Back in the 859 ......Finally!


Gold Member
Mar 20, 2005
I have been sidelined for a couple of weeks but am back in operation. My longheld dream of a vacation in the Canadian Rockies was cut short by a medical emergency and subsequent hospitalization in Edmonton. No TV, no Presidential campaign, etc. , just an occasion newspaper in the latter days of my stay. What Card news I got was via WDRB on my phone. My first live contact was the last TBT game on a phone shared with my daughter. OTOH I got some great pics of the wildfires around Jasper.

OTOH my misfortune allowed me to refocus my perspective on things in my life.

I caution all of you to take out trip insurance. They don't take Medicare outside the US. And disaster can strike without notice.

L's Up! and L1C4!
Didn’t Bernie Sanders take someone from Vermont up to Quebec to get them “free” healthcare as a political stunt a few years ago? I guess that doesn’t work for everybody.

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