Don't let my username fool you I can't stand anything about the fags down 64. I made this account so I could go to their site and tell em all how pathetic they are. I got banned with my original name. In like 30 minutes.ha all I did was share some facts with the UK brethren. FYI. Those guys really hate fact s . Who knew? I've had em hook line and sinker with this name. I told this one guy how cal failed them this season with his lack of quality bigs and he agreed with me. Man. I had em griping about cal. Priceless. Its amazing over there. They can be on a completely factless idiot rant and a sensible UK fan will post some stuff to correct them and instantly he's a troll. Hilarious. I posted stoops record on a thread about wether he's gonna leave for and said if they were looking for mediocrity they would've kept Tqggert. So by now I'm probably banned again.whew