Feb 3, 2014
So….the word is that BHH has a foot injury that kept him out of the NC game. KP was asked about him after the game and he really offered nothing. I mean ZILCH. He didn’t know the nature of the injury, he didn’t know when it happened, he didn’t know how long he’d be out. He didn’t know a thing and nothing further (that I have heard) has been mentioned since regarding the nature of the injury. Could it be that he’s done? Checked out? Or does KP not know what is going on with his players?
Big question mark it wouldn’t surprise me if he has checked out. It wouldn’t surprise me if more players checked out. If the current players start checking out I don’t see them bringing KP back, that would be a nail in his coffin.
Payne also said Tuesday that he does not "specifically know" when the injury occurred, or whether or not the injury happened in practice or in a previous game.

"I wish I did know, so we can sort of have a feel for it," he said. "We're hoping for the best. We hope that, any day now, we have more information and go from there."

??? Sounds strange that Payne has no clue what happened to his own player or when. Then again maybe not so strange the way this season has gone.
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