Andrew Harrison Says "F**K That N*****"

shadow force

Jun 8, 2010
(under his breath) referring to Wisconsins's Frank Kaminsky during the post game press conference.

This post was edited on 4/5 2:51 AM by shadow force

Into the microphone
hes always been a class act like when him and his brother said f*** wiggins we don't need him here to win. this kid is garbage. he deserves to lose. go to the nba and pretend that you were a real student.

This post was edited on 4/5 2:22 AM by Cardinals4Ever
He learned one thing from being at UK, he just didnt know they were including him when he heard it around Lexington. Cap that off with learning in history class that Rupp wasn't a racist which many people including Billy Reed are trying to dispell, then I'd say he's gotten all the education he needs from the University.
Čan you imagine if one of the star Wisconsin players said that same phrase? It would have been the national story for a week.
Originally posted by shadow force:
(under his breath) referring to Wisconsins's Frank Kaminsky during the post game press conference.

This post was edited on 4/5 2:51 AM by shadow force
That is just pathetic. I avoided the internet last night because I wanted to show some humility towards the BBN for their loss because I know it hurt them deeply.

Now this.

UK fans nor players deserve ANY humility. UK fans AND Andrew Harrison should be ashamed of how they handled this loss. UK fans starting fires and Harrison throwing out a racial slur. Had that been Frank the Tank saying that, the whole damn country would be screaming for the Department of Justice to bring up criminal charges against him and people would start riots in the streets everywhere. This double standard racism is tiresome and pathetic. It works both ways people. This is just further proof of just how divided this country is on race. A sad day for sure.

Go away Andrew. You're as low class as they come in my book. You don't deserve to succeed with that pathetic attitude and entitled outlook but, then again, look at who's been teaching you for the last 2 years. Not surprising when you think about it like that.
Originally posted by thecycle21:
Čan you imagine if one of the star Wisconsin players said that same phrase? It would have been the national story for a week.
And that player would be like Kryptonite to any NBA team thinking about drafting him. His basketball career beyond college, if not over, would be seriously affected.
Originally posted by Majestic Red:
Bad PR.
No it's not. Nobody will care tomorrow. Had a white kid mumbled the racial slur, then our President would have chimed in and people would be protesting everywhere for weeks on end. I can promise you he won't say a word about this incident though. He only sees racism in one direction as do most people in this country.

This post was edited on 4/5 9:12 AM by Cue Card
It's great that so many uakay fans were quick to jump on the 'this is fake' bandwagon just to see it emblazoned across Such class from uakay and the blewneck fans.
"This should not be the BBN's focal point today, even if the media wants it to be. Andrew was very frustrated, and he is only a sophomore after all. That does not excuse what he said, but he has already apologized FPS. Given that Wisky was allowed to shoot 22 free throws, compared to only 10 free throws by Kentucky, and given that WCS was basically a no-show for this critical game, I don't blame Andrew 1 bit for being frustrated. He should have kept his mouth shut, but we should not overreact the way the national media is overreacting. Yesterday is over, and the outcome cannot be changed. Let's not re-live it. Time to move forward."

From rapes rafters.

What is this guy trying to say? Let's blame everyone but the kid himself. As usual, it is the refs' fault.
Cal's massive arrogance tuned a player who came in as a POS, into a bigger POS. Humble is just not ever a factor in Lexington. You would think that UK fans should have known that this would happen, because 80% of the time Cal's teams have failed at the end. Nobody has ever had the level of talent has had and failed more often.
Can you imagine the BBN if a UofL player said that? And over half of them are arguing it's no big deal. Remember their reaction to UC playing them hard? Complete hypocrites.
This is a total non story....quit trying to rub salt in the big deal and national media agrees. It was not racist at all.
Again, had Kaminsky said it? Of course he would not, he has more decency than that punk Harrison kid, but what if?
Agree, sorry I read that wrong. I agree and it does piss me off that an ignorant person is able to say something like that and be left alone. It is bullsh!t, but I guess we should not expect anything less from anything uk
This post was edited on 4/5 2:28 PM by Bburgbandit
"Not racist by any means". Blue KAT promised to come over and apoligize if they lost. Guaranteed a loss. Five guys 6'10" or better and has a total of 22 rebounds against a mostly white team. We're waiting KKKAT.
If Kaminsky had said that you would have had Obama, Holder and Al Sharpton asking that he be banned from the NBA and the national championship game. You won't hear anything from those hypocrites.
Originally posted by Blue Power Cat:
This is a total non story....quit trying to rub salt in the big deal and national media agrees. It was not racist at all.
LOL..national media agree's? Where to you get that?
Black person calls another black person that = not a racial slur.

Black calls white = not racial slur

White calls black = racial slur.

Again, it is just reality. Sorry some of you closeted bigots are so butthurt that "they" get away with saying it, but you can't. Must really stick in your craw that you can't freely go around saying it. In case you doubt the double standard then go up to the biggest black dude you know and say it.
Dude, I understand, but it is a horrible f'ing word. I understand black people say it to each other at times with no harm intended, but the way he used it was out of line. Screw that punk.
Originally posted by CardFan1130:

Black person calls another black person that = not a racial slur.

Black calls white = not racial slur

White calls black = racial slur.

Again, it is just reality. Sorry some of you closeted bigots are so butthurt that "they" get away with saying it, but you can't. Must really stick in your craw that you can't freely go around saying it. In case you doubt the double standard then go up to the biggest black dude you know and say it.

CNN says differently
Originally posted by CardFan1130:

Black person calls another black person that = not a racial slur.

No. It's not perceived as a racial slur to the individual. That's fine. We get it. But "What he said," is a racist slur. The root the word is derived from pure racism.

If it wasn't races, I wouldn't have to type, "What he said"...
Think about the intent of using that word in that situation. Would he have said that about a black player? Highly doubtful. So what did he mean?
What the excuse makers are saying here is that Harrison gets a pass because of race. That's bullsh!t. If he would have called a black player that in this case he would be ostracized also. The fact that it was a white player shows a racial prejudice., intended or not. If a white player said this he would have been done, and he would have been convicted by the media of prejudice.
"We don't just play college basketball," "We are college basketball." UK Coach John Calipari

Originally posted by Cue Card:

Originally posted by shadow force:
(under his breath) referring to Wisconsins's Frank Kaminsky during the post game press conference.

This post was edited on 4/5 2:51 AM by shadow force
This double standard racism is tiresome and pathetic. It works both ways people. This is just further proof of just how divided this country is on race. A sad day for sure.
I do not like to engage these topics in this space, but I will still respond. This country will always be divided on race. It's an unfortunate truth given the country's history. Anyone that is not willing to acknowledge this is truly dreaming. JMO

In no way does it make it right for AH to make those comments though without some backlash. We will always have racisms and double standards. This is not the only subject/topic where double standards are "allowed" and I will not begin to list them all here.

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