Blow it up? Far as I know nobody ever has batted 1000. It’s a game of failure at any level. 3 out of 10 and you’re in the hall of fame. Guys in college throw 95+ so do guys in the minor leagues. If you have some success in the minors I think it would also translate in the majors. They just don’t get the opportunity.
It just depends on how high you a drafted. As long as Ray and McKay do well in the minor leagues then they will eventually make a roster. The best route for a pitcher is to go college unless they are a top 3 rounds of the draft. It has proven to be the faster path. Position players is different you really need to understand the organization. A projected left/right fielder probably wants to avoid the Angels/Phillies for the next 5-10 years.
I like the baseball rule because it does give the kids time to develop. Look if you can't hit in college you better be elite kind of fast and great in the field. That is how Engel did it, but I don't think getting drafted in the 10th or lower out if high school is a better option than college. Hitters get to see single and double a kind of pitchers in college on a daily basis and major leagues on a weekly basis. Can't say that about playing in single a, you may never see a major pitcher.