Thank you for the information, zipp and guardman. i'm getting one of these new football boxes in the new stadium and was told this by the assistant AD, but he told me to double check with my tax attorney. Guardman, do you know what's under review? I'm assuming if the government is looking into it, they're probably thinking about taking away or lessening the deduction. For the love of all things holy, I hope we get a republican or Trump in the whitehouse this time around.
Guy, this rule is possibly being changed to 50/50, 60/40 or 70/30. It is possible it will be left the same at 80/20. Virtually all Universities are arguing that it should be kept the same. The ruling due-date has shifted many times.
You can already see a shift this year in billing protocol for UofL FB suites this year, where now there is a breakout of "rent" as a separate amount from "donation/contribution". I would guess that UofL and all others may eventually be asked to break club seat amounts into "seat rights licenses" (not tax deductible) and "donations having no seat/ticket rights" (all tax deductible).
I am not a tax expert but I would imagine the Dems will tighten the rules to get more tax, while the GOP would keep them about the same.