No. It's not the way it is. They have to prove he sent that text. Then they have to prove the context with which it was sent. Does the jury really think he was going to miss the game to smack some hoe? Is he stalking her? Is there violent history? or is he just pissed she trashed his room?...etc . Under normal circumstances how does the responding officer even know who's phone number that really is? I doubt his number is listed. There are still things such as warrants.Originally posted by KeepingItReal74:
You're way off target. I'm saying that's the way it is. Not the way I want it. I'd be the first in line to sign off on protecting our rights to privacy and full protection of all rights in our constitution. It's never been worse.
Where's the motive here anyways. None of it makes sense. He worked hard and waited his whole life to lead his team into the ACC tourny and he thinks he can rape 2 chicks and get away with it?