I'm having a hard time believing that something as obvious as this hasn't caused a major uproar in our city. I mean you have the governor come in and replace the board with handpicked people so that they can fire Jurich and Pitino? Connect the dots and let's see if our governor, Grissom, Postel, and pizza man are working together on this or is it just a coincidence, hmm? Why would the governor overstep his boundaries and want the athletic director of a school fired? It doesn't make sense unless it's affecting them in some way or another does it? So they know that most on the old board are friends of Jurich and the board has to approve the firing of the AD so that's where Bevin the governor steps in and replaces the board with his handpicked people and knowing some of them want to see Jurich gone so now all they have to do is look for something to connect both Jurich and Pitino to and fire them. Well they caught a break when an assistant coach got caught in the FBI scandal so they just fired both Jurich and Pitino saying both are guilty without ever looking into it bc all they need is probable cause to fire them. Now I told my wife when I first heard of the scandal that if Pitino did it then yes we do need to fire him but as I looked into it that's not the case as you can now see. The only thing that Pitino is guilty of is trusting assistant coaches to much, so yes as much as I hate it I can see where they can fire Pitino without much being said. But when you fire the best AD in the country for the same thing on the same day then it's probably going to be looked into. These crooks have to be removed from the University and prosecuted for what they have done. I can't see how anyone could sit back and let this happen let alone a fan as you claim yet you defend them. Their days are numbered so you better look for a new gig.