1) The player wasn't ever paid and the money discussed in the meeting was given to the AAU coach to push the player to Louisville. Where is the violation? Now if the AAU coach tells the NCAA he gave the money to the player at the request of Fair then Louisville/Pitino. IMO that isn't happening. Since the player was a 2020 it is pretty hard to say what would of happened in his recruitment.I think two things get us.
1) The testimony said the player was being paid on behalf of Jordon Fair. Since Fair is a representative of UofL that pretty much means for the University.
2) Johnson supposedly paid Bowen’s father $1700.00 of his own money. If that’s true that’s pretty damning.
As far as Rick and the trial, well that could go either way. I still believe he needed to go, but the process of his firing was botched horrible. May cost us a lot. We will see.
2) This is a he/she said situation, is ther proof money changed hands? Johnson is obviously saying no or he wouldn't still be a coach.
Don't get me wrong both are an issue for Pitinio and Louisville the lawsuit is big ole poker game with both parties waiting on the river card.