Other Failures Tonight


Jul 12, 2004
The wanding process and entry into the game was a f'ing mess. Appears that UofL didn't hire any additional staff to help with this process. Also I saw Howie say that "we should be in our seats by 7:30 for something special". I have no idea what he was talking about because the pregame looked the same as every other game.
The wanding process and entry into the game was a f'ing mess. Appears that UofL didn't hire any additional staff to help with this process. Also I saw Howie say that "we should be in our seats by 7:30 for something special". I have no idea what he was talking about because the pregame looked the same as every other game.

I don't know the gate numbers but we went through the endzone gate on right side (Floyd street side) at 7:10 with ZERO issues. However yep 7:30 came and went and nothing. Probably just wanted to make sure fans were in their seats which they were. Fans did their job last not so much.
Adding to my list. There was an altercation between a couple UofL fans and Clemson fans in section 212. I don't know what happened to create this friction. What I did see though was the Clemson fan taking some advice to just leave. As he was leaving the row a woman kicked him which was not good. A couple other UofL fans then got in her face. Anyways, this situation was going on for awhile. Where was stadium security? I know they weren't helping wand people into the game so I'm not sure what they were doing. That whole situation was very low class looking.
There was a drunk UofL woman in 216 cussing out, at the top of her lungs, using every cuss word in the book, at fans leaving in the 4th quarter. I hope those aren't her regular season tickets. Her boyfriend/husband was practically passed out in his seat. I stayed until 40-21 and just ignored her.

I miss the Van Halen 3rd down music...Way too much hip/hop music at this game. Nothing wrong with hip/hop but mix it up a little....I'd even settle for some Bro Country thrown in.

Clemson could draw plays up in the dirt and beat our defense.