
Comparing Kevin Ollie with Dave Padgett? Whatever floats your boat. You seem pretty sure Dave will not be the man. Your tone is that desperate, lol.

Sure, if Dave can't convince people he is appropriate for the gig, we'll cast eyes elsewhere. Eric Mussleman at Nevada would be the first guy I would call. Truth is, there just aren't that many compelling coaching choices out there. The good ones have jobs.

Most of our fans are seriously risk-aversive. Hell, if Padgett shows what many of us suspect, he would be overwhelmingly the right choice. Making a genius is hard work. We already did it with Jeff Walz.
My apologies to Kevin Ollie!
I'm all in for David Padgett to get the job full time. I like his calm collective approach while on the sideline. It doesn't really matter all that much to me though. I'm a UofL fan no matter who the coach is.
Well, said. Padgett is currently in 2nd place in the ACC. He has won at Notre Dame. And he has not used hookers, paid for players or screwed anybody in a public restaurant! Plus he has beaten a Top 10 ranked team. I for one like having Padgett over Pitino!
And now???
Ouch? I guess you missed the part where I freely admit I'm a homer and that it doesn't really matter who the coach is to me. Why you trying to call people out for just being a fan? That's a dick move.
Takes one to know one I guess!