Mich St. program Investigation


Mar 21, 2015
BREAKING: A new @E60 and OTL special investigation of the Michigan State athletic department reveals shocking details of a culture of sexual assault inside the men’s basketball and football programs:
I saw where they are wanting the President, Athletic Director, BOT's and anybody else involved to resign or be fired. The AD has already resigned I wonder who will be next. This sure does make our problem look small.
And if BB is really implicated i definitely want to hear how the NCAA handles the morality issue with this. Man talking about lack of institutional control. Hell they wanted to say we eligible for the death penalty hell our crap is nothing compared to this if true!
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oh the 30 minute news cycle. msu is praying for the ncaa to now release their findings on us so the sports world can talk about something else because msu may end up making penn state look not so bad in comparison. and people will go hookers, strippers and $100,000 payments, sheeyet, at least louisville was trying to win, what was msu doing?
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Pretty heavy stuff over there. Went to their Scout site and in 5 hours they have accumulated 23 pages of posts. All I can say to those dudes. "Join the club. We know what you're going through". Better somebody else besides us (even though the stories are very disturbing) for a change.
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And if any thing is true every ruling the NCAA made since 2010 unfavorably against any individual or school could possibly be open for a review especially cases like ours. I'm sure a lawyer will say how can they the NCAA make a sound judgement against any individual or school in light of of their alleged turning of a blind eye for years on something like this.. However the negative is it really screws U of L on Ricks issue whom will have another strong case with trying to get money from U of L part of his firing was due to this issue also which was written in his notice of release. So if any of this is true U of L should be able to sue the hell out of the NCAA, for multiple issues

However I don't expect the NCAA to change course on taking our banner at present time because it's already been done.And written up. They expected a lawsuit by U of L anyway. Just my opinion on that matter. We will in federal court .

If Banner is taken immediately file an injunction on the ruling.
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Agreed...but this such a bigger issue than taking the banner from UofL. Just like in Hollywood...the NCAA has been turning a blind eye to MSU. Yes..they did react to Penn State when the flood gates opened and the evidence started to flow. But rumours had been out on Sandusky for years before. Every UofL fan knows that UK should have gotten the death penalty after the exploding money package...but the NCAA DID NOT DO ITS JOB!! UofL needs to fight for the title.
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NCAA incompetency. Even more reason for our scumbags to file suit when the appeal is denied. Let's see if they do...

And if any thing is true every ruling the NCAA made since 2010 unfavorably against any individual or school could possibly be open for a review especially cases like ours. I'm sure a lawyer will say how can they the NCAA make a sound judgement against any individual or school in light of of their alleged turning of a blind eye for years on something like this.. However the negative is it really screws U of L on Ricks issue whom will have another strong case with trying to get money from U of L part of his firing was due to this issue also which was written in his notice of release. So if any of this is true U of L should be able to sue the hell out of the NCAA, for multiple issues

However I don't expect the NCAA to change course on taking our banner at present time because it's already been done.And written up. They expected a lawsuit by U of L anyway. Just my opinion on that matter. We will in federal court .

If Banner is taken immediately file an injunction on the ruling.
Oh really? didn't know the appeal denial had been released. When was this ? This guy is the biggest troll on this board and nobody ever calls him out on it.
Who's deciding each case? Let me guess: "It doesn't matter, and they can do what they want."

Typical slapd!ck troll...
There was likely a different infractions and investigative committee for the schools since if there is as official investigation of MSU it is done in a different year....the committees usually rotate.

If it take a slapd!ck to point out that the two situations are not similar in any way you are worse off than I ever thought.
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There was likely a different infractions and investigative committee for the schools since if there is as official investigation of MSU it is done in a different year....the committees usually rotate.

If it take a slapd!ck to point out that the two situations are not similar in any way you are worse off than I ever thought.
I think what everyone here is arguing is that the NCAA cited moral reasons for our penalty, whereas in cases of rape and assault at Big 10 institutions it appears the NCAA was complicit and lenient towards the schools in question suggesting implicit bias.
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MSU and UL have nothing to do with one and other. know my position on several other threads, that the NCAA cites moral code on Louisville and says nothing about MSU, with child rape and molestation and sexual assaults. The cited moral code against Penn they should of. The issue with Louisville there may have been underage sex (Powell's daughters) but nothing charged. This is all related to NCAA setting a path of moral code but turned a blind eye, even though they were told in 2010. Any decision made by the NCAA should be questioned since 2010.
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Let me offer an example for the slappies since they need pictures and stories...

Prefacing, I'm Catholic so take no offense at this illustration... If we have a priest who's guilty of or linked to child molestation (as too many priests have been), does anyone with half a brain think that priest is capable of administering the sacrament of confession/penance to a practicing Catholic? If you do, you need to seek help or a different religion.

That's what we have with the NCAA... If they're implicated in the very actions they're supposed to be presiding over--like sex-related crimes--how the hell can they preside with any credibility? A court could very well decide the NCAA to be unfit for that responsibility.

The underlying issues with Michigan State and U of L may have no similarity. This is not about those issues; it's about the NCAA. Now, the NCAA hasn't been found guilty of anything. In its own defense, it's up to U of L to try to bring down the NCAA...
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Let me offer an example for the slappies since they need pictures and stories...

Prefacing, I'm Catholic so take no offense at this illustration... If we have a priest who's guilty of or linked to child molestation (as too many priests have been), does anyone with half a brain think that priest is capable of administering the sacrament of confession/penance to a practicing Catholic? If you do, you need to seek help or a different religion.

That's what we have with the NCAA... If they're implicated in the very actions they're supposed to be presiding over--like sex-related crimes--how the hell can they preside with any credibility? A court could very well decide the NCAA to be unfit for that responsibility.

The underlying issues with Michigan State and U of L may have no similarity. This is not about those issues; it's about the NCAA. Now, the NCAA hasn't been found guilty of anything. In its own defense, it's up to U of L to try to bring down the NCAA...
ANd any decent lawyer can make a case against NCAA in court of not being credible based on past rulings and this Mich St. Fiascoes. However i expect a long lengthy battle in Federal court with our ruling.
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ANd any decent lawyer can make a case against NCAA in court of not being credible based on past rulings and this Mich St. Fiascoes. However i expect a long lengthy battle in Federal court with our ruling.
I'm not sure about "any decent lawyer"... I do know from experience they don't usually like to muddy the water they're in with other types of defenses like the fitness of the NCAA to rule. That's almost a separate action, and they like to argue a case on its specific merits. ...Which must be Lawyering 101.

But it should be no-holds-barred as far as dealing with the NCAA post appeal. Any weakness they have, you attack it. Not exactly the way Jurich and U of L used to deal with the NCAA, but we see where that got us...
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I believe state will get hammered worse than UofL. just watching Izzo he looks like he's ready to quit and move to Haiti which is a sh*thole.
Let me offer an example for the slappies since they need pictures and stories...

Prefacing, I'm Catholic so take no offense at this illustration... If we have a priest who's guilty of or linked to child molestation (as too many priests have been), does anyone with half a brain think that priest is capable of administering the sacrament of confession/penance to a practicing Catholic? If you do, you need to seek help or a different religion.

That's what we have with the NCAA... If they're implicated in the very actions they're supposed to be presiding over--like sex-related crimes--how the hell can they preside with any credibility? A court could very well decide the NCAA to be unfit for that responsibility.

The underlying issues with Michigan State and U of L may have no similarity. This is not about those issues; it's about the NCAA. Now, the NCAA hasn't been found guilty of anything. In its own defense, it's up to U of L to try to bring down the NCAA...
I hate the NCAA so good luck. I'd love to see them gone.