that suggestion.

Loyalty in this business is much rarer than we would like to believe - and the lack of loyalty goes both ways. 15% of D1 football coaches are fired every year. Satterfield is having a disappointing season in which he will not reach many of the incentive thresholds written into his contract. Another disappointing season like this one might result in UofL having to fire him. If we truly wanted his loyalty, we'd guarantee his contract, like we did Petrino. At UofL, I doubt there's much of an appetite to do anything like that right now.
A big thing about looking for other jobs, Scott hasn’t even been here 2 full seasons and is in the middle of a 3-6 season. It’s not like he’s the hot name and has built something big here. Also, no excuse about conference anymore.

John L was coaching a CUSA team and had success here. He got an offer from Michigan State.

Bobby was winning big. Recruited well. And left for the NFL the first time.

Charlie had us ranked and we won a BCS Bowl.
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I have no idea why usc would want to interview him at this time.

It is not logical, and probably has no truth to it.

Right. All the sources that reported that Satt wanted an interview are conspirators in the fake main stream media agenda. And Satt was being completely honest in his midnight tweet denying ANY interest in the job.

This guy has one foot out the door after 2 years and it pisses me off.
My theory - there was some interest even if it was mild. Satt is a Jimmy Sexton client so Sexton does what he does - he makes sure there is some commitment to an interview and then he leaks that info to a friendly college football reporter. Satt is new to this charade that Sexton plays and gets cold feet when he realizes the press will be constantly asking him about this now that info has been leaked. So he quickly puts out the flames before it hampers recruiting but also before he can effectively parlay this into a raise and/or extension. Sexton sends Satt the book “Getting a Raise through College Football Job Searches for Dummies” and tells him to do better next time.
Right. All the sources that reported that Satt wanted an interview are conspirators in the fake main stream media agenda. And Satt was being completely honest in his midnight tweet denying ANY interest in the job.

This guy has one foot out the door after 2 years and it pisses me off.
Ok. You’re right.

So what makes him different than any other coach we’ve ever had?

Other than the fact he is less experienced in hiding his interest?

Apparently the experts who said we got a great coach when we got him are right, and we’re going to have a hard time keeping him....or any other really good coach we may get.
VT certainly understands how this game is played, so I don't expect he's unhappy - just busy assembling a list of the best possible head coaching candidates available at this time. And any agent who would float Satterfield's name without his approval would not be his agent for long. Unless we see that he has fired his agent here in the next few weeks, you will have your answer to that suggestion.

Loyalty in this business is much rarer than we would like to believe - and the lack of loyalty goes both ways. 15% of D1 football coaches are fired every year. Satterfield is having a disappointing season in which he will not reach many of the incentive thresholds written into his contract. Another disappointing season like this one might result in UofL having to fire him. If we truly wanted his loyalty, we'd guarantee his contract, like we did Petrino. At UofL, I doubt there's much of an appetite to do anything like that right now.
I don’t think you can buy loyalty. The person either believes in the business, profession, or people. Once the person doesn’t believe his professional or personal goals will be met they leave or start looking.

Satterfield is a smart guy he knew what he was walking into and how long it would take to rebuild. This flirtation only tells me he isn’t 100 percent sure Louisville is right for him. In year 2 that is a problem and no way Vince anticipated this in year 2.

We have seen the impact these flirtations have on recruiting. If he wasn’t way up South Carolina’s list this was a stupid move because he made recruiting even harder.
Ok. You’re right.

So what makes him different than any other coach we’ve ever had?

Other than the fact he is less experienced in hiding his interest?

Apparently the experts who said we got a great coach when we got him are right, and we’re going to have a hard time keeping him....or any other really good coach we may get.
Interest in him is exactly what you want. Use that interest to boost recruiting. Why would I leave I have a great class coming in and we are way ahead of schedule the future is bright.

Instead he told everyone isn’t fully committed to Louisville in year 2. You can’t do that at a school where recruiting is already extremely difficult. Guess what if he can’t maintain recruiting he will won’t get any more offers. This PR blunder isn’t a small thing at Louisville.

Hopefully he learns and sticks to original 4-5 year rebuild plan. I believe he is that good and will have a ton on interest.
The point I’m making is, if you are in this profession, and your goal is to remain employed as a head coach for at least 20 years, you had better be paying someone to ALWAYS be looking for you.

So with that in mind, I think that Satterfield’s name being mentioned for the South Carolina job means anything other than people recognize he did a great job last year and at App State. You cannot assume that it means anything more than that.
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Interest in him is exactly what you want. Use that interest to boost recruiting. Why would I leave I have a great class coming in and we are way ahead of schedule the future is bright.

Instead he told everyone isn’t fully committed to Louisville in year 2. You can’t do that at a school where recruiting is already extremely difficult. Guess what if he can’t maintain recruiting he will won’t get any more offers. This PR blunder isn’t a small thing at Louisville.

Hopefully he learns and sticks to original 4-5 year rebuild plan. I believe he is that good and will have a ton on interest.
I agree.

As I say, his “failure” is his inexperience at hiding these contacts. He was not subjected to a lot of that at ASU.

Every other coach knew how to talk the BS at home while negotiating with others.

I think he’ll do good here, and from now on we’ll hear how happy and uninterested he is until one day he’s gone.
Re. various comments....

“Vince” has no clue what he’s doing as far as hiring a football coach.

There wouldn’t be this issue had he gotten the job done with Brohm.

And no way in hell Satterfield has an $8 million buyout deterring him from leaving...
Re. various comments....

“Vince” has no clue what he’s doing as far as hiring a football coach.

There wouldn’t be this issue had he gotten the job done with Brohm.

And no way in hell Satterfield has an $8 million buyout deterring him from leaving...
Vince” has no clue what he’s doing as far as hiring a football coach.
We’ll see. It’s only year 2. I think just the relative stability on staff has been a positive. There’s certainly no reason to believe he’s a poor coach.

There wouldn’t be this issue had he gotten the job done with Brohm.

It takes two to tango. Jeff hasn’t proven anything more than Satterfield, frankly. If he really wanted to be here, he was offered plenty. Jeff also didn’t get it done. As far as Vince NQ- well, you have to know when to walk away. I’ve got no problem with how things worked out.

And no way in hell Satterfield has an $8 million buyout deterring him from leaving...

so? What’s your point? High buyout =bigger contract, and you’d be bitching about how much we are paying him.
Nice having you back. Have a happy thanksgiving
Re. various comments....

“Vince” has no clue what he’s doing as far as hiring a football coach.

There wouldn’t be this issue had he gotten the job done with Brohm.

And no way in hell Satterfield has an $8 million buyout deterring him from leaving...

As sure as the sun rising in the East...
At this point, Brohm would have far more support from the fanbase--and the funding that comes with it--than Satterfield.

And Brohm wouldn't be interviewing to leave the hometown school and his alma mater. In fact, I doubt he'd even be getting a sales pitch.

"Vince" simply face planted on that one (and others)...
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Vince” has no clue what he’s doing as far as hiring a football coach.
We’ll see. It’s only year 2. I think just the relative stability on staff has been a positive. There’s certainly no reason to believe he’s a poor coach.

There wouldn’t be this issue had he gotten the job done with Brohm.

It takes two to tango. Jeff hasn’t proven anything more than Satterfield, frankly. If he really wanted to be here, he was offered plenty. Jeff also didn’t get it done. As far as Vince NQ- well, you have to know when to walk away. I’ve got no problem with how things worked out.

And no way in hell Satterfield has an $8 million buyout deterring him from leaving...

so? What’s your point? High buyout =bigger contract, and you’d be bitching about how much we are paying him.
Nice having you back. Have a happy thanksgiving
This program currently has the worst combination of fan support, financial support, and on-the-field performance that it ever has.

MAYBE Satterfield can turn that around. But his boss obviously doesn't have any ideas about how to fix things.

Anyone heard about the stadium naming rights deal that was in the offing? I didn't think so.

Happy T'giving to you as well. And I'll be here whenever the door is open...
At this point, Brohm would have far more support from the fanbase--and the funding that comes with it--than Satterfield.

And Brohm wouldn't be interviewing to leave the hometown school and his alma mater. In fact, I doubt he'd even be getting a sales pitch.

"Vince" simply face planted on that one (and others)...
Both of these statements are based on nothing. If he loved his hometown school so much, why didn’t he come when he had the opportunity? He used his alma mater to get more $$$ out of Purdue. Why don’t you think he would be looking around? Your assumption with respect to fan support is based on - here’s that word again- winning. If he did no better here than at Purdue, that support would evaporate.
This program currently has the worst combination of fan support, financial support, and on-the-field performance that it ever has.

I'm no historian but it was better when Ron Cooper was here and the Cards went 1-10 (Thank you FIGHTING ILLINI!) while playing in the CUSA @ Cardinal Stadium? Final home game that year vs East Carolina 12k fans!

Cue in "Memories" background music!
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Fans of this program know by now a coach is going to have one foot out the door upon arrival. It sucks to be invested fully as a fan, but unable to get the same in return from staffers. But, that's the reality of the landscape. I think the avg coaching tenure in D1 lasts roughly 4 years.

The thing I wasn't ready for was elimination of tailgate, chance to go watch the team play with my best friend, and seeing old friends at the game.

If I recall Brohm couldn't be afforded, maybe I have that wrong - I didn't follow it closely. I think ultimately he is the kind of guy that could outlast that average tenure and I know some fans are down on him but when the job opens up I'm all for making him the first or one of the first contacts.
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