Romeo said..

Jun 10, 2005
Romeo said that Calipari was a bad in game coach that was incapable of making in game adjustments. That is why he scratched Ky off his list.

Ky fans are racing to their phones and computer machines to threaten Romeo and his family.

Article was in the CJ. I read about it on Twitter, don't buy or click on CJ articles.
Sounds like a smart kid.
Yes he does, then you look at his final 3 list and wonder if he really is.

He could come to the Ville and play for coach Mack in front of 22,000 and play in the ACC. Instead, he wants the B10, SEC, or B12. Smart? I'm not so sure. Let's see what he decides.
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Lolololololol I just went to their shit board to see what they said about this.

It's the typical "Cal backed off of him, I trust Cal on this, he doesn't fit our system " hahaha Cow would take him in 2 sec if he wanted to come there. They are the most delusional bunch of nut jobs I've ever seen and I'm convinced they believe their own lies.

I firmly believe Cal is washed up and at the end of his cycle. He is the only coach in the history of the game with that many 5 stars on his roster every single year and he has one single championship playing in a crap conference.

Plus he just choked away, at the least an elite 8 with the easiest road in the history of the game, to a team playing five guards .

He's a washed up HOF recruiter and players like Langford are starting to realize this.
The one thing Cal used to be able to do was annihilate people in recruiting. Now that isn't the case and illegal inducements are under the microscope, I would say his career will end soon and in very inglorious fashion.
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I’ll say this though - based on the article it definitely appeared as though sweaty cal did move on from Langford, after Langford’s dad called him out for what he thought was lying to them during his recruitment and, pointed out that he did a terrible job and got completely out coached at the U19s.

As good as Langford is, the last thing that cow (or any coach for that matter) wants, is people in the program pointing out his shortcomings.
If Calipari has the best players, he’s got a punchers chance to win the game. His X’s and O’s are why inferior teams should have optimism.
I think his biggest problem has been his arrogance. He gets them peaking in March but once they find an equal he fails to realize just that, they found an equal. I assume he never changes that approach. It's just weird that he refuses to do so.
What's got you tickled? The fact that Duke and others get first dibs or the fact that Cal's utter lack of coaching ability is even more glaring now that he has no Anthony Davis's?
Yeah, either that or the fact that Jay Bilas, Seth Greenberg, Dick Vitale, Bob Huggins,Charles Barkley and dozens of other Coaches and sports personalities that have been around coaches and basketball all their lives, disagree with you, lol
Do they? Lol. What else you got chump?

Kevin Ollie, Tom Crean and Bruce Weber have all ended seasons for Cal. All three have been fired from major D1 jobs. In all three instances, Cal had more talent. Ouch!
Everyone besides UK fans knows this. HOF recruiter is all he is and even coach K is beating his ass at that now.
How many 5-Star Hall of Fame type recruits did Calipari bring in at UMass & Memphis when he was leading those nothing basketball programs to the Final Four?...... And as far as Romeo goes. Did you read what he said about another Hall of Fame coach Roy Williams. Believe me, it wasn't flattering. Romeo is a child that needs an ego adjustment.
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Jay wright has only made it to the sweet 16 twice, (Both years he’s won it) since 2010. does that mean he’s a bad coach? He’s going after the same elite players as everyone else including UK and UofL. I’ll be the first to admit Cals not the best in game coach, it’s a fact. But overall he’s far from bad. He beat RP 9/10 times and we didn’t always have the better team. Also not all 5 stars are on the same level. Dorian Lamb wasn’t Devon booker. Marques Teague who you all went after hard wasn’t not John Wall. Most here believe that just because there is a 5* next to that name they should be unstoppable and an NBA player before stepping into college. It’s not true. Some are misjudged. But it all comes back to Caps fault when they don’t turn out. It’s a bias and an unfair one. No one does the same for a 4* guy that doesn’t even start his senior year. Heck coach K has had more busts than Cal. But he’s not a bad coach??? Haha. I understand the hate. But to say Cal is a bad coach is ridiculous. He’s a HoF’r. Placing blame on him every time he don’t win N.C. but doing it to no other coach? Duke should have slaughtered through this tournament with all their 5* and upperclassmen. I don’t hear K is a bad coach, he had more juice on this team than Cal did. So what gives?
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Do they? Lol. What else you got chump?

Kevin Ollie, Tom Crean and Bruce Weber have all ended seasons for Cal. All three have been fired from major D1 jobs. In all three instances, Cal had more talent. Ouch!
Welllll, I guess in your world, what does it say about Coach K after losing to #15 seed Lehigh in 2012, #14 seed Mercer in 2014, #10 seed Providence in 1997, and #11 seed Boston College in 1985.? Pretty sure there was a huge talent gap considering Duke was a 1,2, or 3 seed in those games. Probably not a great way to judge a Coach unless you're thinking Coach K can't Coach either.
That's easy. Most on here just don't like Calipari AT ALL. Why is that so freaking hard to understand?
If you don’t like him great. A lot don’t. But at least most try to use common sense and facts instead of saying he’s a bad coach because he does the same thing and gets the same or better results as the other TOP 5 coaches
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If you don’t like him great. A lot don’t. But at least most try to use common sense and facts instead of saying he’s a bad coach because he does the same thing and gets the same or better results as the other TOP 5 coaches

Also, while we are conversing, I would love for you to point to any post of mine where I said Calipari was a bad basketball coach. You can't because I never said that. Common sense should tell people that any coach who makes it to the Hall of Fame knows how to coach. Still, IMO he is a putz. He is arrogant, condensending, smug, and basically just a smartass who needs to have his attitude readjusted, He'll realize it eventually as most people who grow old do and he will become more humble once his feelings of invincibility shrink away. Maybe then I'll change my mind about Calipari the person. Right now though, he's a total asshat. Generally speaking, he is the perfect fit for his fan base. son.
How many 5-Star Hall of Fame type recruits did Calipari bring in at UMass & Memphis when he was leading those nothing basketball programs to the Final Four?...... And as far as Romeo goes. Did you read what he said about another Hall of Fame coach Roy Williams. Believe me, it wasn't flattering. Romeo is a child that needs an ego adjustment.

I don’t know what HOF you are referring to, but his stint at UMass pre-dates his relationship with WWW. As for Memphis, he was doing the same thing as he is at UK starting with Dejuan Wagner and ending with Jalen Rose. You think Cal got the UK job because of his Xs and Os prowess with underrated talent?? LMAO.
Well I do know that Coach K has won more than one Natiinal Title
Mike Krzyzewski has had the good fortune to coach a blue blood program program for 38 years. Calipari has been at a blue blood program for only 9 years. Give Cal 38 years at Kentucky & then tell us what you think about his record. You can bet your last dollar that he will have a lot more than 1 national championship. Yeah,yeah, yeah I know with Cal's age he'll hasn't got 29 more years of coaching left. It's really not a fair comparison to compare Krzyzewski & Cal's records, While K was at Duke Cal was stuck at UMass & Memphis.
How many 5-Star Hall of Fame type recruits did Calipari bring in at UMass & Memphis when he was leading those nothing basketball programs to the Final Four?...... And as far as Romeo goes. Did you read what he said about another Hall of Fame coach Roy Williams. Believe me, it wasn't flattering. Romeo is a child that needs an ego adjustment.

Hate agreeing with a scat fan but I agree with you on Romeo. I don't like his or his dad's unflattering mouth. I'll bet my ass he's not a one and done first round pick also. Something with Romeo stinks and as far as I'm concerned I don't want his high drama ass here.
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Mike Krzyzewski has had the good fortune to coach a blue blood program program for 38 years. Calipari has been at a blue blood program for only 9 years. Give Cal 38 years at Kentucky & then tell us what you think about his record. You can bet your last dollar that he will have a lot more than 1 national championship. Yeah,yeah, yeah I know with Cal's age he'll hasn't got 29 more years of coaching left. It's really not a fair comparison to compare Krzyzewski & Cal's records, While K was at Duke Cal was stuck at UMass & Memphis.
1. There isn't a coach in the history of basketball that could last anything remotely close to 38 years at u ah k - big hillbilly nation would drive them completely insane in half that time.
2. Unless he clones Anthony Davis - you can bet your last dollar that him winning another title is anything but a sure bet.
3. K made Duke what it is - a blue blood. Perhaps had cow not tried to keep one step ahead of ncaa sanctions, he could have done the same to umass or memphis state.
Mike Krzyzewski has had the good fortune to coach a blue blood program program for 38 years. Calipari has been at a blue blood program for only 9 years. Give Cal 38 years at Kentucky & then tell us what you think about his record. You can bet your last dollar that he will have a lot more than 1 national championship. Yeah,yeah, yeah I know with Cal's age he'll hasn't got 29 more years of coaching left. It's really not a fair comparison to compare Krzyzewski & Cal's records, While K was at Duke Cal was stuck at UMass & Memphis.
Duke wasn't a blue blood when Coach K took over.
Duke wasn't a blue blood when Coach K took over.
That’s debatable. Certainly K is the most successful that program has had, but before his arrival they had 4 final fours, including two national title game appearances, 5 S16/E8 appearances, 10 conference tourney championships, and 10 conference regular season championships. They also reached the 1000 win mark in 1974, which I believe is ahead of us, though I’m not for sure when we did.
Jay wright has only made it to the sweet 16 twice, (Both years he’s won it) since 2010. does that mean he’s a bad coach? He’s going after the same elite players as everyone else including UK and UofL. I’ll be the first to admit Cals not the best in game coach, it’s a fact. But overall he’s far from bad. He beat RP 9/10 times and we didn’t always have the better team. Also not all 5 stars are on the same level. Dorian Lamb wasn’t Devon booker. Marques Teague who you all went after hard wasn’t not John Wall. Most here believe that just because there is a 5* next to that name they should be unstoppable and an NBA player before stepping into college. It’s not true. Some are misjudged. But it all comes back to Caps fault when they don’t turn out. It’s a bias and an unfair one. No one does the same for a 4* guy that doesn’t even start his senior year. Heck coach K has had more busts than Cal. But he’s not a bad coach??? Haha. I understand the hate. But to say Cal is a bad coach is ridiculous. He’s a HoF’r. Placing blame on him every time he don’t win N.C. but doing it to no other coach? Duke should have slaughtered through this tournament with all their 5* and upperclassmen. I don’t hear K is a bad coach, he had more juice on this team than Cal did. So what gives?

You lost me after Jay Wright.....
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Mike Krzyzewski has had the good fortune to coach a blue blood program program for 38 years. Calipari has been at a blue blood program for only 9 years. Give Cal 38 years at Kentucky & then tell us what you think about his record. You can bet your last dollar that he will have a lot more than 1 national championship. Yeah,yeah, yeah I know with Cal's age he'll hasn't got 29 more years of coaching left. It's really not a fair comparison to compare Krzyzewski & Cal's records, While K was at Duke Cal was stuck at UMass & Memphis.
He was “stuck” at UMass and Memphus cause those were the caliber of schools he deserved as a coach.