Just don't understand this worry for Marshall. They lost a bunch from a decent team last season. If the Cards struggle with this middle of the pack mid-major then we're nowhere near where we want to be. I also don't see why some can't see beating Clemson and FSU. The last two seasons we had a chance to beat Clemson right at the end and we're much better now and Clemson has lost most of their top defensive players. We led FSU at the half the last two seasons and again we're a much better team now and they have a freshman QB.
I agree they are the favorite but this notion that Cards fans can't see winning when we were so close with lesser teams , I just don't get it.
I'm definitely not saying we don't have a chance versus FSU and Clemson; clearly we have played Clemson very close 2 years in a row. My guess is based on those 2 teams having superior quality depth IMO. But this is a projection, not a game of who "could" we beat, and I just don't have confidence that we WILL beat them this year. I wouldn't give Marshall much thought if it didn't fall in between FSU and Clemson, and wasn't AT Marshall. So, I'm guessing we lose the 2 games we will very likely be dogs in and losing 1 other unexpected away game against a quality opponent. To me, Preseason Projections are for best logical guesses, not optimistic thinking.