Lack intensity in practice


Jul 12, 2004
Luke Hancock had talked about this and now Coach Payne just confirmed it. So what’s to be done? It boggles my mind that someone could put on the UofL jersey and not give 100%.
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My expertise is football but I have some buddies that played college bball and they say the team looks like it hasn’t been coached. It seems that Luke Hancock has also had doubts about the quality of practice. What is it? Does Payne know what he’s doing? I just find it hard to believe App State, Bellarmine, Lenoir Rhyne and Wright State are more talented.
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The players on those teams aren't individually more talented than UofL but they appear better coached, give more overall effort, utilize fundamentals, and play as a cohesive team. And those factors together lead to those teams winning.
I just can’t comprehend the lack of intensity. It makes me so mad. How can these guys not be playing their asses off for their new coach? We got 7 turnovers tonight. With some heart and grit we should get 17 turnovers. I hope Payne gets his shit together on the recruiting front and jettisons every slacker. It’s so frustrating and demoralizing.
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I just can’t comprehend the lack of intensity. It makes me so mad. How can these guys not be playing their asses off for their new coach? We got 7 turnovers tonight. With some heart and grit we should get 17 turnovers. I hope Payne gets his shit together on the recruiting front and jettisons every slacker. It’s so frustrating and demoralizing.
I really wish I knew the answer to the lack of intensity because it's a head scratcher for us fans. Even with some of the bone headed plays, if this team played with all out hustle and intensity they would've been able to win these one point loss games.
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Kenny Payne is a good guy, but he's not "intense" nor has he ever been.

Why is this suddenly news to anyone?...

I played football for many coaches that weren’t “intense”. It’s more about connection than intensity. I thought one of the selling points about Payne is that he really connected with his guys.
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I played football for many coaches that weren’t “intense”. It’s more about connection than intensity. I thought one of the selling points about Payne is that he really connected with his guys.
I really wouldn't waste your energy trying to take a deep dive into psycho analysis on all this.

This team is historically bad in a way we've never witnessed before.
I really wouldn't waste your energy trying to take a deep dive into psycho analysis on all this.

This team is historically bad in a way we've never witnessed before.

My main concern is that I’m afraid our coach is not good. I thought he was the right hire and I certainly have my doubts now.
Kenny Payne is a good guy, but he's not "intense" nor has he ever been.

Why is this suddenly news to anyone?...
This was the biggest question mark for me when they hired him. He was never the bad guy. He was the guy everyone could go to when Cal tore into them. Those players were properly motivated to listen to Payne.

As a head coach even with this new age of players I wonder if being nice guy can work.

Mack couldn’t motivate some them either this could be a bad make up of players. You either are ultra competitive or not. The lack of good practices tells me these guys aren’t ultra competitive. They a good with being terrible.
My main concern is that I’m afraid our coach is not good. I thought he was the right hire and I certainly have my doubts now.
If they bottom out this year (likely) and show no improvement in a year 2 (?) then I doubt there's a year 3. It's way too far from now to picture because we don't know what next year's team is going to have.

Then a next HC search would probably include some names that have better qualifications. Yes we'd be even further removed from relevancy but there's still a lot of good things about this job that a new coach could make work.

Just my guess on all this of course. Sine signing Ree and BHH it's just been all downhill for him. He could use some kind of good news push. I dunno, maybe a win?
The players on those teams aren't individually more talented than UofL but they appear better coached, give more overall effort, utilize fundamentals, and play as a cohesive team. And those factors together lead to those teams winning.
This. There's not miles of difference in the amount of athletic ability on Michigan State's team and ours. But are ultra organized, work together, and play like their hair is on fire.
I am hoping that someone out there can enlighten me on what CKP offense and defense principles are? I know Pitino was known for full court press and generating deflections/turnovers, Mack has his pack line defense. You know what you are going to get from Tom Izzo, pushing the ball up and getting easy baskets.

What is Payne's bread and butter? It can't be just recruiting. If we don't know the answer to this, we didn't make the right selection. In some sense, I thought we would be seeing a return to Louisville basketball but I don't recognize anything remotely to what I am expecting. I know every coach is different but you just can't be a guy that rolls the ball out on the court and say "now go play and win".
Here is what I know he doesn’t land elite players he won’t make it. This was a high risk/high reward hire. The high reward was getting elite players. The risk was not landing players. I think we can see he has a long way to go in motivating kids that aren’t self motivated.
every team that has beat us has had their system in place for at least three years with players their coaches chose. our players were screwed in a pack line system that crushed their ego, then got screwed by scandals from an ass-t coach, then had to deal with an interim coach, then their coach again, then their coach quit, then an interim coach, then blowouts, then a new coach and now bitching non stop from fans. maybe most of you have never experienced something liek this but it's the equivalent of living in the same hosue while your parents separate, get back together, cheating again, separation, divorce, now boyfirends/girlfriends, then thru all that crap all your parents adn realtives get thrown our of the hosue and you're told the old guy moving in is now running your life. may some of these kids are jsut plain frazzled from their experiences here. may they are mentally drained and maybe KP is trying to help them thru that. btu can anyone name one thing positive going on for the players in terms of stability and cohesion?
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I was hoping KP could turn the returning guys around (and still might) but we're seeing a lot of the same isht with this group we've seen before. History won't be kind to them if they can't come together and play for the name on the front of the jersey.
Stay tuned...
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I was hoping KP could turn the returning guys around (and still might) but we're seeing a lot of the same isht with this group we've seen before. History won't be kind to them if they can't come together and play for the name on the front of the jersey.
Stay tuned...
There is one guy on the roster that played D from day one IMO, RS FR James. And we can't expect that kid to spill over to the rest. The big guys have been up and down since they got here. Was hoping BHH would rub off on 'em and bring a new style. BHH has done well, but Syd and Withers both remain inconsistent in all areas.
every team that has beat us has had their system in place for at least three years with players their coaches chose. our players were screwed in a pack line system that crushed their ego, then got screwed by scandals from an ass-t coach, then had to deal with an interim coach, then their coach again, then their coach quit, then an interim coach, then blowouts, then a new coach and now bitching non stop from fans. maybe most of you have never experienced something liek this but it's the equivalent of living in the same hosue while your parents separate, get back together, cheating again, separation, divorce, now boyfirends/girlfriends, then thru all that crap all your parents adn realtives get thrown our of the hosue and you're told the old guy moving in is now running your life. may some of these kids are jsut plain frazzled from their experiences here. may they are mentally drained and maybe KP is trying to help them thru that. btu can anyone name one thing positive going on for the players in terms of stability and cohesion?
and on top of all that stuff they also realize they have no chance at post season play because they are so bad. i don;t care who the coach was/is/could be that's a lot for kids that young
and on top of all that stuff they also realize they have no chance at post season play because they are so bad. i don;t care who the coach was/is/could be that's a lot for kids that young
You make countless good points.

I think what fans are struggling with is, these kids decided to stay, and it was assumed you'd see floor burns and max out effort, guys flying around.

Now, I think some fans have been in denial on just how bad of a situation this was going to be.

But, they want hustle from more than just James and El.

So it's just a bit disappointing to see that doesn't appear to be the culture right now.

That said identifying who is giving it all and who isn't can be tricky to truly distinguish.
and on top of all that stuff they also realize they have no chance at post season play because they are so bad. i don;t care who the coach was/is/could be that's a lot for kids that young
I think that's still to be determined. How bout playing every minute you're in the game like getting to the post season is on the line?
I haven't written off this team yet unless the lack of cohesiveness missing does not return soon. Honestly, if there are issues within the ranks,the guys that can't squash it should've just transferred.
The Cardinal team that followed the 80 Championship team started out 2-5,until Crum made the changes in the lineup that brought in a couple of Freshmen and went on to become a really good team.
I don't have the exact answer as to what changes or who,however we are probably at that point.
It does make you wonder just what they are doing and focusing on in practice. The lack of fundamentals is almost to a mind-boggling level.

How many times did guys do jump passes alone last night? They should have been taught to not leave their feet while passing.

No boxing out when rebounding. Not moving their feet on defense. The list goes on and on.
You make countless good points.

I think what fans are struggling with is, these kids decided to stay, and it was assumed you'd see floor burns and max out effort, guys flying around.

Now, I think some fans have been in denial on just how bad of a situation this was going to be.

But, they want hustle from more than just James and El.

So it's just a bit disappointing to see that doesn't appear to be the culture right now.

That said identifying who is giving it all and who isn't can be tricky to truly distinguish.
i was not a fan of KP being hired but i'll at least give until mid february to see how things are. as for the kids who came back, did they have much place else to go? but i think KP understands their spirit has been broke, but to me, at least at the ends of the games they are fighting to be still in it. maybe that's the silver lining here. that despite everything, and despite their lack of effort, at least they don't fold and give up. they've erased double digit leads, you cannot be quitters if you are still fighting at the end. but let's let them percolate into the new year
i was not a fan of KP being hired but i'll at least give until mid february to see how things are. as for the kids who came back, did they have much place else to go? but i think KP understands their spirit has been broke, but to me, at least at the ends of the games they are fighting to be still in it. maybe that's the silver lining here. that despite everything, and despite their lack of effort, at least they don't fold and give up. they've erased double digit leads, you cannot be quitters if you are still fighting at the end. but let's let them percolate into the new year
Without putting names on it, I think what we'd like to see is some big fellas play big. And if that means putting a hard foul on somebody early in a game or whatever it may be, let's do it. Get in there and get physical. Please let us and your opponent know you are there.

There have been so many easy layups allowed. I'd suggest going zone but that's not as easy to play as it looks either.
as for the kids who came back, did they have much place else to go?
And you know I'm just saying, that if guys weren't happy here for whatever reason, there's always mid major programs where their playing time might have exponentially gone up. No shame in changing your scenery. Those programs are abundant and they rumble too.
However, if you chose to stay and help the program get its footing back then by all means get at it.
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although, looking back, some dudes jsut can't get at it so to speak no matter what. it's just not their dna. and what i mean by that is their physical, actual dna. we're all different, but some people have genes that give them a motor. as an example, this family has members that cannot sleep more than four hours so so then they are fully alert, awake and end up all being overachievers. while some family members are normal and need 8-10 hours. maybe simply we recruited all 8-10 hours sleep guys but they're only getting 6 and thus simply non-energetic. i often wonder about diet too, but simply those high motor guys you always hear baout simply do maybe inetrannly in their dna have a high motor. here's the article about the family fyi...
i'll also add psychologically there are two types of mental trauma that happens to us basically, the shock of a huge tragedy where one time occurrance in a life, like a sudden death, where time heals the wounds. and then there are the 2nd type where they are small types, like losing a job, getting bullied, breaking up with a dating partner, getting in a car accident, etc where these stack up as there is not time to heal from one and then the next one happens. these types lead to issues where something small to everyone else is huge to that person. if they've gone thru ten or twenty small bumps in the road over a short period of time without the healing process then sometimes people just lose motivation. so i can feel where everything has just become tiresome mentally and that leads to tired physically. the hope now is some wins will start boosting the confidence and the bumps in the road will become minor again btu i do feel this team, the school, and the fanbase are all stuck in this mini-trauma cycle. we got a little lift after the getting no sanctions but we've lost all the bball games and lost to clemson so lots of bumps and we're all waiting for some happy times people. ELE to quote jackie moon
i'll also add psychologically there are two types of mental trauma that happens to us basically, the shock of a huge tragedy where one time occurrance in a life, like a sudden death, where time heals the wounds. and then there are the 2nd type where they are small types, like losing a job, getting bullied, breaking up with a dating partner, getting in a car accident, etc where these stack up as there is not time to heal from one and then the next one happens. these types lead to issues where something small to everyone else is huge to that person. if they've gone thru ten or twenty small bumps in the road over a short period of time without the healing process then sometimes people just lose motivation. so i can feel where everything has just become tiresome mentally and that leads to tired physically. the hope now is some wins will start boosting the confidence and the bumps in the road will become minor again btu i do feel this team, the school, and the fanbase are all stuck in this mini-trauma cycle. we got a little lift after the getting no sanctions but we've lost all the bball games and lost to clemson so lots of bumps and we're all waiting for some happy times people. ELE to quote jackie moon
I’ve said to many people our guys just dont know how to win, we have no experienced winner at this level on this team. A transfer would helped with this I think
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I think that's still to be determined. How bout playing every minute you're in the game like getting to the post season is on the line?
I haven't written off this team yet unless the lack of cohesiveness missing does not return soon. Honestly, if there are issues within the ranks,the guys that can't squash it should've just transferred.
The Cardinal team that followed the 80 Championship team started out 2-5,until Crum made the changes in the lineup that brought in a couple of Freshmen and went on to become a really good team.
I don't have the exact answer as to what changes or who,however we are probably at that point.
We know we don't have any Rodney McCray's on this team. That's the difference, we haven't seen enough of a few players that makes me think CKP doesn't think they're ready or good enough. If they are worse than what I am seeing, the light is not going to automatically turn on for this group. They will win some games but will most likely lose more IMHO.
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