Any analysis, talk of culture or race, is simply nonsense thought up by people who feel offended by being corrected and do not wish to put forth the effort to conform to societal norms. Being well-spoken and articulate is not a black or white thing. Either you are an effective communicator or you are not. Go tell Morgan Freeman or James Earl Jones that they "need to talk more black". If being well-spoken is a white thing, do people in trailor parks and Portland speak like they are going yachting on the weekend? Implying that communicating effectively has anything to do with race or that one should not have to correct inaccuracies, grammar, etc. because that is who they are is in itself racist. You know the saying, you can take the person out of the trailer park/ghetto, but you can't take the trailer park/ghetto out of the person. Is that where we are? No standard for excellence? No goal to acheive? How low are we going to continue to lower the bar to accommodate those that don't want to put forth the effort?
This goes back to what Coach Walz was ranting about. The same people that justify poor communication skills as being cultural or racial, are the same ones that claim standardized tests benefit one race over another - as if math, sciences and reading and writing are racially biased. You either know the right answer or you don't. But what do we do? We lower the bar so everyone is happy with their score and adjust our entire educational curriculum to teach toward prepping for these tests which should be nothing more than a berometer. Schools systems start focusing all resources on finding ways to elevate their scores for fear of funding or other consequences being levied.
"Don't correct me, this is a message board not an english essay!"
Bar lowered.
"Don't criticize, that is his racial culture"
Bar lowered.
Making excuses for ANYONE of any race or culture for not meeting an expectation is the ultimate example of deep-seeded racism because you imply that someone of another race or culture is not capable of meeting those expectations and that we are not all equal underneath the skin.
The reason you go to a university and not a trade school is to get a rounded education and exposure to culture. If you are college educated, you should be expected to act and communicate accordingly. Dragging down an institution of higher learning to your level because you don't want to put forth the effort is simply laziness at the highest degree and paving the way for others like you to do the same.
FWIW, I don't have a problem understanding Lamar, he just mumbles too much. Ed Orgeron, however...good lord!