it's not so much of an accent as a completely different dialect...Mexicans think Puerto Ricans can't speak proper Spanish, can't even understand them at times...Spaniards think they are all wrong.
Point is, when a group of people are isolated they come up with their own culture, that includes unique language...there does have to be some common ground however, and it's important for any person who is trying to assimilate to a different culture (read: south Florida black to metropolitan college white) to adopt similar speech patterns for the purpose of improved communications.
This takes time and practice and it's really flippin hard to change a lifetime of speech patterns, of course that assumes he even wants too...he could very well have a attitude of "if you want to understand me, you just need to learn how to understand me"...and for very good reason, he has a skill set that makes him very marketable as it is...why go through the trouble if it isn't necessary.
Yeah, I'm a liberal.
Are you saying black south Florida is another country? It's the same educational system, unlike Mexico and Puerto Rico. Sure every area has differences, but I don't think we're talking cultures.