As any poster or reader here knows. I have always been hopeful to have a board that is tolerant to perspectives from other fanbases, and yes, including those hated guys from BBN.
AND I have endured a TON of heat
over my time as a Mod from our posters for moderating towards that end. I BELIEVE I kept a close eye on visitors and got rid of any intruders that couldn't/wouldn't comply with the "visitor rules", which are, "You are welcome to share your perspective and viewpoint, as long as you DO NOT disrespect our program, team, players, coaches, board or posters". I KNOW that warning was made clear to any and all of those who chose to visit here. Most were not able to comply and were shown the door; some were able to comply most of the time, but received timeouts when they crossed the line (then banned when they crossed it enough times), and a VERY few IMHO were able to post here and comply with those rules. HOWEVER, it is now clear to me that the majority of our fan base does not want any outside intruders, at least from BBN. There have been a myriad of reasons expressed of why that is the the case, but the overwhelming factor for me is that the MAJORITY of the fan base feels that way, not just a vocal minority. I still won't be a part of banning posters simply for being from another fanbase, I just don't believe in or support that...but, reluctantly, I won't stand in the way of those actions either. Having said all that, our new Mod, PHCARD has my full support in helping to create the board and environment OUR posters have made clear they want to be a part of. I thank her again for volunteering her time, sanity and well...dignity, cuz she will soon discover what depths people sink to when they don't agree with a Mod.
And, just as it is in any kind of management, at some point in time, everybody hates the boss.
So...welcome all to a new era in Cardinal message boards, overseen by our new team of moderators.
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