Only 144 spots


Gold Member
Sep 23, 2016
I was reading an article on the transfer portal and WNBA. It said a lot of players leaving college early to try to Make the WNBA need to be careful. It said there is only 144 spots for the WNBA and it is tough for rookies to make it. It also said that NIL has made it easier for the top
players to stay in college and make good money without having all the pressure of the WNBA.
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I assume that is something like 12 teams with 12 women per roster? if so, that means in order for any college player wanting to make It to the WNBA, they must be better than those already on the roster. Wow ….. good luck with that.
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Another thing if you go to the WNBA and don’t make it or you aren’t a premier player you won’t have any NIL contracts.
After the elite 8 game between Louisville and Iowa outdrew the NBA in TV viewers, it is pretty obvious to me that there needs to be two more WNBA teams: one in Iowa City and the other in Louisville.
Well just think if you are in college and you have a good NIL deal and you leave to go to the WNBA. If you don’t make it you lose your NIL money and if you do make it but you aren’t a star you will probably lose your NIL deal as well.
I am not sure anyone in the community is going to support a WNBA franchise; UL is a different situation for season ticket support
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The WNBA loses money every year and has never made a profit.
I am a season women's ticket holder and will participate in NIL for them, but I am not interested in getting a WNBA team in Louisville.
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One thing that is different between NBA and WNBA is that the ladies careers don't seem to last as long. Sue Bird is an exception. Its like any other women sports like tennis, a significant number of them want to start families and have kids. So the turnover in the WNBA is more frequent. Remember I'm not saying all...
For the reasons identified by Watson above, explains why WNBA will never garner the support that we see increasing in women’s college basketball. Those Iowa, IU, UL, ND and UConn crowds are starting to grow at other schools across the country; just like WVB.

It would take decades before WNBA will gain popularity, and I just do not see that many communities willing to support it.
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I think more players will be hesitant to play overseas, especially after the Britney Griner situation.
Britney Griner is a knucklehead. There are literally hundreds of players playing over seas and you never hear about any issues. If you follow the laws of the country your in (And remember your not in the US) it’s obvious players will be fine. I wouldn’t be traveling to Russia or China for that matter and there are other countries on that list too.