shadow force Moderator Moderator Jun 8, 2010 13,153 7,888 26 Wednesday at 6:21 PM #1 Reactions: CardinalJunky
shadow force Moderator Moderator Jun 8, 2010 13,153 7,888 26 Friday at 12:34 PM #2 Reactions: CardinalJunky
shadow force Moderator Moderator Jun 8, 2010 13,153 7,888 26 Sunday at 10:31 AM #3 Reactions: CardsFirst
shadow force Moderator Moderator Jun 8, 2010 13,153 7,888 26 Yesterday at 9:19 AM #4 Reactions: Louismetz
K Knucklehank1 6000+ Jul 12, 2004 9,742 6,284 26 Yesterday at 10:35 AM #6 McNeely has been rumored to be a Louisville target for a couple weeks. Definitely one to watch closely. Reactions: shadow force
McNeely has been rumored to be a Louisville target for a couple weeks. Definitely one to watch closely.
E earsky Four-Star Poster Jan 12, 2010 11,556 3,955 26 Yesterday at 10:52 AM #7 The college game has become so much about having multiple guys that can shoot,you can always use another one...and another one.. Reactions: CardsFirst
The college game has become so much about having multiple guys that can shoot,you can always use another one...and another one..
A achilles992000 500+ Feb 5, 2020 522 370 6 Yesterday at 11:43 AM #8 Mikel Brown is # 6, Fru is #25 in prospect ranking. great start so far
shadow force Moderator Moderator Jun 8, 2010 13,153 7,888 26 Yesterday at 4:17 PM #11 Reactions: bigloucards