Obviously there are people that still aren't comprehending the laws being passed. To profit from ones likeness means exactly what it sounds like. For example: A local business is preparing to shoot its latest commercial and they decide it would be wise to target U of L fans since their business is in the area. They contact UofL and ask for permission to use a current basketball player. Before said player would not be allowed to make any money from being in the commercial. The new law allows said player to charge the business money for appearing in their commercial.
The UofL basketball player will profit from his likeness or image. The University of Louisville has absolutely no involvement in the deal. They make no money and pay no one any money.
Also, get real man. A football or basketball player at a division 1 power 5 school will NEVER come close to getting back what he gives to a school. Both sports have very healthy profit margins that are generated by the annual influx of high caliber athletes.
The universities provide free tuition, housing, meals, medical care, access to training facilities, transportation to and from games etc, tutoring, gear, access to qualified coaching staffs etc. But any time anyone feels like these athletes are getting enough and need to be happy about what they have , do the math and see how much money is made per player.
So take all profit from football and divide it by 85 and all profit from basketball and divide it by 13 and then come back and tell us they get enough. Please