Caullin Lacy

This is what all the bleeding heart football fans in America wanted. Funny, never seen a coach opt out midway through a season? Inmates running the asylum or should I say RUINING?
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Who knows he still maybe hurt. I am not worried about him. He is one guy and it isn’t like he has been killing it. This is going to be more and more common once teams get eliminated and they are pro prospect. More opt outs will occur.
Per Lacy’s agent:
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Probably an unpopular opinion, but I was underwhelmed from what I saw when Lacy played. I’m sure the injury didn’t help and my expectations were high, but what did he do other than the one kick return? I didn’t see any ability to separate deep or win against tight coverage. Would like to think we can do better and bring in someone that didn’t quit mid season.
Probably don't win the Virginia game without him. Huge catch in ND game. He's been pretty solid..
Per Lacy’s agent:
Yeah right. No way he comes back. He may actually believe staying a Cardinal is possible, but as soon as a top SEC team comes calling, he will be outta here.

In this day and age, if a door is opened, most players will step right in regardless of what they have said before.
Well, it is what it is. I myself believe that Jamari, Bell, and Bruce should have been the focus all along. Lacy missed those games in the beginning of the season and Jamari was balling out. When Lacy came back I felt like he took plays away from Bell and Jamari. Like a poster before me stated this is what happens when you dance with the devil, who in this case is the transfer portal. We need to focus more on redeveloping those High School pipelines, because we can’t keep going the John Calipari route of relying on transfers year end and year out.
What's the point anymore? That's it for me. Unless things change, no reason to get excited anymore about collegiate sports.
I am in football purgatory right now. My Cowboys are a dumpster fire this year and Louisville is certainly not where I thought we would be going into November. All my hopes are riding on us having a successful Basketball season. And if it took for me to have to endure a horrible season of football for Louisville Basketball to rise again then so be it.
We need to focus more on redeveloping those High School pipelines, because we can’t keep going the John Calipari route of relying on transfers year end and year out.

They get good…and are gone.

There is no way to have any kind of continuity IMO.

It’s going to be a crapshoot every year unless some way shape or form they limit the transfer portal.

The “upsets” already this year tell you times have changed.

They get good…and are gone.

There is no way to have any kind of continuity IMO.

It’s going to be a crapshoot every year unless some way shape or form they limit the transfer portal.

The “upsets” already this year tell you times have changed.
You are proving my point to a tee. How many times did we see a team full of upper class men take down a top five Calipari team? We can not rely on a team full of six month rentals that just want to come here for NIL money and bounce as soon as a little adversity hits.
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It is challenging to build a roster. Why would you spend x dollars on freshman where many of them either won’t see the field or leave? The only way you dedicate $$ to freshman is the staff believes they can play i.e. Brown and Watson. It is rare for a freshman to break into a starting line up. That means at schools like Louisville the high school players are going to be projects. No one will be poking around for them. Maybe you find some really solid players.

That forces coaches into relying on the portal. Then you have to deal with agents and even though the kid maybe a great culture guy the agent is going to continue to get him into a more advantageous position. That is what is happening with Lacey. His agent is trying to maximize his value. He is using the system against Louisville who has zero control of these decisions. They paid him fair market and were playing him, but maybe he wasn’t getting enough targets so they shut it down. Ugly side of the current portal process.

It will get worked out over time but no one is a fan of a player quitting mid season. That is what this appears to be because not many thinks he is staying at Louisville.
The NCAA has had their head in the sand for too long so now there are no guardrails around much of anything. Personally I will not donate a dime to NIL until the schools/NCAA/whomever start making things contractually based. Frankly the whole system is insane.
It is challenging to build a roster. Why would you spend x dollars on freshman where many of them either won’t see the field or leave? The only way you dedicate $$ to freshman is the staff believes they can play i.e. Brown and Watson. It is rare for a freshman to break into a starting line up. That means at schools like Louisville the high school players are going to be projects. No one will be poking around for them. Maybe you find some really solid players.

That forces coaches into relying on the portal. Then you have to deal with agents and even though the kid maybe a great culture guy the agent is going to continue to get him into a more advantageous position. That is what is happening with Lacey. His agent is trying to maximize his value. He is using the system against Louisville who has zero control of these decisions. They paid him fair market and were playing him, but maybe he wasn’t getting enough targets so they shut it down. Ugly side of the current portal process.

It will get worked out over time but no one is a fan of a player quitting mid season. That is what this appears to be because not many thinks he is staying at Louisville.
The 4 game red-shirt rule needs to end IMO. At least go down to 2 games because most schools now only play 2 weaker non-conference opponents or will once the 9 game conference schedule comes into play.

It was awesome when the portal wasn't open because it gave freshman a chance to play. In the portal era, all it's doing is giving guys a chance to game the system. Because they're paid now, I don't have as much sympathy. He's played 5 years and he got paid big this year. Don't fault him for trying a 6th for more money, but he got paid and got a free education. What it also does is take away a spot from a younger player too.
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Schools will be paying in the future and NIL will be a supplement. This is going down the path of salary caps/collective bargaining. Now will get be structured like the NFL or MLB? If it is like the NFL I like it. If it is structured like MLB then SEC and Big Ten will dominate.

There are talks of increasing roster sizes which is nuts. I heard 110 players on a roster. That is insane.
Being a coach in the current state of college football has to be frustrating.
Not just college football, but college basketball as well. Probably got a lot to do with Nick Saban, Jay Wright and Tony Bennett no longer wanting to coach.
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Fans are just watching on TV. Less of a financial commitment. It's possible this thing does fall apart. I don't envision any major retreat in this though. As long as that TV $ is flowing it's status quo. We can't count on the schools or NCAA to figure it out, they punted it for decades counting their stacks. Maybe politicians reach in, but not sure SCOTUS would allow that.

Maybe they reduce the RS from 4 games to 2 games, try to cover some loopholes you see getting abused in the portal and NIL but that seems slippery.

@ the end of the day, when there's this much $ involved in something, it's inevitable the general population is going to take it on the chin. Or the workers. It looks like the workers won their day in court though. So yeah, sorry fans.