As a Political Science alum of UofL and an employee of a major local company, all I can say is Wow. Stick to sports, fellas.
As a Political Science alum of UofL and an employee of a major local company, all I can say is Wow. Stick to sports, fellas.
I know I'm correct...That's why they Can't, Won't and Refuse to adress the Facts and Issue that I've brought up!!!
I too Swore to Defend The Constitution of The United States Against ALL Enemies, Foreign and Domestic...To Bare True Faith and Alligence to the same...Kind of Smart that All Oats of Office for Federal Service list the US Constitution FIRST...You Think The Founding Fathers KNEW what they were doing!?!?!?
I was a JFK man myself...Was he perfect...Nope...But he did say 'Ask NOT, what Your Country can do for you...Ask what YOU Can DO for Your Country'...And he didn't believe in Massive Taxes or Social Engineering either!!!
Thanks for your service to our Republic...You know...The one Mentioned in The Pledge of Alligence... Which the Communist Elite Leftest Liberl Progressive Socialist have deemed Inapproiate...As it may Hurt somebody's poor little feelings!!!
As a Political Science alum of UofL and an employee of a major local company, all I can say is Wow. Stick to sports, fellas.
Great...Im sure it has nothing to due with the fact that he is a Multi-Millionaire. But that is good he donates to charities. I just think...whether you agree with me or not, because its a free country...that he could do his donating as a private citizen, not representing Jefferson County...just saying.
Thank you as well for your service. My father and son also served. We take this seriously in my family. Me (6 years Navy and 18 years Kentucky, Army National Guard: Vietnam War, Cold War and Gulf War), son (13 years Army, 4 years in Iraq Gulf War) and father (27 years Navy, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War and Cold War). Our combined service is 64 years. I am so glad we have a President, who puts America first over what the United Nations wants! My family has been fighting for America since the French and Indian Wars and the American Revolutionary War. I believe America should never dip our flag to any other Nation. I hated it when Obama did. No other American President ever allowed this! So to end this post: God bless the United States of America, President Trump, and the brave men and women that defend this nation.
Thanks for being such a free thinking independent! I see how one party is called demons and everything else in the book but amazingly for such a free thinker, nothing about the other Major party who freely elected and continue to support one of the lowest forms of humanity who is a mental weakling and who has no loyalty to anything other than his own ego. Save the Rush Limbaugh BS of establishment hating of McConnell.I call it like I see it! Since the 60's...After Kennedy was shot...The Liberal, Progressive, Socialist Wing of the Democratic Party has Destroyed it!!!
It was that Party that started the KKK...
Both Parties SUCK, that's why I'm an Independent...And I do my research and vote for the person that is closest to my convictions...Now...Those are the FACTS...Care to discuss them!?!?!?
Thanks for being such a free thinking independent! I see how one party is called demons and everything else in the book but amazingly for such a free thinker, nothing about the other Major party who freely elected and continue to support one of the lowest forms of humanity who is a mental weakling and who has no loyalty to anything other than his own ego. Save the Rush Limbaugh BS of establishment hating of McConnell.
As my background in law enforcement has tought me, it’s the noisy ones casting aspersions that are telling. Thanks for your service in the Air Force as you pointed out.
Randy Kraft was in the Air Force too. You sound more like he sounded as a young man than anyone I’ve ever heard.
The Republican Party has been the EQUAL to the Democratic Party since Bush 1...That's why this country is in the Pathetic shape it's in!!!
Trump is a FRAUD...A Democratic Plant...He's always been a Democrat...Just not a Far Left Idiot like Bernie...Rush is an Idiot, and McConnel is a Self Serving Hack!!!
Its been said: "The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Grease"...Just look at ANTIFA, BLM, LGBTQ etc...10% of this country are Far Left, 10% are Far Right...The other 80% have more in common than they think, but 80% of them can't think for them self, and less then half of that 80% are registered to vote, or vote...They just complain instead of getting involved and being willing to do what's BEST for America...You Can't Please Everyone All The Time...Sometimes Tough Love Is The Answer for EVERYONE...Regardless of Party, Sex, Religion, Race etc...
Seriously considered running against Johnnie Boy this election, but DC is as much a Swamp as its ever been, and Trump has Continued his Aprentence Reality Show, becoming a Swamp Creature Himself!!!
LolDude - WTF is wrong with you? You live on the Indiana side. We'd gladly trade Yarmuth for Trey Hollingsworth. Get rid of this LEO liberal weirdo. Your posts are dumber and dumber.
Nathan Hale, Hooah! I did not mention the Civil War, because some of my family fought on both sides. maybe we can meet at a tailgate next year.My kin folk also fought in the Revolutionary War, Civil War, WW-I and WW-II...Uncle Nathan was hung...Too bad he only had One Life To Give For His Country...Well Uncle Nathan, I too Regret that I Have Only One Life To Give For My (Our), Country...Guess I Know Who/Where my LOVE for MY Country Comes From!!!
I myself am a Vietnam Vet, along with Desert Shield/Storm, Bosnia, Somolia etc...I think I've EARNED the Right (25+ years), to call out the Failures Our Country has SUFFERED at the hands of Politicians from BOTH Parties!!!
Nathan Hale, Hooah! I did not mention the Civil War, because some of my family fought on both sides. maybe we can meet at a tailgate next year.
So there IS a God. LOL, that had to be one of the strangest rants I ever read anywhere. I was in during Nam. I also remember Kennedy. No one was ever more dyed-in-the-wool Liberal. Funny how we can make history do what we want if we shout loud enough.Most Aren't!!!
Dude, you;re fortunate thos place is mostly nice guys.So there IS a God.
So there IS a God. LOL, that had to be one of the strangest rants I ever read anywhere. I was in during Nam. I also remember Kennedy. No one was ever more dyed-in-the-wool Liberal. Funny how we can make history do what we want if we shout loud enough.
Yep...That's him...That's one of the reasons I chose the screen name I have!!!
Ditto...Some on my moms side fought for the south or remained neutral...Dads side fought for the north or remained netural...Very Troubling Times for sure!!!
English, German, Irish and Native American (Cherokee)...Was one drinking and fighting MF in my younger, wilder days!!!
Sound Good!!!
So there IS a God. LOL, that had to be one of the strangest rants I ever read anywhere. I was in during Nam. I also remember Kennedy. No one was ever more dyed-in-the-wool Liberal. Funny how we can make history do what we want if we shout loud enough.
Dude, you;re fortunate thos place is mostly nice guys.
- The less justified a man is in claiming excellence for his own self, the more ready he is to claim all excellence for his nation, his religion, his race or his holy cause. A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people's business
Eric Hoffer
That's why jobs are so important. He was correct, to a point. Poorly paid jobs, however, are not that avenue. That was a period when wages matched our needs. Currently 46% of Americans cannot afford a $400 accident without having to borrow it. Thus the difference between a living wage and where we are seems to be heading the wrong direction and has been for 50 years. Now we have the working poor. The ideal destination from a corporate standpoint.In The Temper of Our Time (1967), Hoffer noted that working-class Americans rarely joined protest movements and subcultures since they had entry into meaningful labor as an effective rite of passage out of adolescence, while both the very poor who lived on welfare and the affluent were, in his words, "prevented from having a share in the world's work, and of proving their manhood by doing a man's work and getting a man's pay" and thus remained in a state of extended adolescence. Lacking in necessary self-esteem, they were prone to joining mass movements as a form of compensation. Hoffer suggested that the need for meaningful work as a rite of passage into adulthood could be fulfilled with a two-year civilian national service program (like programs during the Great Depression such as the Civilian Conservation Corps): "The routinization of the passage from boyhood to manhood would contribute to the solution of many of our pressing problems. I cannot think of any other undertaking that would dovetail so many of our present difficulties into opportunities for growth."
That's why jobs are so important. He was correct, to a point. Poorly paid jobs, however, are not that avenue. That was a period when wages matched our needs. Currently 46% of Americans cannot afford a $400 accident without having to borrow it. Thus the difference between a living wage and where we are seems to be heading the wrong direction and has been for 50 years. Now we have the working poor. The ideal destination from a corporate standpoint.
Yard-Mouth is the reason the new bridge is a Toll Bridge, and Everyone's Health Insurance has Sky Rocketed since the passage of O-Bumble Care!!!
Ann Northrup had secured almost $500,000,000.00 for the downtown bridge till John and his East End Cronies kept filing BS Law Suites...Our elected officials in Frankfort...Controlled by the Demon-Craps at the time, and Gov Beshears, used that money to repair roads out in the state...Since it was Federal Funds for Roadway Improvements, they got away with spending the money!!!
Health Insurance went up Substantionally for Every Honest Hard Working American/Kentuckian, so they could give Free Health Care to Illegal Aliens (Criminals) for Votes, and Lazy Modern Day Slaves (Wel-Fare Recipients)...That was/is for votes as well!!!
Keep voting for Demon-Craps and this state and city will end up like California, Illinois, and New Jersey, and cities like Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, San Francisco etc...And the Next Greece!!!
I can't believe the number of Dumb@$$@$ there are out there that vote for a party, and Not the Issues that affect us...All Of Us...John Kennedy would have left the Demon-Crappy Party if he hadn't been assassinatted...Ronald Reagan did, and he Implemented Policies that Kennedy Wanted!!!
There's your history lesson for today...But don't take my word for it...Do some Research for yourself and stop depending on ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC and MSMBC to tell you what they want you to Believe!!!
What a bizarre view of retired people, lmo!!! Substance abuse is populat in Trump country more than anywhere else in the US. Hell, with pot being legal out west, your hated hippies are bastions of law abiding cirizenship, they don;t crash and burn drunk in auto wrecks, they like sex and movies - you;re an idiot, lol.A large problem is the grotesque over taxation of young people which drains their income and keeps them down. Their ancestors did not have to pay all these taxes and User Fees. That combined with older people from the hippie 60s who weren't productive and suffer from substance abuse. They now live off the social welfare system and Medicare and Medicaid.
Looks like one of the guilty showed up. A nd don't group the productive retired with old druggie hippie losers.What a bizarre view of retired people, lmo!!! Substance abuse is populat in Trump country more than anywhere else in the US. Hell, with pot being legal out west, your hated hippies are bastions of law abiding cirizenship, they don;t crash and burn drunk in auto wrecks, they like sex and movies - you;re an idiot, lol.
Student Loans are what is crippling young people. It is a literal Wall Street Bubble, now well over a trillion dollars...............and to what? Find a job as a motel clerk? There is a shortage of jobs, a lack of imagination in business outside of high tech (half of whom are immigrants, btw) and a Kleptotastic Culture whose corporate ghoul leaders are siphoning what's left of poor people's incomes. We have leaders in business who start wars to make money. Then they get plum assignments like Cabinet Positions.
You are too dumb to know you humiliate yourself. Post some more of your silly burning pictures dummy.True story, child. It;s as if you have no concept of shame, isn't it? LOL, this board regularly humiliates you and yet, you have no earthly idea. You would have to be invented if you weren't so sadly real. The Oedipal stage you are at is barely out of the womb.
You should congratulate yourself on earning a response. It wasn't easy deciding to. You honestly have not added much to anyone's growth as a human being.
Losers obsessed with hippies have long since been analyzed. You didn't know, did you?
You are too dumb to even understand most of the posts on here - much less Senore’s. The references fly over your flat head like a kite in a hurricane.You are too dumb to know you humiliate yourself. Post some more of your silly burning pictures dummy.
Cletus - We understand perfectly that he doesn't care about young people. He lives off of the American welfare system which is why the hippie came back from Canada. And the young pay for him.You are too dumb to even understand most of the posts on here - much less Senore’s. The references fly over your flat head like a kite in a hurricane.
Lol - You can’t string two coherent thoughts together or use proper grammar and sentence structure, and you are calling me “Cletus”?Cletus - We understand perfectly that he doesn't care about young people. He lives off of the American welfare system which is why the hippie came back from Canada. And the young pay for him.
Yep...That's him...That's one of the reasons I chose the screen name I have!!!
Ditto...Some on my moms side fought for the south or remained neutral...Dads side fought for the north or remained netural...Very Troubling Times for sure!!!
German, Irish English, G and Native American (Cherokee)...Was one drinking and fighting MF in my younger, wilder days!!!
Sound Good!!!
I am a mix of Norman, English, Scottish, Pictish, Irish and native American.Yep...That's him...That's one of the reasons I chose the screen name I have!!!
Ditto...Some on my moms side fought for the south or remained neutral...Dads side fought for the north or remained netural...Very Troubling Times for sure!!!
English, German, Irish and Native American (Cherokee)...Was one drinking and fighting MF in my younger, wilder days!!!
Sound Good!!!