Calling an NBA franchise a job creator is a stretch, a real stretch. Maybe 30 to 40 jobs with 15 to 20 of them being high paying. Being opposed to an NBA franchise isn’t like being opposed to a major distribution center or manufacturing facility. Or being against Ford Motor creating 200 or more new high paying jobs. And, yes, UofL is one of the largest employers in Jefferson County and ranks pretty high in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. And a great many of those jobs are high paying. I think we should think about that employer before going off the deep end for an NBA franchise. Maybe Mr. Grissom would “buy in” and he would make even more money. Maybe that’s what some are thinking is important. I sure don’t.
GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!