OT: Ladybirds coach dismissed

So …… when do we get the actual facts about what allegedly happened? All of this dramatic interpretation and speculation is interesting but hardly provides a basis for anyone to form an opinion.

BTW, other than dating a couple of Ladybirds when I was younger, and keeping up with some of the Cheerleaders and Ladybirds in social circles since then, I have no special knowledge or basis to take a side. Just looking for some facts. I do not put automatic credence in the UofL administration but also do not discount their decisions if supported. Pretty sure that I'm not the only one a little tired of the drama that UofL seems to create for itself with regard to personnel decisions. There have to be better ways to handle these types of things. Negotiated resignations without all of the publicity are preferable unless you have undisputed proof of intentional wrongdoing, which we haven't yet been provided. Is there a timetable or do we have to wait for the lawsuit to play out?
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Pretty well said. In fact, that's probably the biggest issue I have with U of L nowadays... Not WHAT they do but HOW they do it...
Let me correct your impression before I get into my outlook going forward...

For the sports I follow, there's PLENTY I like about U of L presently. I wouldn't change a thing about baseball and women's basketball, except maybe for facility upgrade/expansion in baseball. (Not that I know how "Vince" would pay for that anytime soon.) And I like Mack and Satterfield OK. I don't share the optimism of some fans over Mack, but he's in a good place to prove himself. I'm not blown away by what Brohm has accomplished, so Satterfield is good enough for me. Neither guy they replaced--Pitino/Petrino--was a good long term option. (Note: HOW you get rid of people matters.)

What I don't support at U of L presently is its leadership. They were brought in under questionable circumstances, and there's no evidence thus far that they will improve on their predecessors' accomplishments. In fact, there's evidence they won't. But it really doesn't matter that much whether I support leadership; they'll succeed or fail on their own. The only difference it makes is financial. I advise anyone who shares my concerns to continue supporting the coaches and players but withhold their financial support until these new people prove themselves...

I really appreciate the reply. I really believe Louisville has the right people to succeed if given time. Love the Mack hire and Satterfield is going to build a program built to compete and last! He’s a very good coach that will be winning sooner rather than later I believe. Just my opinion about it of course, and he may be gone in three years, but myself, I bet he turns it around and is well respected.

The part about Vince is where we disagree, at first you say you don’t know how Vince can pay for something, and at the end you say you’re telling people to withhold their financial support until they’re proven! How can they do what needs to be done without support? If you guys ever want things to be better and have a great Athletic Department, they need the support to do it!

As for Vince, I think he deserves a couple years to see if his way can work, ( he seems like a likable person and a smart man), if not fine, but he must have a chance to do it before everyone gives up on him. The Financial support is crucial to the school if it’s going to get back to where it should be. I understand that not liking him is your decision, but to root against him and to campaign for him to fail is just not going to help anything. I just think it’s a very important time right now in Louisville’s program, and if the future is going to be what everyone want, then it’s going to take everyone working together and supporting the school.

Anyway, thanks again for the reply and even though I’m not a Cards fan, I do want the program to be successful!! It doesn’t matter who’s in charge if the fan base is going to be against them though. I do believe that you’re in the minority here from what I’ve read and heard, so maybe he’ll still be able to do a good enough job, and in time the few that aren’t all in can jump back on board with the whole program!!
Thanks again and good luck!
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...The part about Vince is where we disagree, at first you say you don’t know how Vince can pay for something, and at the end you say you’re telling people to withhold their financial support until they’re proven! How can they do what needs to be done without support? If you guys ever want things to be better and have a great Athletic Department, they need the support to do it!

As for Vince, I think he deserves a couple years to see if his way can work, ( he seems like a likable person and a smart man), if not fine, but he must have a chance to do it before everyone gives up on him. The Financial support is crucial to the school if it’s going to get back to where it should be. I understand that not liking him is your decision, but to root against him and to campaign for him to fail is just not going to help anything. I just think it’s a very important time right now in Louisville’s program, and if the future is going to be what everyone want, then it’s going to take everyone working together and supporting the school.

Anyway, thanks again for the reply and even though I’m not a Cards fan, I do want the program to be successful!! It doesn’t matter who’s in charge if the fan base is going to be against them though. I do believe that you’re in the minority here from what I’ve read and heard, so maybe he’ll still be able to do a good enough job, and in time the few that aren’t all in can jump back on board with the whole program!!
Thanks again and good luck!
It's not my job or that of any fan to funnel money to U of L people that you don't trust. At the risk of digressing into politics, do Democrats give to the Republicans now that one of their guys is in the Oval Office? Do Dems now wanna build a wall because this Prez does? They may (and should) still support, for example, the military. Same goes here. You don't support the leadership, you don't give them money.

Does that make America and U of L better? Probably not in the short run. But folks on the other side of those issues like me understand and accept that. It's short term pain, long term gain.

Tyra's suspect IMO, and my opinion can only change if he does. Right now, I don't see much progress...
It's not my job or that of any fan to funnel money to U of L people that you don't trust. At the risk of digressing into politics, do Democrats give to the Republicans now that one of their guys is in the Oval Office? Do Dems now wanna build a wall because this Prez does? They may (and should) still support, for example, the military. Same goes here. You don't support the leadership, you don't give them money.

Does that make America and U of L better? Probably not in the short run. But folks on the other side of those issues like me understand and accept that. It's short term pain, long term gain.

Tyra's suspect IMO, and my opinion can only change if he does. Right now, I don't see much progress...

I’ll not get into the politics, because it doesn’t come close to applying here, but I will say, I’m sure you must have your reason to dislike and not trust Vince, he must have done something before to make you not want to give him a chance to succeed, and I really don’t think I said to funnel money in, I meant supporting the school. Not for his pockets!

I’ll respect your opinion of him, but Personally, I’ve never heard anything bad about him and in my opinion he is a great choice for the job. Seems like a good man, smart and a go getter type. Is it because he graduated from UK? Is it because of your loyalty to the former AD? I’ve honestly not heard anything bad about the man!

As for the people he’s let go, I’m sure he’s had a valid reason for everyone that’s been let go, and maybe didn’t want to embarrass them so some stuff hasn’t been made public.

Anyway, I hope I’m not coming off as trying to be argumentative, or an ass, I’m honestly just wondering what he’s done soo bad that you or anyone would try to sabotage, destroy, or at the very least make it harder for him to do the job, and part of his job is fundraising, to be able to sustain and improve the program.

Really is hard to understand how you could be soo against him, (and you have every right to think or believe what you want! I’m not trying to change your mind. Lol.), but yet the people in charge hired this man. So do you know him well, and have evidence of something bad on him or is this just a gut feeling about someone that you don’t know?

Again, I do appreciate you replying and answering my questions. It’s hard sometimes (to me anyway), to text what I want to say and make my point without coming off as being mean or whatever. Anyway thank you again, and I’ll leave you alone with all this. I just have to say once more though, that I think he will run a respectable program that you all will be very proud of, and if given the time, I think everyone will come to respect Vince as a Person and a great Ad. Zipp, I’m probably wrong more than right, haha! but I do believe he’ll do a fantastic job. Only time will tell
You have a good rest of the evening bud.
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I question many of your observations and assumptions...
...he must have done something before to make you not want to give him a chance to succeed, and I really don’t think I said to funnel money in, I meant supporting the school. Not for his pockets!...
"Vince" was brought in as the personal choice of a scumbag, a former protege. I question how different the two are. And I support the entity of U of L 100% along with its sport programs. That's not the same as its leadership, and it doesn't translate to money--at least not presently. I don't need anyone else trying to further define or clarify that.
...I’ll respect your opinion of him, but Personally, I’ve never heard anything bad about him and in my opinion he is a great choice for the job. Seems like a good man, smart and a go getter type. Is it because he graduated from UK? Is it because of your loyalty to the former AD? I’ve honestly not heard anything bad about the man!...
Except for his association with Gruesome, I have no issues with the guy's past. Being a slapd!ck doesn't help his cause, but he's evidently been a big time U of L fan. Unfortunately, that's not worth much as a job credential. His predecessor wasn't a U of L fan before coming here.
...As for the people he’s let go, I’m sure he’s had a valid reason for everyone that’s been let go, and maybe didn’t want to embarrass them so some stuff hasn’t been made public...
I doubt that much if any of that is true. The biggest reason has been IMO to purge remaining elements of the prior regime, people that "Vince" couldn't trust. And I think the cat is Mr. Save-A-Buck. He doesn't know how to grow money, just chisel and save it.
...Anyway, I hope I’m not coming off as trying to be argumentative, or an ass, I’m honestly just wondering what he’s done soo bad that you or anyone would try to sabotage, destroy, or at the very least make it harder for him to do the job...
I don't need to try to "sabotage or destroy" a clown that I think is unfit to do his job. All I gotta do is sit back, watch, and wisecrack about it. The faster it happens, the faster he's outta the way. You're "coming off" as being dense.
...Really is hard to understand how you could be soo against him...but yet the people in charge hired this man...
That's the rub...WHO hired him.
...Zipp, I’m probably wrong more than right, haha! but I do believe he’ll do a fantastic job. Only time will tell You have a good rest of the evening bud.
You too...
Really is hard to understand how you could be soo against him, (and you have every right to think or believe what you want! I’m not trying to change your mind. Lol.), but yet the people in charge hired this man. So do you know him well, and have evidence of something bad on him or is this just a gut feeling about someone that you don’t know?

Jasun, the thing you have to understand about “Zipp” is that he’s an egomaniac. If things aren’t done his way, he doesn’t agree. He doesn’t care about the best interests of The UofL. IMO, judging by his posts over the years, he’s a very shallow and angry guy. How shallow you ask? He’s only mad at Vince because Vince doesn’t return his voicemails.
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Jasun, the thing you have to understand about “Zipp” is that he’s an egomaniac. If things aren’t done his way, he doesn’t agree. He doesn’t care about the best interests of The UofL. IMO, judging by his posts over the years, he’s a very shallow and angry guy. How shallow you ask? He’s only mad at Vince because Vince doesn’t return his voicemails.
I don't care about "Vince" and it doesn't matter what I think. He's dying without my involvement...
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