People think Cal recruits all on his own

I think it's really funny that you guys are accusing UK of cheating and having players funneled to our program when UofL is the one under the microscope for cheating and providing extra benefits to get players to come there. I'm not saying that it is true but come on guys don't you see the irony and really the stupidity of even starting a thread like this. Now saying all that I hope that its not true and all this is found to be false accusations for the UofL program but to accuse when you have accusations of your own that are pretty severe is comical.
There will never be any irony whatsoever in calling Calipari's career what it has been. Unless of course you are the standard counter-intuitive UK fan to whom the truth matters as much as that fly on the chair over there.

The idea of Wes being so instrumental so long ago says that an 18 year old told Denny who to recruit. Wes was younger than the UofL players he so admired at the time.

The incredibly distant false equivalency of comparing Katina's bizarre memoirs with Calipari's history is like comparing Pikeville to Saturn.
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I didn't realize redfist was a UK fan. That explains why someone would tie a bar opening late at night to UK recruiting.
I'm not a uk fan . Just a Cardianl fan that doesn't look at my program with red glasses on all the time. Theirs a certain little thread click that thinks eveybody is a troll if they don't sing praises all the time or agree with what they say LOL ! It's just a opinion board for christ sake. Only Howie is getting any money from this.
The idea of Wes being so instrumental so long ago says that an 18 year old told Denny who to recruit. Wes was younger than the UofL players he so admired at the time.
This is one of the tallest strawmen I'll ever have had the pleasure of burning down.

Fwooosh! Look at thing go! Bet they can see the smoke from Mexico!

The argument is "if Wes is the dirtiest guy in basketball today, then he wasn't a saint when he was coming up in the 80s". Nowhere in that argument is there a requirement for his telling Denny whom to recruit or even having any pull whatsoever with the coaching staff.

You guys are vague about him, which is convenient, but it takes very little to learn his MO - just read the ESPN or GQ profiles - He doesn't ask for anything. He's a "connector". He introduces people to people, and makes himself indispensable by rendering goods and services to ingratiate himself to them, which pays off when they make it big and they extend their connections back to him.

Now, assume these goods and services in question extend to students (you guys already do, when convenient), serving as means of guiding students to certain schools and of keeping their loyalty after they enter the league.

So again, all that is required for the argument to go through -
a. did he have a motivation to ingratiate himself to Louisville players in the 80s? Obviously yes - those were some excellent connections for a young man, including multiple future NBA players.
b. did he have the means to provide some type of "goods and services"? Sure - again, surely at a smaller scale than what is alleged today, but you don't have to have some crazy empire to hook people up with free shoes or a discounted car lease or girls of ill repute or drugs or a million other things which are all big time NCAA violations. Being a smooth talker has gotten him places in life - he's known to take a hit in the short term to make connections for later.
c. did his character change from the 80s to now where he was very serious about NCAA rules before, but now is the greatest cheater in the history of cheating? C'mon, guys. You know that if current WWW is half as bad as you say, then he'd have been as crooked as ever as a young whippersnapper trying to make his way up in the world.

See? No Denny required. Just self-interest from a character entirely devoid of respect for the rules. He could try to reach out to kids that he knew Louisville was already going for to "steer them" or just simply try to gain rapport with the players already on the roster. Who knows? The one and only thing you can be sure of is whatever he does today, he was trying to do then, even if it was at a smaller scale.
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Lord love a duck but you are into them cheaters out there. So because Wes had a generous, nevermind. Good stuff.

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