FSU D giving it up again early here...


Five-Star Poster
Jan 20, 2011
USF with one big TD then they put together a sustained TD drive, 14-7 early.

Looks like the 'Noles will be shopping for a new D coordinator soon. Stoops?
Lots of early action. 2 plays from scrimmage, 2 TDs. And yes, FSU D looks pretty damn weak right now.
South Florida going through the FSU defense like its hot butter.
Florida State defense looks even worse this week. Getting gashed early on. Willie Taggart has South Florida looking strong after a brutal first couple seasons.
It's 14-14 and there is still 10 minutes left in 1st quarter.
This is as bad a FSU defense as I have seen in the past 30 years. 2009 we gave up 30 points per game. It puts so much pressure on your offense to have to score every time. I hope they fix the problems on Defense.
In-game posting is a dangerous thing...

WTH has happened to Taggert's defense? His teams have generally been more solid on that side of the ball.
I hope to see FSU coming back to life here. A strong FSU showing further validates a huge UofL win. And I like to see other ACC teams (especially ones we have a win over) do well.
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Glad to see Noles getting their stuff together. I've been to a lot of different road games but I have to say the USF students are the biggest a-hole, bandwagon I've ever encountered. When Krags was coaching us and USF was decent, there were a ton of jackasses wearing Yankees and Patriots gear coming into the UofL section talking sh!t. And then when the Cards and Teddy came to Tampa, there were like 12 USF students there and they were awfully quiet. F them
Ya'll do realize that this is a pretty good USF team that FSU is beating on their home field right? The Seminoles were only a 4 point favorite going in and Willie T has built this team up from the ashes that Lou Holtz's dunce of a son had them in.
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