7 run 7th by Noles


Four-Star Poster
Jan 12, 2010
dooms Cards 12-7.This was a very entertaining game til the 7th.Our pitchers working hitter counts all night.Let's get game 2 on Saturday.

I was a little disappointed in our pitching tonight. McKay started strong but threw way too many pitches. We had leads of 4-1 and 7-5 and could not keep them at bay. Way too many walks and 3-2 counts. Hopefully Harrington gives us a win tomorrow.
There was some battling back by our guys after falling behind,but give their hitters credit for staying alive fighting off good pitches.
Game 2 at 6pm.Need to even this thing up.Must be everybody's superbowl.;)
This team growing before out eyes.They could've gone in the tank after last night.They have a grittiness about them.
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Bulldog is certainly a good description. It seemed that McKay was a little timid in going after some guys when he was ahead in the count and tried to fool some batters.

Do you know the status of Solak? When it first happened they said x Rays were negative and I have been expecting him back in the lineup. Has there been anything said like maybe his hand was broke?

Heard it wasn't,then I heard he did fracture a bone in his hand.Don't know how long he's out.Maybe somebody else can help us with that?
Hey nccardfan,I think Coach Mac can take his time with Solak if this kid Mann keeps playing like he is.

Can't wait to see Nick back asap though.Don't know if we get him for another season.
I'm starting to wonder just how much help it is for a weekend starter to NOT pitch first. That's part of the reason that CDM gave in moving Funk out of that position. (He can chart pitches and watch another starter deal with the opposing hitters before he has to face them.)

Now, after watching McKay turn in back-to-back very un-McKay-like performances, I'm wondering if any starter is handicapped by pitching on "Fridays". Let's hope that helps Funk today...
It does seem like the Friday starter has additional pressure on them as being the No. 1 guy. I don't look at it like that. Truthfully, Harrington might be that guy. I think it is important that you keep the weekend guys in a regular rotation. I thought it was interesting that we threw Cade on Friday but since the game on Wed was canceled, he needed some work.
And Cade looked good early,but fell into the same traps McKay did,missing the strike zone badly.Good points from both of you guys.Idk,but it does really come down to command of pitches and working the black parts of the plate early in counts.Harrington put on a clinic doing that.I'm expecting big things today from Funk.This stage is why he came back.
That's the unpredictability of college baseball and baseball in general. Some will say that's he's over throwing trying to justify his high draft pick last year so he can remain a top prospect. There is a lot of money at stake. I have my own reasons for why he's struggling but I will refrain. To me, it looks like he is trying to make perfect pitches. When he struggles the game really slows down unlike Harrington who works at a good pace and your defense likes that. We got 5 games this week so it doesn't get any easier. Kidston doesn't look like he can be a solution either.
Same old thing for Funk... Too many walks and the wrong pitch to the wrong guy. Cruising along until the wheels fall off.

A few observations on the downside...

Obviously, Funk is still in a funk. Coach says he's not that far off. Maybe it's one thing that puts him in the ditch. Whatever it is, it has serious effects; it's not something we can live with.

Like last year, our bullpen is a bit overrated. We fatten up our stats on RPI 100+ teams. But most of these guys get hit by the better hitting teams. I'm not even super confident about Burdi if he has to pitch to more than a few batters. That's not a serious indictment unless your expectation is the CWS which ours is.

Devin Hairston needs to shore up his game on the close-call plays. He makes the routine plays fine, and he makes the sensational play more than he should because of his athletic ability. But the former are relatively easy, and the latter are no-lose plays...the kind you don't get criticized over when you don't make them. The ones in between are the problem. Even before this game, he's too often muffing the tough-but-make-able play. Again, those are plays made by a CWS shortstop, not necessarily the SportsCenter Top Ten plays.

And on the upside...

We've now lost three 2-1 series to three top shelf teams: FSU, Miami, and Ole Miss. And they were all on the road. The one good team we've played at home, Virginia, we beat 2-1 in that series. So in those four series, we're 5-7 with three on the road. That indicates a breakeven record against those four teams in neutral ballparks, and I'd say all of those teams are CWS caliber teams. Yet, many of us are unhappy incl. the coaches and players. I like that.

Losses like this weekend are sure to shake people's (over-)confidence and, if they're team affiliated, motivate them to work harder. Obviously, that's a good thing too.

We get to quickly get back on the field and play good teams that we're motivated to beat. No time for anyone to stay in a "funk"...
Another plus is that hopefully we get Solak back soon. Devin has been playing well but today he came up twice early with runners on and we could have had big innings.

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