Huge away win by these lady cards!

If we can eliminate turnovers, make our layups and have balanced scoring we can go a long way. With the athleticism that Morgan Jones displayed today she should be scoring in double digits every game.
Who thinks the Cards will still not be ranked? A 2 point loss at VT and a 7 point win at FSU.

It's simply mind boggling how any voter would think this is not a top 25 team.
Duke has also been getting the same treatment. They are undefeated in the conference and teams they have beaten are still ranked ahead of them. Today was a really good win for us today FSU is a good team and we beat them at their place. I like being the hunter instead of the hunted.
The missed layups have to stop if this team expects to make serious noise this season. I just about had a heart attack yelling at the TV today.
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I was yelling at the television myself, I posted earlier that we should stop doing layups. We should just stop 4 feet away from the basket and do a stop and pop jump shot. We are better at that than hitting layups.

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