What is the word on Matt Jones????

Trump has been in office for 2 1/2 years Obama was in office for 8 years. Obama did very little to curb the drug culture during his time in office. Trump has done more in 2 1/2 years than Obama ever dreamed of. I don’t know what rock you are under but there are weekly news report about Trumps fight against drugs. Since you have no knowledge of it even though it is pretty recent law enforcement have arrested Doctors, nurses and pharmacist along with regular dealers. There have been quite a few arrest in Kentucky. You can also google this information.
So no specifics then - got it. It seems odd that you don't - I mean what with all of those weekly reports about trump fighting the drug problem and all. What about the specific about there being a record number of drug related deaths under trump - that some more of that cnn / Wapo / ny times fake news we hear so much about?

NK did not conduct a nuclear test they launched a short range missile that could house a nuclear warhead
I think that's what they call a "difference without distinction" and in any case, it certainly doesn't change the fact that trump has failed to deliver on his guarantee that he'd make sure NK didn't get nukes.

Like I said if the ACA was so good why are the Democrats wanting to replace it? I guess you don’t have an answer for that because you keep dancing around it. You are right about part of this all the free loading Democrats who don’t contribute anything now have insurance. The middle class worker and his family lost theirs.
Democrats and republicans alike are interested in making changes to the ACA. Like any large legislation, it only makes sense to review it regularly to see what is working and what is not - that's called good governance. What happened to trump's plan - you remember, the one that he was going to unveil after he got elected - the one that was going to give Americans "beautiful, beautiful healthcare, and for a lot less money". And you might be interested to know that the areas with the largest increases in the healthcare insurance rates under the ACA are square in trump country - rural areas in Arkansas, Nevada, Kentucky and West Virginia. On second thought - no you wouldn't be interested in that because it deviates from what hannity tells you to think.

I am glad you bought up the trade imbalance that Trump is trying to balance. That lopsided trade deficit is the compliments of Obama and the Democrats. Trump has already worked out a deal with Canada and Mexico that will balance the trade between the 3 countries I am sure you heard about everybody else has. The funny thing about your argument is you post how lopsided the deficit is because of the previous administration.
Wow, I sure don't remember trump saying that there would be higher - or the highest in US history - trade deficits if he were president - do you? I do remember him talking about how "nobody is better at or, knows more about trade" than him because he's always "making the greatest deals". Weird.

Your last paragraph isn't worth responding to - pure alex jones fear mongering nonsense.
So no specifics then - got it. It seems odd that you don't - I mean what with all of those weekly reports about trump fighting the drug problem and all. What about the specific about there being a record number of drug related deaths under trump - that some more of that cnn / Wapo / ny times fake news we hear so much about?

I think that's what they call a "difference without distinction" and in any case, it certainly doesn't change the fact that trump has failed to deliver on his guarantee that he'd make sure NK didn't get nukes.

Democrats and republicans alike are interested in making changes to the ACA. Like any large legislation, it only makes sense to review it regularly to see what is working and what is not - that's called good governance. What happened to trump's plan - you remember, the one that he was going to unveil after he got elected - the one that was going to give Americans "beautiful, beautiful healthcare, and for a lot less money". And you might be interested to know that the areas with the largest increases in the healthcare insurance rates under the ACA are square in trump country - rural areas in Arkansas, Nevada, Kentucky and West Virginia. On second thought - no you wouldn't be interested in that because it deviates from what hannity tells you to think.

Wow, I sure don't remember trump saying that there would be higher - or the highest in US history - trade deficits if he were president - do you? I do remember him talking about how "nobody is better at or, knows more about trade" than him because he's always "making the greatest deals". Weird.

Your last paragraph isn't worth responding to - pure alex jones fear mongering nonsense.
My favorite Trump moments arose when he could not “fix” healthcare as he said he would. He had stated that he could get the people in the same room, knock a few heads together and come up with a deal. When it failed to work he said, “Who knew health care was so complicated?”

My answer to that question was “EVERYBODY! Except, apparently, you, Donald Trump.”
I think it is funny that you didn’t hear the news about Doctors, pharmacist, nurses and dealers all being arrested because of distributing opioids. You didn’t hear the news about lawsuits being filed against the pharmaceutical companies and their owners. This all happening right now while Trump is President it didn’t happen under Obama. I am sure everybody else heard it since quite a few of those arrested were in Kentucky. It sounds like you have select memory.

So you now somewhat admit that the ACA is failing but you call it good governance. The best healthcare program I ever had was the one I paid for myself without government intervention. Yeah but that’s right your a Democrat so you want me to pay for mine and yours. How about I throw in a free TV for you also.

The point about the trade deficit is that was created by Obama and the Democrats. I don’t know why you can’t comprehend that you do know that trade negotiations are still ongoing. In terms of the tariffs that are being placed on China the money from those tariffs is being used to pay down the debt we owe China. Isn’t that great for the future of our children and generations beyond them.

Personally I don’t think we should even trade with China they are using all their money for building a stronger more aggressive military.
Bro! Open your eyes, they’re all the same, just with aligned with one of two cults that we all blindly follow. It’s all dumb, bro. More variety in Louisville fish sandwiches than political bullshit.

Matt Jones has a good show. Can’t hate. He pulls the wrestling shit like a pro and somehow made us into the evil empire to his blind followers. He’ll succeed in politics where his followers will be just as dumb and blind, bro.
My favorite Trump moments arose when he could not “fix” healthcare as he said he would. He had stated that he could get the people in the same room, knock a few heads together and come up with a deal. When it failed to work he said, “Who knew health care was so complicated?”

My answer to that question was “EVERYBODY! Except, apparently, you, Donald Trump.”
Well it all starts with the singular unbelievable amount of knowledge that he has on everything - I mean when you know more than the experts in every field and you're able to combine that with "using the best words", having the "best temperament" and "hir(ing) only the best people" to get "world class deals" done, there's literally no problem too big to be solved in the first 100 days of your administration.

In fact the only thing he misjudged, was that we Americans would have gotten tired of all of the "winning". But that's really on us.
I think it is funny that you didn’t hear the news about Doctors, pharmacist, nurses and dealers all being arrested because of distributing opioids. You didn’t hear the news about lawsuits being filed against the pharmaceutical companies and their owners. This all happening right now while Trump is President it didn’t happen under Obama. I am sure everybody else heard it since quite a few of those arrested were in Kentucky. It so
I've heard and read plenty about the efforts of states, cities, counties and tribes suing big pharma to recoup the money that they've had to outlay as a result of the opioid crisis. It's interesting that while none of these lawsuits have come from the trump administration, you nevertheless want to ascribe some sort of credit to him. If that is your methodology - fine using that methodology - trump would receive the blame for the 72K (in 2017 alone - an all time high) drug related deaths. And since nothing about the situation is "funny", I think that it's sad that you are not intellectually honest enough to do so.

So you now somewhat admit that the ACA is failing but you call it good governance. The best healthcare program I ever had was the one I paid for myself without government intervention. Yeah but that’s right your a Democrat so you want me to pay for mine and yours. How about I throw in a free TV for you also.
I never said that the ACA is failing - even despite trump's best efforts to kill it. Fortunately for those millions of Americans located in deep red areas of trump states that are benefiting from it, like most of trump's "best efforts", that too resulted in failure. I said like all sweeping legislation, there are always changes that would need to be made once implemented. My question to you is, where was trump's plan to replace it? Oh that's right, "who knew healthcare was so complicated?" I really appreciate your offer and will gladly take you up on it. I assume that it goes for the (79 at last pay date) employees who receive insurance through my company as well? Make sure to PM me your address so I can tell them where to go to pick up their new TV.

The point about the trade deficit is that was created by Obama and the Democrats. I don’t know why you can’t comprehend that you do know that trade negotiations are still ongoing. In terms of the tariffs that are being placed on China the money from those tariffs is being used to pay down the debt we owe China. Isn’t that great for the future of our children and generations beyond them.
I sure don't remember hearing trump say that it would take multiple years to fix the trade imbalance - oh that's right, because he didn't. I further don't remember him saying that in order to fix the trade imbalance (the one that he called "unsustainable") that we would first have to experience record trade deficits - maybe I missed those speeches or tweets. As far as who created the issue - given your love for the past - I'm sure that you know that during that Bush and the republicans presided over a collective 5.1T in deficits during their time at the helm. trump is on pace for a collective 8T trade deficit if the American people are foolish enough to give him a second term. Also, you do realize that tariffs result in higher prices to the consumer, meaning that Americans will be paying the US's debt - much in the same way that we (not Mexico) will be paying for any wall.
On trade your blaming Trump for the imbalance in trade created by Obama. Then your saying Trump has failed because it hasn’t happened quick enough for you. Your blaming Trump for the drug culture that worsened under Obama. Your blaming Trump for not reeling in NK but I don’t remember Obama even trying. Once again your blaming Trump for not correcting the blunders made by Obama quick enough.

I do remember Obama restoring relationships with the dictator of Cuba and his support for the dictator of Venezuela. I also remember Obama sending an airplane with $150 billion dollars to Iran, who is the leading financier of terrorism. Terrorist get paid in cash they don’t take checks.

You keep bringing up the tariffs and how it affects you, what are you buying that has directly been affected by tariffs? We shop every day for household items and a lot of items for business and I haven’t noticed this big increase you are talking about. I like the fact that the money from the tariffs is being used to pay down our debt with China.
How come you don’t complain about the higher cost of living when the Democrats raise taxes to give all this free stuff away. Are you one of the Democrats receiving all these free items at the expense of the taxpayers. I ask this question of all those Obama supporters and it really stumps them, “ what was Obama’s greatest achievement as President “. They all stammer for a minute and then they blurt out ACA. Then when I point out that it is failing and falling on its face they just walk away.

Out side of social issues I don’t see where he did anything that was constructive. By the way I am watching Face the Nation and they are talking about how Trumps visit to Europe was very unifying and how well Trump was received. They are also talking about how the Mexican President is talking very highly of Trump, you should turn it on and watch and learn. If you can’t get you can podcast it and watch it.
Bro! Open your eyes, they’re all the same, just with aligned with one of two cults that we all blindly follow. It’s all dumb, bro. More variety in Louisville fish sandwiches than political bullshit.

Matt Jones has a good show. Can’t hate. He pulls the wrestling shit like a pro and somehow made us into the evil empire to his blind followers. He’ll succeed in politics where his followers will be just as dumb and blind, bro.
Exactly. I always say that politics is like sports for people who don’t follow sports. Two teams, one red and one blue. Each has a mascot and each side has tons of supporters who hate the other side and will never agree with the enemy. Maddening
On trade your blaming Trump for the imbalance in trade created by Obama. Then your saying Trump has failed because it hasn’t happened quick enough for you.
Beyond laughable that you think Obama and democrats created trade imbalance - again W and the republicans presided over a cumulative 5.1T trade imbalance. Compare that with the cumulative 1.3T trade imbalance during Clinton's time in office. I'm saying that trump has failed - not based upon my expectations - I'm saying that he has failed based upon what he said he would do and how quickly it would be done. Maybe he'll turn it around in year three - who knows - but he sure didn't say that there would be record deficits prior to him fixing the situation. If you can't admit that basic truth - then it's clear that your support for trump has made you delusional.

Your blaming Trump for the drug culture that worsened under Obama. Your blaming Trump for not reeling in NK but I don’t remember Obama even trying. Once again your blaming Trump for not correcting the blunders made by Obama quick enough.
Again you have a reading comprehension problem. I am not blaming trump for the worsening drug culture or, NK for finally obtaining nukes while he was president. I am simply reporting facts that have occurred during trump's administration and judging his efforts on what he told the American people that he was uniquely qualified to do. He is the one that said he knew how to fix the drug epidemic and he is the one that said he would be able to stop NK from obtaining nuclear capability. The facts are - the drug epidemic has worsened under trump and, NK has obtained nukes. Based upon his words, he has failed. Again if you can't admit that, then you are incapable of separating fact from fiction.

You keep bringing up the tariffs and how it affects you, what are you buying that has directly been affected by tariffs? We shop every day for household items and a lot of items for business and I haven’t noticed this big increase you are talking about.
I'm not here to explain basic principles that occur in a world economy to you. While Google should be your friend, I imagine that it brings up a whole lot of unwelcome information into your bubble. It's interesting that for 60 years republicans have been for free trade - all that has changed under trump. Kind of like their respect for the FBI and our other intelligence agencies. Again, weird.

I ask this question of all those Obama supporters and it really stumps them, “ what was Obama’s greatest achievement as President “. They all stammer for a minute and then they blurt out ACA. Then when I point out that it is failing and falling on its face they just walk away.
How about - rescued the economy from the greatest downturn since the Great Depression and near collapse, got Wall Street reform passed, killed Bin Laden, ended US combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, turned around the US auto industry, repealed don't ask / don't tell, supported federal recognition of same sex marriage, ended bush torture policy, and passed credit card reforms just to name a few. Let me know if you'd like more.

BTW - still waiting for that PM and your address so I can tell my employees where to get their new TV. :)
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To summarize all the aforementioned posts, Matt Jones sucks and will not beat Mitch because the national party wants a Vet, Amy McGrath, to run over douche bag Jones therefore he will not even be the party's nominee. Cool.
Do you want to bring Bush into it well Clinton was the one who got all this started by signing NAFTA into law. Yep another Democrat who is more concerned about everyone else except Americans. I would expect the trade deficit would continue to grow even if everything stayed the same due to inflation. Like a true Democrat you don’t want Trump to be successful and bring jobs back to U.S. because you are more concerned about the people in China, Mexico and Canada.
The next big move the Democrats will make if they get the White House is they will sign The Pacific Pact into law. Once again send American jobs out of the country to the Pacific rim countries. When the Democrats talk about redistribution of money they’re are talking about taking money from American citizens and redistributing to the rest of the world.

It’s funny you gave Obama 8 years to screw the country up but you’re only giving Trump 2 1/2 years to fix everything. I really don’t remember seeing all these drug raids on doctors, nurses, pharmacist and pharmaceutical companies until Trump got into office. Yeah Obama was so tuff on drug dealers that is why he let 1500 drug offenders out of prison.

I wouldn’t call a 700 billion dollar trade imbalance with China as free trade I would call that abuse that needs to be corrected. There is respect for the FBI just not for the corrupt employees of the FBI who don’t deserve it. It is funny now that AG Barr is starting to investigate all the actors in the fake FISA warrant they are starting to point fingers at each other.

I actually give Bush & Obama credit for managing a bad economy that was caused by the sub-prime mortgages. Bush managed the crisis his last 2 years and Obama handled well when he took over. What I blame Obama and the Democrats for is that they are creating policies that are sending our jobs out of the country.

You mention how Obama turned around the auto industry. Once again he created more jobs in China and Mexico with the bailout than he did in the U.S. He made GM consolidate and got rid of Pontiac and Saturn those employees lost good paying jobs. At the same time GM used some of that bailout money to build manufacturing plants in China and Mexico. At the end of everything the American taxpayer lost 10 billion dollars.
The experts concluded that if GM would have gone out of business it would not of hurt our economy at all. It would have created a bigger market for Ford, Honda and Toyota who would have increased their market size and employed more people.

I also give Obama credit for Wall Street reform and killing Bin Laden. He did not end our troop deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have 6 military bases in Afghanistan and 12 military bases in Iraq unfortunately we are there for good and it doesn’t matter who the President is. He didn’t achieve anything on credit card reform and you should know that because that is one of the big things Alexias Cortez ( AOC ) is harping about now. I can guarantee you that when push comes to shove in regards to torture if we needed information to save lives we are probably doing it. When it comes to same sex marriage I could care less. I don’t care how you spin it it 2 men having anal sex will never be normal to me.

Regarding your free loading Democrats that you employed they are your responsibility not mine. It is your mistake for hiring them you should have employed Republicans that way you wouldn’t have that problem.
If he's too stupid to realize his anti-UofL schtick was going to cost him votes he shouldn't be running for office. He's made some inflammatory comments and he's also walked the racist line, if not crossed it. I admit I don't follow him have just heard and read a few things here and there to know his game.

There are countless people that take a lot of pride in their alma mater and school they root for. It's one thing to have friendly jabs but his work is just too over the top pandering to the fans of the other program. Not everybody is going to be willing to forgive that, though clearly some/many might. But not all.

He's a clown doesn't matter which side of the vote you sit on.
Are people really not going to vote for him because he doesn’t like Louisville lol? Since when has sports become more important than the health of our state and cities that are slowly dying.
I won’t vote for because he is to anti Louisville and he would be in a position to hurt us through legislation.
Do you want to bring Bush into it well Clinton was the one who got all this started by signing NAFTA into law. Yep another Democrat who is more concerned about everyone else except Americans.
The idea for free trade that became NAFTA actually was proposed by Reagan in 1979 and the overwhelming bulk of the negotiations and agreements between the countries was done under HW Bush but, he was unable to get it completed prior to leaving office. You might interested to know that the legislation passed through congress with support from 193 republicans and 140 democrats - that's 53 more republicans than democrats that voted for it in case your abacus is broken. How might you explain that fact in light of your earlier statement?

I would expect the trade deficit would continue to grow even if everything stayed the same due to inflation. Like a true Democrat you don’t want Trump to be successful and bring jobs back to U.S. because you are more concerned about the people in China, Mexico and Canada.
I would expect the same however - and I hate to sound like a broken record - that's not remotely close to what trump said would happen if he were elected. As an American, I want every president to succeed and trump is no different. Like a true trumpanzee, you are incapable of being truthful about his words and his deeds which, is why you won't address those stark differences here. trump is a blowhard and has created his own mess by ridiculously over promising and under delivering for the last 2 1/2 years. I do suppose that he was successful in that he hoodwinked enough rubes like you into believing his snake oil bullshit.

There is respect for the FBI just not for the corrupt employees of the FBI who don’t deserve it. It is funny now that AG Barr is starting to investigate all the actors in the fake FISA warrant they are starting to point fingers at each other.
It's quite a convenient coincidence that the only "corrupt" FBI agents are those that trump has decided are against him - which now includes former director Mueller. I look forward to the results of the Barr "investigation".

He did not end our troop deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have 6 military bases in Afghanistan and 12 military bases in Iraq unfortunately we are there for good and it doesn’t matter who the President is.
Reading comprehension. I said he ended combat operations in those countries.

When it comes to same sex marriage I could care less. I don’t care how you spin it it 2 men having anal sex will never be normal to me.
Lol - ok. It's funny that you think somehow gay people (spoiler alert - there are gay women too) need to be married to have sex or, that's why they would want it.

Regarding your free loading Democrats that you employed they are your responsibility not mine. It is your mistake for hiring them you should have employed Republicans that way you wouldn’t have that problem.
I have no idea whether or not my employees are democrats or republicans - I wouldn't think to presume to ask them - and I doubt whether you have the wherewithal to buy yourself a TV, much less anyone else.
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Are people really not going to vote for him because he doesn’t like Louisville lol?

I think "some" democratic UofL fans would be reluctant to vote for him, it's not simply because he doesn't "like" Louisville - it's the over the top manner in which he's brought that "act" to the public.

Some voters simply don't vote if they don't like the candidate of their party. I don't think any democrat would vote for Mitch if Jones was the alternate.
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I think "some" democratic UofL fans would be reluctant to vote for him, it's not simply because he doesn't "like" Louisville - it's the over the top manner in which he's brought that "act" to the public.

Some voters simply don't vote if they don't like the candidate of their party. I don't think any democrat would vote for Mitch if Jones was the alternate.
So we just let republicans vote and continue to drown our state?
Why are you so pro Matt Jones at this point as far as I know he hasn’t even said what he supports or doesn’t support. Are you willing to vote blindly for someone because of his political party. I won’t vote for Matt Bevin ( Republican ) or Matt Jones ( Democrat ) because of their stance that hurts the University of Louisville.
Why are you so pro Matt Jones at this point as far as I know he hasn’t even said what he supports or doesn’t support. Are you willing to vote blindly for someone because of his political party. I won’t vote for Matt Bevin ( Republican ) or Matt Jones ( Democrat ) because of their stance that hurts the University of Louisville.
I just believe Matt Jones will ultimately be the democratic representative durig the election. Also don't see how his fandom effects us lol. From what I'v seen everything he believes in is the opposite of Matt Bevin policy and morally wise. That would help the city of Louisvlle.
It is obvious you are anti Trump and I am pro Trump so let’s just agree to disagree and wait and see whether Trump is as successful as I hope he is. My distaste for the Democrat Party ( now Progessive Party ) is their continuous desire to send our jobs to other countries. Nixon was the a President that opened trade with China, Reagan was the architect of NAFTA but he didn’t sign it because he knew what it would do to our economy long term.
Something to think about long term, computers wiped out a lot of good paying jobs the next phase to wipe out a lot of jobs is robotics. They’re projecting in the next 25 years robotics will eliminate 100 million jobs in the U.S. Jobs at fast food restaurants, Walmart, gas stations, grocery stores and etc. will be eliminated. It is important that our politicians focus on our wellbeing and not the wellbeing of other countries.
It is obvious you are anti Trump and I am pro Trump so let’s just agree to disagree and wait and see whether Trump is as successful as I hope he is. My distaste for the Democrat Party ( now Progessive Party ) is their continuous desire to send our jobs to other countries. Nixon was the a President that opened trade with China, Reagan was the architect of NAFTA but he didn’t sign it because he knew what it would do to our economy long term.
Something to think about long term, computers wiped out a lot of good paying jobs the next phase to wipe out a lot of jobs is robotics. They’re projecting in the next 25 years robotics will eliminate 100 million jobs in the U.S. Jobs at fast food restaurants, Walmart, gas stations, grocery stores and etc. will be eliminated. It is important that our politicians focus on our wellbeing and not the wellbeing of other countries.
Did you love the republican party and Reagan pumping drugs int our streets? Or how about the fact that conservative views are strangling the state of Kentucky into what is basically a malnourished fetus? Also explain to me what Trump has to do with Mitch lol? Idk about Trump yet I'll give it some time but what I do know is Bevin and Mitch are doing a terrible job and I think Matt Jones could fix that
Are people really not going to vote for him because he doesn’t like Louisville lol? Since when has sports become more important than the health of our state and cities that are slowly dying.
Jones has about a zero percent chance to be the democratic candidate for the senate and less than zero percent chance of actually defeating mcconnell. That said, it seems doubtful that McGrath - despite being a good candidate and better person - stands much of a chance in a state with an electorate like Kentucky's either. Given that, even as much as he is a complete asshole, I'd like to see jones and mcconnell attack each other until nothing was left of either one of them.

BTW - stick that screen name up your ass you idiot yut.
Please people when talking about any politician don’t bring those moral arguments to the conversation you automatically lose with it. The few times I’ve heard Matt Jones talk I would hardly call him moral.

The republicans haven’t done anything to our state that the Democrats haven’t already done, bro.

Now we are mad at the republicans and will elect the democrats back into control. They’ll do the same dumb shit they’ve always done and then it’ll be back to the dumb republicans.

It’s a never ending cycle of the same bullshit, bro.

Shake the shit out of your head and open your eyes. They’re both the same and neither party gives a shit about what they’re spewing, they’ll change tomorrow if it benefits them and about half of y’all would blindly change right with them, bro.

As for Louisville, our city can’t get out of its own way to reach its potential. We like to pat ourselves on the back but have been stuck on stupid for decades.
Both parties send people to war to die for causes they lie to the American public about....

They send their former intel agents on TV to sell us on why we need to invade X because they are going to attack us and all we love. They will make us forget that we have such a large defense budget....and those who oppose our defense policy will be removed from TV (see Phil Donahue MSNBC).

They forget to remind you that several of us were so happy when a true anti-war President came to power in 2009 to reverse the Bush/Cheney diasater....only to have him continue the same ole same ole policy....PATRIOT ACT extended, GITMO still open, Libya air strikes, training Syrian rebels, continuing the almost now 20 year Afghan War, Venezuela intervention(that they're still pushing to this day), NSA Spying, prosecuting of jounrnalists....only people of true principle have opposed these policies consistently only to be labeled as "crazy" like Bernie Sanders and Ron/Rand Paul.

The dead bodies will pile up...but because they're from the middle east and across an ocean...their lives don't really matter to us....we can destabilize a region because our CIA wants certain leaders who don't "play ball" out of we take out their leadership and then extremist groups rise to fill the power vacuum....lives and cities are destroyed....and then refugees have to flee their homelands because of our intervention.

Don't be distracted by the other issues....we could pay for the things both sides want if they weren't beholden to the so called "military industrial complex" and intel community that's pushing for American empire...while things crumble at home.
In regards to medical research that has always been done by the private and they do a really good job. We have had major advancements in medicine in the last 40 years. We already spend billions of dollars on infrastructure. We spend so much on infrastructure that can’t get anywhere anymore. On education we spend too much money on education for the results we are getting. They say it now cost more money to educate a public high school student than it does to go to Harvard.
In regards to military I am probably a little bias because my son is in the Air Force. The number one priority of the Federal government is to provide security for the country. Everything else is secondary to that. Since the public school education is so bad now I wish more kids went into the military out of high school.
Unfortunately they are grossly under paid for the service they are providing. The main thing is they are taught a trade, learn discipline and it instills pride in the individual.
Anyone that argues against funding for education doesn’t have the best interest for America as a whole. Absolutely asinine.
You might want to read my post again because I don’t think you understood the point I was making. We have major problems in the public school system and they aren’t producing a quality product. Especially if you take the amount of money we are already spending in that area. The amount of public school kids that graduate from college is extremely low. I am all for funding education but we have been throwing a lot of money at this problem for years and it doesn’t get any better.
Like I said we spend more money on public school students than someone would spend on a Harvard education. We need to figure out why there is an extremely low success rate in the public school system. I just don’t think money is the problem.
You might want to read my post again because I don’t think you understood the point I was making. We have major problems in the public school system and they aren’t producing a quality product. Especially if you take the amount of money we are already spending in that area. The amount of public school kids that graduate from college is extremely low. I am all for funding education but we have been throwing a lot of money at this problem for years and it doesn’t get any better.
Like I said we spend more money on public school students than someone would spend on a Harvard education. We need to figure out why there is an extremely low success rate in the public school system. I just don’t think money is the problem.
Federal dollars spent per child for secondary education is 16K. Pretty sure you would need to be 4.5 weighted GPA and a 34+ ACT combined with some serious financial need to go to Harvard for less than that. Where are you coming up with this stuff??
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You might want to read my post again because I don’t think you understood the point I was making. We have major problems in the public school system and they aren’t producing a quality product. Especially if you take the amount of money we are already spending in that area. The amount of public school kids that graduate from college is extremely low. I am all for funding education but we have been throwing a lot of money at this problem for years and it doesn’t get any better.
Like I said we spend more money on public school students than someone would spend on a Harvard education. We need to figure out why there is an extremely low success rate in the public school system. I just don’t think money is the problem.

We are in the same book, just not the same page.

Our education system needs to be improved. One thing is to include skill training. Not everyone is the "college" type.

BTW, I am an Air Force Vet.

With regard to medical research I am just surprised we have not found a cure for cancer, MS or autism. Which is why I donate to St Jude's and Shriners Children Hospital.

Peace to all.
Just curious but if don’t want to spend money on our military where would you spend it?
It's not that I don't want a strong military...but when you get to the nitty gritty. But we spend more than the next 8-12 nations combined....

We spend $650 billion on defense and we are the most
China spends between $168-$250 Billion on defense and they are in 2nd

Cut our military budget in half? That's $325 billion and we would still be #1

.....1/4th of the budget would be $163 billion...which would put us just in 2nd place behind China...but honestly not that far apart. And it would still be double the 3rd place country in Saudi Arabia at $60-$80 billion...a 4th of our budget is double the nation that spends the 3rd most...let that sink in...

And if that's not enough...we have 6,500 nuclear warheads and Russia has about the same....the next closest is France with even without a strong military force...we have WMDs that could end the world....

The big scary Russia spends $60 billion...but unlike us...they actually know the worth of their nuclear warheads and don't waste money on a big defense budget.....

No one is going to invade us or mess with us....but yet we continue to build empires and invade foreign lands...some complain...but it's usually commonplace for both sides to allow the

We have close to a $900 billion deficit....
The military budget was $300B when Bush entered office...his last year it was $700B after 2 wars. After 8 years of gridlock, the Iraq war slowly dying down, and a financial was still over a $600B budget...

We have a military budget in place that's big enough in size so that can invade and occupy 2 different nations....that's not defense.

And I'd also rather our nation not pick sides to try and topple dictators....well dictators and regimes we don't like....we hate Iran....yet Saudi Arabia is awful on human rights....we invaded Afghanistan and fought the Taliban....yet Bin Laden was in Pakistan and all of his family money and the 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia.

And all of this money....yet where is it going? The VA is a disaster and the actual veterans are struggling? Oh wait...the increases aren't going all to the actual ones risking their's for new planes and weapons....that we don't need.

So what if over 10 years...we committed $100 billion a year...$1 trillion to improving infrastructure..something we can all get behind. Take $100 billion out of defense to fix crumbling bridges, schools, hospitals, roads, and airports....all while paying AMERICAN workers and using AMERICAN made products.....that's the difference in a bloated takes away what you need. Or heck....give that $1 trillion over 10 years to put into social security.
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Yeah I was wrong on the quote about the Harvard tuition that was an outdated quote I heard long ago. Each state spends different amounts like New York spends around $21,000 per year per student other states spend less or more. That is still a lot of money per student for that kind of money they could send all those kids to private schools and they would get a better education.
I really don’t know why they are producing such a bad product when they are spending that kind of money. We need to figure out because that is a terrible waste of our future generations. While I was looking up how much we spend on public school education it said we spend more on K-12 education ( $649 billion ) than we do on military ( $601 billion ).

I think people are looking at the military expenses in the wrong way. A lot of that budget is payroll so when you cut military spending you unemploy military personnel including soldiers. I remember when Bill Clinton cut the military budget he shut down military bases nationwide. He also forced some soldiers into civilian life. The closure of those bases caused the businesses in those area to go out of business.
When Clinton was asked about all the people who lost their jobs because of his actions he said he wasn’t worried about them. He said those are the type of people who will find some other type of work. His concern was about the people who wouldn’t find work. It was a huge loss to the economies in those areas which meant a huge tax loss.
Yeah I was wrong on the quote about the Harvard tuition that was an outdated quote I heard long ago. Each state spends different amounts like New York spends around $21,000 per year per student other states spend less or more. That is still a lot of money per student for that kind of money they could send all those kids to private schools and they would get a better education.
I really don’t know why they are producing such a bad product when they are spending that kind of money. We need to figure out because that is a terrible waste of our future generations. While I was looking up how much we spend on public school education it said we spend more on K-12 education ( $649 billion ) than we do on military ( $601 billion ).

I think people are looking at the military expenses in the wrong way. A lot of that budget is payroll so when you cut military spending you unemploy military personnel including soldiers. I remember when Bill Clinton cut the military budget he shut down military bases nationwide. He also forced some soldiers into civilian life. The closure of those bases caused the businesses in those area to go out of business.
When Clinton was asked about all the people who lost their jobs because of his actions he said he wasn’t worried about them. He said those are the type of people who will find some other type of work. His concern was about the people who wouldn’t find work. It was a huge loss to the economies in those areas which meant a huge tax loss.
That's because the cuts didn't go to weapons, jets, etc.....they cut soliders. They can still pay their soldiers...but they choose not to pay them

...the defense budget is usually (from what I have seen) around 20%-25% on personnel. So no...that number is not most of the budget. In 2017 for example, the budget request had personnel was 138.8 out of 582.7 around 23%.

There is a lot of that money that goes for retirement and vets...but that's not included in the budget I'm talking about...this is straight defense spending.

And I understand how cutting can hurt a base...Fort Campbell can kill the economy of my town if there's a deployment or less troops on base.

It's the old guns vs. butter argument.

I am conservative sorta....but it's hard to defend begging for that kind of defense budget when you have people starving...people going into debt to pay for their loved one's life saving medicine and treatment....and we say we cannot afford it and we need to continue to cut and cry about debt for Obama...yet we cut taxes again (which helped the economy grow a bit) and increased defense spending in the last less revenue but increased spending on fighter jets and bombs?

I mean I personally feel safe as an American in regards to a foreign nation coming to invade and take us down. IDC about Putin's Facebook trolls or those terrorists in caves. The only things that make us less safe are attacking sovereign nations....where there people see us as invaders...and they have to leave or stay in their destroyed homes....and their lives miserable....making them so angry to a point they become radicalized against the country that finances all the war in the Middle East.
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We are in the same book, just not the same page.

Our education system needs to be improved. One thing is to include skill training. Not everyone is the "college" type.

BTW, I am an Air Force Vet.

With regard to medical research I am just surprised we have not found a cure for cancer, MS or autism. Which is why I donate to St Jude's and Shriners Children Hospital.

Peace to all.
I appreciate the donations to St Jude. The reason I am in Memphis is that i work at St Jude: 25 years and counting.

Going back to the issue of medical research, somebody posted that it was privately funded which is not true. The federal government provides tons of money for medical research, and helps to facilitate it through organizations such as the National Cancer Institute, and the Centers for Disease Control.

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