
Apr 27, 2015
Defense again looks like a HS team. The Cards are just not focused in these midweek games against lower level schools.
Down 4 to 0 due to 2 errors and Luke Seed had to leave the game with arm pain.

Cards again are going to have to score 10+ runs to win.
I didn’t see the errors so have no idea what happened. Obviously not anything good. Webster has pitched well. Usher should have been more patient on his last at bat with bases loaded. Still TOO MANy runners left on base in scoring position.
Error by the pitcher Seed on a pick off and error on Humphrey.

Don't know what Payton is doing. I've not seen him take this many bad swings in one game all year.
I don't think I can remember a team over here that's seen as many off speed pitches as this group right here.
To their credit,they are making subtle adjustments at the plate. Read your own scouting report and hunt those breaking balls in the heart of the zone.
Four opposite field hits in a row prior to Masterman's dinger.
Tell you what else. I'm gettin a real kick out of watching Usher turn it around at the plate. He's nearing 300 and his at bats are much more productive. Hell,I don't think he ever sees a fast ball.
As CDM stated “we are averaging 10 and a half runs per game”, and once again we gave up 4 runs early, but end up scoring 11 to finish off without even batting in the bottom of the 9th.

Both Miami and ND lost last night to unranked non-conference opponents; just saying this looks like the new normal for college baseball, and maybe the higher fan expectations are no longer reasonable?
I think we're all hoping to see the best version of this team as we roll into May.
We're not hitting on all cylinders,but this group has positioned itself to be able to work out the kinks without the pressure that was on late last season to win to get in.
Conceivably,the Cards could probably play 500 ball to finish the regular season and still host a regional.
1% better going forward and getting everything tightened up to hitting on all cylinders by the last weekend of May.
Seriously, do you ever report positive stuff/posts?
Why does this concern you? Seriously? You think I'm some kind of fake Cards fan? You the positive/negative police?

There are just 8 comments on this thread about yesterday's game against WKU. Most people don't care about baseball, at least not enough to comment positively or negatively. I love baseball. I love the Louisville Cardinals so much so I pay ESPN+ $8 a month to watch these games.

I give my opinion because that's what this forum is for and every criticism I give is in hopes that things will be corrected as we get closer to Omaha.

I'm sure if someone looked into my prior posts going back to February would see that my criticism is constructive for this program as I want UofL baseball to maintain the elite status it has become since Dan McDonnell became the manager.

If you go back far enough you will see me praising Bobby Miller and Reid Detmers and how that team was the best chance at winning the world series before Covid struck it all down. I follow former Cards in the big leagues and have shared some of that on this forum.

If you would bother to look and not be so concerned about how many negative comments I share.

Reid Detmers faced Nick Solak the other day and struck him out. I'm a huge Louisville baseball fan and I want the team to play better and win.
Realville was responding to my question about the 2 errors committed by UofL. The statements about the defense are pretty valid. I mean, are they terrible defensively? No. Are they as good as what we are used to? No.
I like what we are seeing from some relievers. Webster, Walters, Galvan, Gundy, Weigman - all of these guys are showing some flashes of improvement (I am sure Iect someone out there). Riley needs to get right. We need a solid weekend guy besides Poland. This weekend - pray for good weather (not looming great right now). Cards need wins v Clemson this weekend as they have IU, Vandy, Va Tech and UVA all on the horizon. Tech and UVA on the road are going to be tough.
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Realville was responding to my question about the 2 errors committed by UofL. The statements about the defense are pretty valid. I mean, are they terrible defensively? No. Are they as good as what we are used to? No.
I like what we are seeing from some relievers. Webster, Walters, Galvan, Gundy, Weigman - all of these guys are showing some flashes of improvement (I am sure Iect someone out there). Riley needs to get right. We need a solid weekend guy besides Poland. This weekend - pray for good weather (not looming great right now). Cards need wins v Clemson this weekend as they have IU, Vandy, Va Tech and UVA all on the horizon. Tech and UVA on the road are going to be tough.
Errors, I understand. We make too many. I was responding to comments like “we play like a HS team” and “we better score 10+ runs if we want to win this game”. A lot of optimism there.
What exactly is optimism to you? To me it's possibilities being realized if the correct things are done. If the team I root for does this I will be optimistic going forward.

However, if the team continues to make the same mistakes, I will not be so confident and I may just go to a forum board and communicate with other people about it.

What purpose is it to feign optimism?
What exactly is optimism to you? To me it's possibilities being realized if the correct things are done. If the team I root for does this I will be optimistic going forward.

However, if the team continues to make the same mistakes, I will not be so confident and I may just go to a forum board and communicate with other people about it.

What purpose is it to feign optimism?
It's not feigning optimism. It's called being supportive. The Cards are 28-12. Their fielding percentage is .970. The best fielding team, Oregon State, has a fielding percentage of .988. The worst fielding team, Alcorn State, has a fielding percentage of .906. So, while you think the Cards aren't any good in that regard, they actually are. They have 44 errors. The team with the most amount of errors, Norfolk State, has 91. Oregon State, the team with the least amount of errors, has 18. Make of those stats what you will. It's clear, though, constant, and I do mean constant criticism, is unwarranted. We all would like perfection. That's not going to happen.
What exactly is optimism to you? To me it's possibilities being realized if the correct things are done. If the team I root for does this I will be optimistic going forward.

However, if the team continues to make the same mistakes, I will not be so confident and I may just go to a forum board and communicate with other people about it.

What purpose is it to feign optimism?
Obviously we are better than a high school team or maybe you don’t know better and why don’t you wait until we do score a bunch of runs to come back and win the game, which we have done several occasions? You make it sound like we’re not capable. I choose to be positive, you’re negative, I got it..
I'm not choosing anything! I'm reacting. Why can't you understand that? There had been several times where the defense looked like a high school team. I'm not talking about a bad throw here or a missed grounder there. I'm talking about straight up head scratching errors both physically and mentally.

I'm not making it sound like we're not capable, I'm saying we're not going to win in the post season if we have to rely on the bats alone.
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