People think Cal recruits all on his own


Mar 21, 2015
When Worldwide Wes wants the bar to stay open, it stays open
After watching the end of Michigan State/Kansas, we headed to the team hotel bar for a nightcap. The team has already left town, but plenty of movers and shakers were still there, making for some excellent people watching. Even though bars in Chicago don’t close until 2 a.m. or so, the staff at the bar called last call around midnight, which did not sit well with one Worldwide Wes. Wes and his well-dressed posse rolled in and, when they heard the bar was getting ready to close, took action.

“Let’s see if we can keep this party going,” Wes said, strolling up to the bar with resolve. Minutes later, servers started circulating again, as did Wes, who bought a round for every UK fan in the bar. All while talking on a beat up flip phone circa 1998.

Straight from KSR
A little bit of a stretch, but I can see where your going with this line of thinking.
It's funny how WWW was around the Memphis program when Calipari was at Memphis but WWW hasn't been around the Memphis program since Cal left. I think everybody knows the truth about where Cal is getting all the players from.
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Such a savage mystery, lol. UK fans have done the predictable.

They now embrace WWWes.
WWW has nothing to do with UKs success. anyone that says different is just jealous plain and simple. At this point can anyone relly doubt why the best want to come to UK?? Wouldnt you want the best path to college success, education, and the NBA if you were a high ranked basketball recruit?
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Name one player that has been drafted from UK that wouldn't have been drafted if they went ANYWHERE else? If you don't think there aren't people (WWW) funneling players to UK you have lost your mind. There are handlers, shoe companies, and others pushing players to certain schools. To think other wise is foolish. Calipari, to his credit, was the first to say I am in.

What Louisville or other fans can't say is he cheats to make that happen. There is no proof that he has done any of that at UK.
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Every top program country in the country has multiple people that help put coaches in contact with the recruits.
of course cal does not recruit on his own. you think rp does? or cream at IU or Williams or even coach k? but yea I think a number of players go to UK to get drafted. and yes all those other players would of been drafted if not gone to UK. but one thing cal and UK does is get guys draftEd high in the draft.

go back over the last 6 years and look at the top players that did not go to UK and see were thEy were drafted. cal and UK get guys in the draft but gets them drafted high on that board. you think if Blackmon jr had been in bookers spot that he would not of gotten that high draft spot? what about Townes who was proejected as top 5 but ended up 1 after only playing half the min as others. the twins if they had gone to any other school would of been 4 year guys. but they made it in the league. willie a 4 star became a lottery pick.

you guys are missing the big picture. yea talent will get drafted but were you get drafted is the money maker. and at UK guys get drafted high. even when they do not play a lot. not sure u need www to sale that , think it sales itself.

hell monk has nothing to do with www, but he knows after a year he wants to be in the best position he can be in to go as high as possible on that board. 1 spot up our down could mean millions . so why wouldn't he want to go to a place that every game is televised , you have the best trainers to prepare you, you work and live in an NBA atmosphere that prepares you for the next level, and owe you could be 2 or 3 on your team in scoring and still be a lottery pick.

good or bad this is the system today. and do I think www is a bad guy? no , he got his start with Ul players and coaches. I think he serves as a good go between for young men about to make the biggest decisions of their families lives for generations to come. so so what if he helps our represents these young men and their families during this time. God knows plenty of slimy coaches out their who will lie and cheat these young men to get their name on the dotted line. I suggest read about www and get his back ground before just condemning him a bad guy who takes advantage of these young men. I did and was really surprised at how he has helped and counseled some young men on making the best decision for them , not the school or coach but for the young man and his family.
of course cal does not recruit on his own. you think rp does? or cream at IU or Williams or even coach k? but yea I think a number of players go to UK to get drafted. and yes all those other players would of been drafted if not gone to UK. but one thing cal and UK does is get guys draftEd high in the draft.

go back over the last 6 years and look at the top players that did not go to UK and see were thEy were drafted. cal and UK get guys in the draft but gets them drafted high on that board. you think if Blackmon jr had been in bookers spot that he would not of gotten that high draft spot? what about Townes who was proejected as top 5 but ended up 1 after only playing half the min as others. the twins if they had gone to any other school would of been 4 year guys. but they made it in the league. willie a 4 star became a lottery pick.

you guys are missing the big picture. yea talent will get drafted but were you get drafted is the money maker. and at UK guys get drafted high. even when they do not play a lot. not sure u need www to sale that , think it sales itself.

hell monk has nothing to do with www, but he knows after a year he wants to be in the best position he can be in to go as high as possible on that board. 1 spot up our down could mean millions . so why wouldn't he want to go to a place that every game is televised , you have the best trainers to prepare you, you work and live in an NBA atmosphere that prepares you for the next level, and owe you could be 2 or 3 on your team in scoring and still be a lottery pick.

"Not sure you don't need WWW to sell a player" It's obvious you don't understand that he has a direct line to just about all NBA teams this has been put on record by NBA players themselves. So if he tells a team to draft a certain player guess what there us a high probablity they will. And when Cal wants a certain guy Wes gets involved don't fool yourself and belive otherwise that these guys aren't being directly funneled into UK.
Whhs22, I am sorry to say you are describing a professional minor league program and you should be describing a college program. That is the problem you and people like you have sold out the integrity of your program for wins.

That is why it is so funny when you and your fans talk about education, your program has nothing to do with education.
Should be an interesting game at Rupp. This is the best set of guards that I can remember at UK in some time. Will be interesting to see how the two teams match up.
Whhs22, I am sorry to say you are describing a professional minor league program and you should be describing a college program. That is the problem you and people like you have sold out the integrity of your program for wins.

That is why it is so funny when you and your fans talk about education, your program has nothing to do with education.
It's funny how WWW was around the Memphis program when Calipari was at Memphis but WWW hasn't been around the Memphis program since Cal left. I think everybody knows the truth about where Cal is getting all the players from.
Isn't it a fact that WWW was all about the Louisville program back in Coach Crums days. He has been associated with lots of programs over the past thirty years. He works camps. He is well known in the AAU programs. Every collage coach knows him. It isn't all about the Cats.
Isn't it a fact that WWW was all about the Louisville program back in Coach Crums days. He has been associated with lots of programs over the past thirty years. He works camps. He is well known in the AAU programs. Every collage coach knows him. It isn't all about the Cats.
He didn't have near the connections or pull in those days he was just a friend of players in New york whom happen to sign with u of L back then.
He didn't have near the connections or pull in those days he was just a friend of players in New york whom happen to sign with u of L back then.
Sure, he wasn't as influential back then - it takes time to become influential in a big picture sense.

But, on the other hand, a man's character and morality tend to be fairly consistent over time. You guys go on and on and on about how grody Wes is and how he is willing to resort to all kinds of backhanded tactics to make things happen (whatever those things may be), and how he is literally the personification of all things wrong with college basketball.


So, if you really believe all that about the man, then regardless of his influence level back then, would his character have been any different? When he was constantly in and out of the UL locker room and was Milt Wagner's self proclaimed best friend during UL's greatest run ever, do you think that he was for some reason *not* inclined to pull little shady stuff all over the place (but on a smaller scale)?

You believe that he has a complete and total disregard for all the NCAA's rules and every day is just a series of 1000 dollar handshakes and leased escalades - well, again, leopards don't change their spots, so the only logical conclusion is that he was handing out sneakers (the business he started in) and leased impalas back in the day, or whatever the low budget equivalent is.

If you believe that he's doing all of this dirty/underworld/mastermind stuff, then you certainly believe he greased some palms while he was still coming up - young and hungry guys are usually more desperate to succeed and impress than older, influential guys. And the place where he was first breaking into the basketball world is Louisville. Again, during your best run ever. There are no two ways about it. If you think he's the dirtmaster now but also that he committed no NCAA violations at Louisville, you are beyond pie in the sky. Some other, bigger pastry in the sky.
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Whhs22, I am sorry to say you are describing a professional minor league program and you should be describing a college program. That is the problem you and people like you have sold out the integrity of your program for wins.

That is why it is so funny when you and your fans talk about education, your program has nothing to do with education.

So Duke has sold out the integrity of their program for wins? The poster child for college athletes in college bball and one of the top academic institutions in the ACC is churning out one and dones. I guess their program has nothing to do with education
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Sure, he wasn't as influential back then - it takes time to become influential in a big picture sense.

But, on the other hand, a man's character and morality tend to be fairly consistent over time. You guys go on and on and on about how grody Wes is and how he is willing to resort to all kinds of backhanded tactics to make things happen (whatever those things may be), and how he is literally the personification of all things wrong with college basketball.


So, if you really believe all that about the man, then regardless of his influence level back then, would his character have been any different? When he was constantly in and out of the UL locker room and was Milt Wagner's self proclaimed best friend during UL's greatest run ever, do you think that he was for some reason *not* inclined to pull little shady stuff all over the place (but on a smaller scale)?

You believe that he has a complete and total disregard for all the NCAA's rules and every day is just a series of 1000 dollar handshakes and leased escalades - well, again, leopards don't change their spots, so the only logical conclusion is that he was handing out sneakers (the business he started in) and leased impalas back in the day, or whatever the low budget equivalent is.

If you believe that he's doing all of this dirty/underworld/mastermind stuff, then you certainly believe he greased some palms while he was still coming up - young and hungry guys are usually more desperate to succeed and impress than older, influential guys. And the place where he was first breaking into the basketball world is Louisville. Again, during your best run ever. There are no two ways about it. If you think he's the dirtmaster now but also that he committed no NCAA violations at Louisville, you are beyond pie in the sky. Some other, bigger pastry in the sky.
Wes is on record with being shady it's a known fact many articles written about this guy . Calipari got involved deep in his Memphis days with this guy .And Milt was a Cal assisatant at memphis also .
You cherry pick UK players. The Twins were top ten picks before they came to UK the ended up 2nd round picks. Stein is a freak athlete that would have been drafted high on pure potential. AP was a top ten pick coming out of high school he is still in school. Then you cherry pick the players that didn't come to UK. Then you assume because they didn't come to UK they didn't get drafted. Booker is a different player than Blackmon.

The bottom line he is getting top level talent that would succeed anywhere and get drafted high.

It is amazing that how he struggled at Memphis until WWW came into the picture with Wagner 2002. The one and done rule came into play in 2005 that is when his success took off. There is no denying that and to his credit he embraced the rule. Very similar to Rick embracing the 3 point line. The point is Cal has the most influential man in basketball in his back pocket for anyone to think that isn't a huge reason for his success is fooling themselves. The players have made Cal not the other way around. That was the point of the OP. Without WWW and the Elite players Cal is a average coach his overall record bears that out.

Here the thing there is nothing wrong with it but stop trying to convince people that Cal is this great coach he isn't. Look at LSU that guy can't coach to save his life but LSU is going win a bunch of games.
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And that is why college basketball is going down the tubes. They either need to let these uneducated guys go on to the NBA or make them stay three years out of high school like other sports. uk is not a college team. They are a developmental team for the pros. Most don't go to school after the first semester. (Which keeps them able to play) Case in point. Randle. The guy has 4 credit hours after going to school two semesters.
And that is why college basketball is going down the tubes. They either need to let these uneducated guys go on to the NBA or make them stay three years out of high school like other sports. uk is not a college team. They are a developmental team for the pros. Most don't go to school after the first semester. (Which keeps them able to play) Case in point. Randle. The guy has 4 credit hours after going to school two semesters.

I agree with a lot of what you said. I don't know enough to debate it. But, just one question. what is your source on Randle's 4 cr hours?

I do think that UK offer to extend the scholarships for life give the NBA failure an opportunity to build another career.........some have continued their education during off season.
Nothing gets the writing juices going for UK fans more than Wes. The sheer complexity of their blind adherence to their propagandist version of reality is simply too tempting for them to resist.

Most of us remember (not) "Fearing The Warrior", back when BillyG "never slept". Now the cottage industry of solipsistic jingoism surrounding the corruption of the college game serves that needy "dominant" gene UK fans are so in lust with.

The combination of CAA, Wesley, and NIKE is a marriage of utter convenience, having been perfected, polished and legitimized by the faithful as an incidental relationship at best, in spite of mouthpiece Matty Bangs saying what every man jack UK fan said during that godless, pre-religious era.

The simple normality of cheating finds a comfortable couch at the UK hearth. It's like Deja Vu all over again.
Whhs22, I am sorry to say you are describing a professional minor league program and you should be describing a college program. That is the problem you and people like you have sold out the integrity of your program for wins.

That is why it is so funny when you and your fans talk about educa
Nothing gets the writing juices going for UK fans more than Wes. The sheer complexity of their blind adherence to their propagandist version of reality is simply too tempting for them to resist.

Most of us remember (not) "Fearing The Warrior", back when BillyG "never slept". Now the cottage industry of solipsistic jingoism surrounding the corruption of the college game serves that needy "dominant" gene UK fans are so in lust with.

The combination of CAA, Wesley, and NIKE is a marriage of utter convenience, having been perfected, polished and legitimized by the faithful as an incidental relationship at best, in spite of mouthpiece Matty Bangs saying what every man jack UK fan said during that godless, pre-religious era.

The simple normality of cheating finds a comfortable couch at the UK hearth. It's like Deja Vu all over again.
Did I miss something? Uk is cheating? Where do I go to read that story? I can't find it so if you do let me know. I do enjoy reading things about my team. Would you like me to send you some links of stories in the news about your team?
Johnnyflcat4life, I guess you did miss something because I never said sUcK was cheating my point was one and dones don't go to school at big blew to get an education. It is funny when your fan base says that because your basketball program is not operating as a college program.
I don't think it matters if UK operates as a developmental school as long as the NCAA doesn't have an issue with it. The NCAA could really put the clamps down on this issue if they wanted to, but they don't because it feeds March Madness.
Did I miss something? Uk is cheating? Where do I go to read that story? I can't find it so if you do let me know. I do enjoy reading things about my team. Would you like me to send you some links of stories in the news about your team?
You win the Cutest UK Fan Prize. Hearty Congratulations!!
Let's all hope Matt and KSR go to Lexington and run for Congress. Conway all over again.
If your premise is that he (they) would lose ala Conway, and just come straight back to doing what they currently do, how is that helpful?

Secondly Conway would have made a fine governor - as he's been outstanding in every position he's been in government (save candidate) so far. I think there is a better than average chance that Beavin will be a disaster - no experience & has issues with temperament.

Time will tell...on that however time has told us that Turd has no better grasp on politics / governance than he does on history...
Nothing gets the writing juices going for UK fans more than Wes. The sheer complexity of their blind adherence to their propagandist version of reality is simply too tempting for them to resist.

Most of us remember (not) "Fearing The Warrior", back when BillyG "never slept". Now the cottage industry of solipsistic jingoism surrounding the corruption of the college game serves that needy "dominant" gene UK fans are so in lust with.

The combination of CAA, Wesley, and NIKE is a marriage of utter convenience, having been perfected, polished and legitimized by the faithful as an incidental relationship at best, in spite of mouthpiece Matty Bangs saying what every man jack UK fan said during that godless, pre-religious era.

The simple normality of cheating finds a comfortable couch at the UK hearth. It's like Deja Vu all over again.

Senore you are simply amazing. LOL
Here is a little ditty for all you sCat sympathizers out there on the World Wide Wes........uh...... I mean Web. We all know this was an unjust and heinous act by the man, just trying to keep a respectable, upstanding guy down. Wes obviously lives at the foot of the cross just like every other Cal worshipper out there in sCat land.
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Wes is on record with being shady it's a known fact many articles written about this guy . Calipari got involved deep in his Memphis days with this guy .And Milt was a Cal assisatant at memphis also .
I'm not sure what you're talking about as far as "known facts", but what you're saying doesn't address anything I said.

Your claims here incriminate your program just as much - if he is doing grimy things now, then he was doing grimy things then, even if they were on a smaller scale
I think it's really funny that you guys are accusing UK of cheating and having players funneled to our program when UofL is the one under the microscope for cheating and providing extra benefits to get players to come there. I'm not saying that it is true but come on guys don't you see the irony and really the stupidity of even starting a thread like this. Now saying all that I hope that its not true and all this is found to be false accusations for the UofL program but to accuse when you have accusations of your own that are pretty severe is comical.
I think it's really funny that you guys are accusing UK of cheating and having players funneled to our program when UofL is the one under the microscope for cheating and providing extra benefits to get players to come there. I'm not saying that it is true but come on guys don't you see the irony and really the stupidity of even starting a thread like this. Now saying all that I hope that its not true and all this is found to be false accusations for the UofL program but to accuse when you have accusations of your own that are pretty severe is comical.

This thread was started by a known UK troll. That should tell you all you need to know.

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