What is the word on Matt Jones????

As much as an unmitigated disaster the trump presidency has been - IMO and not looking to start a fight - if he could somehow use his cult of personality to enact congressional term limits - he’d move to a top 5 POTUS in history in my book.
I disagree with on Trump but regarding term limits on politicians I agree with you but only if. I would agree with term limits if they weren’t given full retirement benefits after serving 2 terms. If they were given full benefits we would run into a financial crunch after a period of time paying all those pensions.
I just wished they would change things so they wouldn’t be in a position to abuse the office so blatantly. First thing I would change is to make them obey the laws they pass that way they wouldn’t pass some of these laws. Then I would make them go through a public audit every year explaining where their money came from.
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From a pure policy stand point only, IMO President Trump has done a good job so far. I know I'm personally better off now than I was 2 years ago. My net income is higher, my federal tax bill is lower. My 401K is booming. He is putting the American people first and he isn't apologizing to anyone for our status of being a really great country to live in. I mean seriously now, that's the reason everyone wants to come here. This is a great country to live in.

Now regarding his mouth, his twitter account, and his inability to SOUND intelligent, I give him a F minus. He SOUNDS stupid.... a lot. Not saying he is, because stupid people can't be as successful in life as he's been but his mouth is what divides people on him as President IMO.

Anyway, I don't wish to get a spat going either. I respect everyone's right to express themselves. I only want the same right to express my own thoughts.
If Jones is foolish enough to run against Mitch, every skeleton in his closest will be exposed. Even some that he doesn’t know about yet. It could well be ugly enough to really damage his radio thing. That would be too damn bad. Too damn bad.

Don't be shy. Tell us what you know that he and we don't know and you think you do.
I'm going to let you guys in on a secret (I'm Republican btw), the vast majority of people in this state DO NOT CARE about UK vs. UofL that much. I'd say there are a lot of people that love when UK win out in the state and UofL vice versa in the city, but they are casual bandwagon fans. Although sports are big in our world....there are many other people that care about their farm, church, academics, family life, etc. A majority of people never went to UofL nor UK.

I lived in Louisville...and the majority of people where I lived and went to school with....did not care too much about a sports rivalry.
Women are the majority of voters and are even more powerful in the democratic many of them live and die by a male sports rivalry?

Mitch McConnell is a big GOP figure...who loves UofL. And guess what? Republicans will vote for him because they will vote for who is in line with their political beliefs (lets not debate if any policy is good or bad for them). Democrats are the same.

Amy McGrath appeals to very liberal voters. Matt appeals to rural/moderate democrats and swing voters in the Western and Eastern part of the state as a kid who grew up in dirt poor mountain become a very successful individual.

As a supporter of McConnell, I fear him facing Matt Jones more than McGrath....and if you're a democrat....1 less vote for the GOP is all that should matter....and if Matt's comments have made you hate him and you don't like his smug attitude....even if you believe in his political stances and want Mitch out....and you're hate of Matt makes you not want him to oust a person you don't agree with politically that makes laws that effect your daily life....then sports have too big of an impact of your life.

And politically....Matt doesn't need all of Louisville....he just needs enough. He can sweep Lexington, Eastern, and Western....and even 30-40% of Louisville dems get him over the top...I doubt a sports rivalry will keep dems from voting for him.
Was thinking the same thing. I don't think I'd vote for Jones in anything but it's not because of his fandom . What goes on in my life and kids life is way more important than how good my favorite football/or basketball team is. If people can't separate their fandom when it come to politics then you have bigger problems.

If you feel that he is good for the state and the only hang up is , is he is a UK Homer ...then I'd say vote for him. I fall more on the libertarian spectrum. If Jones leans more towards these modern day, far far left, politically correct Democrats then he wouldn't get my vote regardless.
Democrat what !!! The Democrat Party no longer exist it has been hijacked by the Progressives. I can’t vote for Matt for multiple reasons but the main one is his constant negative comments towards Louisville. I am afraid if that idiot ever got into office he would put policies in place that would have a negative affect on our University.
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From a pure policy stand point only, IMO President Trump has done a good job so far. I know I'm personally better off now than I was 2 years ago. My net income is higher, my federal tax bill is lower. My 401K is booming. He is putting the American people first and he isn't apologizing to anyone for our status of being a really great country to live in. I mean seriously now, that's the reason everyone wants to come here. This is a great country to live in.

Now regarding his mouth, his twitter account, and his inability to SOUND intelligent, I give him a F minus. He SOUNDS stupid.... a lot. Not saying he is, because stupid people can't be as successful in life as he's been but his mouth is what divides people on him as President IMO.

Anyway, I don't wish to get a spat going either. I respect everyone's right to express themselves. I only want the same right to express my own thoughts.
A lot to agree with here. My question has always been for those trump train passengers, what has he really done that’s had a positive effect on your every day lives that all or nearly all of the republican candidates wouldn’t have done?
I don’t think the other candidates would have tried to balance out the trade deficits as much as Trump. Like CueCard said business is good for me also there is a big difference between Trump and Obama in regards to business and money.
As much as an unmitigated disaster the trump presidency has been - IMO and not looking to start a fight - if he could somehow use his cult of personality to enact congressional term limits - he’d move to a top 5 POTUS in history in my book.
I did not vote for trump (I’m an independent). As a matter of fact I predicted he would quit after a year. I never believed that he even wanted to win. But his time in the White House has most definitely not been a disaster. As a matter of fact I think he has over performed.
Having said that, his personality does suck and he should not be on social media. He is a lightning rod for negativity from the dem side. I get it. He is a clown.

But when he took office there were two things that mattered a ton to me. 1. The economy and 2. War with North Korea. Well, the economy is doing way better than I hoped for and we are not in hostilities with NK. I can’t fathom how anyone could call his term an unmitigated disaster unless you just hate him so much that you’re incapable of seeing things with an unbiased eye. At any rate I agree with you on the term limit thing.
From a pure policy stand point only, IMO President Trump has done a good job so far. I know I'm personally better off now than I was 2 years ago. My net income is higher, my federal tax bill is lower. My 401K is booming. He is putting the American people first and he isn't apologizing to anyone for our status of being a really great country to live in. I mean seriously now, that's the reason everyone wants to come here. This is a great country to live in.

Now regarding his mouth, his twitter account, and his inability to SOUND intelligent, I give him a F minus. He SOUNDS stupid.... a lot. Not saying he is, because stupid people can't be as successful in life as he's been but his mouth is what divides people on him as President IMO.

Anyway, I don't wish to get a spat going either. I respect everyone's right to express themselves. I only want the same right to express my own thoughts.
I think you have to wait until the trade deals are finalized until you know the outcome. We have a trade deficit with almost every country in the world. Thanks to the Democrats it is called redistribution of money. They think it is OK for us to make less so that other countries can make more. Kind of like everything that is supposed to help the environment penalizes us but not everyone else.
The best example is oil and gas, whenever the democrats are in office they restrict drilling for oil and gas because it hurts the environment. However we don’t quit using oil and gas we have to import it from Canada, Mexico and Saudi Arabia. Your not helping the environment because their oil pollutes the environment just as much as ours your just moving money around. As a matter of fact migration hurts the environment because the people who are migrating around the world are coming from places where they don’t have access to utilities. By migrating to developed countries they are using more utilities therefore polluting the atmosphere more.

I am glad Trump is placing tariffs on countries who are taking advantage of us. As far as I am concerned we shouldn’t even trade with China. They are stealing our technology and putting all the money towards their military. Why do we want to help a country who violates human rights and has an aggressive military plan.
This is why you guys should stick to sports. At least you have some knowledge there.
Thos numbers - a lot like stats - can be manipulated to push a narrative. Seeing how the blogger has a Ph.D in economics from the University of California at Berkeley, and he's done work for The Stanford Law and Policy Review, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and provided commentary on CNN, NPR, and Bloomberg, among others, it's fairly easy to see which way this guy leans on the political spectrum. Just saying I'll take his reasoning with a grain of salt.
Thos numbers - a lot like stats - can be manipulated to push a narrative. Seeing how the blogger has a Ph.D in economics from the University of California at Berkeley, and he's done work for The Stanford Law and Policy Review, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and provided commentary on CNN, NPR, and Bloomberg, among others, it's fairly easy to see which way this guy leans on the political spectrum. Just saying I'll take his reasoning with a grain of salt.
No offense Cue but your answer is a great example of what will be one of the biggest legacies of the trump tenure - disputing the validity of facts (alternative or otherwise) depending upon who’s mouth they come out of.

Putin says nice things about trump and insists that Russia didn’t meddle in the election - trump says he’s telling the truth. Our intelligence community says Russia helped trump get elected - not flattering to trump - trump calls them liars.

Facts like in the article aren’t progressive or conservative - they’re simply facts. We used to at least be able to agree on that.
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No offense Cue but your answer is a great example of what will be one of the biggest legacies of the trump tenure - disputing the validity of facts (alternative or otherwise) depending upon who’s mouth they come out of.

Putin says nice things about trump and insists that Russia didn’t meddle in the election - trump says he’s telling the truth. Our intelligence community says Russia helped trump get elected - not flattering to trump - trump calls them liars.

Facts like in the article aren’t progressive or conservative - they’re simply facts. We used to at least be able to agree on that.
No offense taken. I'm not totally disputing the facts as you say. I'm just slowing my roll on what to believe and what not to believe while I take the time to allow time itself to provide me with a better answer than some excel spreadsheet with numbers that can be manipulated. If that guy turns out to be right, it'll be proven. If not, then well, that will be proven too.

Regarding Russia/collusion/Trump thing, the only thing I can say about that is the previous President knew Russia was trying to do it and did nothing to combat it as far as I can tell. Maybe he did and just couldn't stop it, but regardless, none of that happened after Trump was elected. It happened before.
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I think if you use the facts on Obama his Presidency was a disaster. The drug problem in our country was way out of control and he did nothing about it. As a matter of fact he gave presidential pardon to over 1500 drug criminals. Over 500 of them were drug dealers. He alienated all our allies and catered to our long time enemies.

The economy dragged along and never reached its potential under him. He created policies that saw large amounts of companies move out of the country. He created a healthcare system that caused more Americans to to loose their healthcare instead of gaining healthcare. That is why the democrats are pushing Medicare for all.
I could go on and on about his failures but you get the picture. When I ask Obama supporters to tell me what was Obama’s greatest achievement as President they don’t know. Personally I thought Obama was anti American based on his speeches and his policies.
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I still think we are waiting for all the facts to come out before making the judgement. Facts like the warrant to investigate Trump was falsified. Facts like the IRS, FBI and the Attorney Generals office were weaponized to take down a President. I think it is time to investigate the investigators. I also think it is funny how the Democrats are scrambling to try and prevent it.
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I think if you use the facts on Obama his Presidency was a disaster. The drug problem in our country was way out of control and he did nothing about it. As a matter of fact he gave presidential pardon to over 1500 drug criminals. Over 500 of them were drug dealers. He alienated all our allies and catered to our long time enemies.

The economy dragged along and never reached its potential under him. He created policies that saw large amounts of companies move out of the country. He created a healthcare system that caused more Americans to to loose their healthcare instead of gaining healthcare. That is why the democrats are pushing Medicare for all.
I could go on and on about his failures but you get the picture. When I ask Obama supporters to tell me what was Obama’s greatest achievement as President they don’t know. Personally I thought Obama was anti American based on his speeches and his policies.
Taking out Osama Bin Laden will be his legacy IMO, and of course the affordable health care act which to borrow a phrase from the Ghost has been an unmitigated disaster. IMO Obama colluded with Russia but nothing was ever really said about it in the MSM. Anyone recall when he told the then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to tell Putin that he would have more flexibility after the 2012 election? Where was all this outrage over collusion when he was caught saying that on a live microphone? Just the double standard most of us have come to expect.
No offense Cue but your answer is a great example of what will be one of the biggest legacies of the trump tenure - disputing the validity of facts (alternative or otherwise) depending upon who’s mouth they come out of.

Putin says nice things about trump and insists that Russia didn’t meddle in the election - trump says he’s telling the truth. Our intelligence community says Russia helped trump get elected - not flattering to trump - trump calls them liars.

Facts like in the article aren’t progressive or conservative - they’re simply facts. We used to at least be able to agree on that.
The Intel community told us there were WMD's in Iraq....and that if we didn't act fast enough and remove Saddam that we were in danger.....those were the facts presented in 2002.

In 2012...Mitt Romney (noted being in the establishment GOP hawk territory) warned that Russia was our greatest foe. President Obama told Romney that the 80's wanted their foreign policy back...also Obama didn't really sound any alarms during the 2016 as you see Obama didn't take Russia serious...his Neo-Lib allies do...but he personally knows that it's fear mongering.

Yes I accept Russia meddled...but I don't think it was as big of a deal as it's been made out to be, just CIA community fear mongering being propagated on Cable news. Russia really didn't do much...GOP more or less supported Trump in similar numbers and he got some swing dems and turnout of rust belt voters....Dems lacked enthusiasm as Hillary could not inspire people of color to turnout to vote like Obama did....Wikileaks hurt he yes....but Wikileaks is important to our world and journalism at large.
I think if you use the facts on Obama his Presidency was a disaster. The drug problem in our country was way out of control and he did nothing about it. As a matter of fact he gave presidential pardon to over 1500 drug criminals. Over 500 of them were drug dealers. He alienated all our allies and catered to our long time enemies.

The economy dragged along and never reached its potential under him. He created policies that saw large amounts of companies move out of the country. He created a healthcare system that caused more Americans to to loose their healthcare instead of gaining healthcare. That is why the democrats are pushing Medicare for all.
I could go on and on about his failures but you get the picture. When I ask Obama supporters to tell me what was Obama’s greatest achievement as President they don’t know. Personally I thought Obama was anti American based on his speeches and his policies.
Sweet baby Jeebus - everything you have just tried to tie to Obama - could be said for trump. I mean no disrespect but this is honestly the most ironic post I think I may have ever read.

Not going to waste either my or anyone else’s time playing counterpoint here - there’s clearly no common ground.
The Intel community told us there were WMD's in Iraq....and that if we didn't act fast enough and remove Saddam that we were in danger.....those were the facts presented in 2002.
Yeah - I’ll take the word of our intelligence community over that of a known charlatan - with personal motivation to lie - who’s basically 500 lbs of shit stuffed in a 275 lb sack.
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There is nothing that I posted that would compare Obama and Trump. Trump didn’t pardon drug traffickers Obama did all you have to do is google Obama and his Presidential pardons. Obama created most of his jobs in the government sector because his policies hurt corporations and small business.
Obama like all democrats are more concerned about the well being of everyone else other than American citizens. Example Bill Clinton and NAFTA, the desire of the Democrats to pass The Pacific Pact and the Democrats failure to protect our border.
Trump is renegotiating NAFTA to benefit U.S. citizens, protecting our border which because of the democrats is killing us. When Trump got elected he killed The Pacific Pact. If you are going to debate the issues at least be honest about it.
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Yeah - I’ll take the word of our intelligence community over that of a known charlatan - with personal motivation to lie - who’s basically 500 lbs of shit stuffed in a 275 lb sack.
I don't care for Trump and will never vote for anyone who denies climate change...

I'm just telling you that our intel community only tells us what they want to hear....usually it's how these leaders on foreign soil are bad guys and are a threat to us...and we need to act fast or they'll come take our freedom away from how some terrorists in caves caused so much fear that we invaded another country that wasn't involved in 9/11 on a lie and has cost the world over half a million lives to "protect our freedom" or how those scary communists needed us to be in Vietnam. And now they tell us how scary Putin is and know how it's historically worked.

But it seems most people's anger towards Trump makes them forget about the foreign policy failures in the Middle East during the last 20 or so our military budget dwarfs the next 16 nations combined....and how that makes us forget the bloated military budget and makes us blame the rich and welfare recipients for why we can't pay for education and healthcare and need to raise taxes.

They forget the lies of WMDs that led to all of the deaths in a Iraq....I'm sure everyone loves the "oh my how America's standing in the world has fallen" and after the UK this week it's portrayed that the world hates us because of Trump....but forget the 2002-03 worldwide protest of the Iraq War and how it was the largest protest in world history. But hey...what's a half-million dead bodies compared to that evil Trump and his tweets fueled by Putin and his troll dare they!

But trust the those European know the ones who spend barely anything on their military and can put their money into social program because "hey the U.S. is our ally and they basically can be our military for us". Because that's what they fear...the day the U.S. stops the empire building and they have to do more for themselves...that's what they don't like.

But yes...let the corporate media tell you how Putin and Orange Man are coming for your freedom with their former CIA members who are lobbyist and employees for defense contractors.
I don't care for Trump and will never vote for anyone who denies climate change...

I'm just telling you that our intel community only tells us what they want to hear....usually it's how these leaders on foreign soil are bad guys and are a threat to us...and we need to act fast or they'll come take our freedom away from how some terrorists in caves caused so much fear that we invaded another country that wasn't involved in 9/11 on a lie and has cost the world over half a million lives to "protect our freedom" or how those scary communists needed us to be in Vietnam. And now they tell us how scary Putin is and know how it's historically worked.

But it seems most people's anger towards Trump makes them forget about the foreign policy failures in the Middle East during the last 20 or so our military budget dwarfs the next 16 nations combined....and how that makes us forget the bloated military budget and makes us blame the rich and welfare recipients for why we can't pay for education and healthcare and need to raise taxes.

They forget the lies of WMDs that led to all of the deaths in a Iraq....I'm sure everyone loves the "oh my how America's standing in the world has fallen" and after the UK this week it's portrayed that the world hates us because of Trump....but forget the 2002-03 worldwide protest of the Iraq War and how it was the largest protest in world history. But hey...what's a half-million dead bodies compared to that evil Trump and his tweets fueled by Putin and his troll dare they!

But trust the those European know the ones who spend barely anything on their military and can put their money into social program because "hey the U.S. is our ally and they basically can be our military for us". Because that's what they fear...the day the U.S. stops the empire building and they have to do more for themselves...that's what they don't like.

But yes...let the corporate media tell you how Putin and Orange Man are coming for your freedom with their former CIA members who are lobbyist and employees for defense contractors.
So to sum up, can’t trust US intel community, European allies, corporate media, the US military or it’s leaders. More able to be trusted - Putin and trump.

Got it.
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According to Obama Russia is not a threat but he probably said that when he went off TelePrompTer. The one thing we know for sure is there is no way you can trust the media. Our media reminds me of the Russian newspaper Pravda say anything the comrades want us to believe.
There is nothing that I posted that would compare Obama and Trump. Trump didn’t pardon drug traffickers Obama did all you have to do is google Obama and his Presidential pardons. Obama created most of his jobs in the government sector because his policies hurt corporations and small business.
Obama like all democrats are more concerned about the well being of everyone else other than American citizens. Example Bill Clinton and NAFTA, the desire of the Democrats to pass The Pacific Pact and the Democrats failure to protect our border.
Trump is renegotiating NAFTA to benefit U.S. citizens, protecting our border which because of the democrats is killing us. When Trump got elected he killed The Pacific Pact. If you are going to debate the issues at least be honest about it.
Ok, here’s some honesty for you.

- Drug epidemic worse now than under Obama.
- Trump disliked and disrespected by traditional allies and their citizens. He’s openly laughed at ridiculed for his lack of interest and knowledge of world events and (according to his own staff) is chronically unprepared when meeting other world leaders.
- While weakening US relationships with its traditional allies by making derogatory statements about their leaders, he defers to and offers supportive words to Putin and Kim - two of the worst human rights offenders on the planet.
- After having repeatedly said that if elected, he would put a stop to North Korea’s nuclear program - not only does it continue, it expands to the point that they now are believed to be able to deliver a nuclear warhead to US soil. trump shrugged off the most recent nuclear tests by NK.
- contrary to your statement, far more Americans had healthcare under the ACA than before it. trump - who again after saying he would replace it with something “beautiful and less expensive” came up with no plan and so couldn’t get it repealed. He has made no attempt to fix it / make it better which is what the overwhelming majority of the public and members of Congress want.
- trump has questioned the patriotism of anyone who has not fallen in line including US military leaders, intelligence community, the FBI, to members of his own cabinet and administration.
- his childishness and lack of dignity have completely debased the office that he holds.

Lastly, and most importantly, if you truly believe your statement that “Obama like all democrats are more concerned about the well being of everyone else other than American citizens” then you clearly are not a serious or reasonable person and you need to turn off your tv and radio and go fly an effing kite.
So to sum up, can’t trust US intel community, European allies, corporate media, the US military or it’s leaders. More able to be trusted - Putin and trump.

Got it.
You love to spin to avoid the topic at hand. Never said I trust them, I just don't trust the intel community...they have an agenda. Corporate media? They have an agenda....honestly they love Trump being president because it has increased their viewership and threat profits. He gets people afraid/angry and they tune in to them to be afraid. And now they get the left wing back into supporting their quest for empire by making them fear Trump and forget the war crimes in Iraq. (Gitmo, water boarding, etc.)

I don't trust Trump because I don't think he's competent enough to understand what's going on..I also don't trust his judgment when he hires guys like John Bolton.

Yes Russia interfered and Trump should acknowledge it..but also I don't care that they've interfered. I mean we can overthrow governments and contribute to unrest around the world...but Russian Facebook trolls come in and oh boy now they've done it!

It's all a power and influence game..our military wants our empire to expand while Putin wants the USSR to return. The US isn't the moral arbiter of the world. We haven't truly been the "good guys" in a war since WW2 and possibly the first Desert Storm. We can't just illegally invade a nation and kill 500k and then tell the world Putin is evil because we said so..

But hey, as long as the lives aren't American and our cities aren't destroyed, doesn't matter. Another defense budget increase away, who needs universal healthcare here when we can build a military for Sweden so they can have nice things!
You love to spin to avoid the topic at hand. Never said I trust them, I just don't trust the intel community...they have an agenda. Corporate media? They have an agenda....honestly they love Trump being president because it has increased their viewership and threat profits. He gets people afraid/angry and they tune in to them to be afraid. And now they get the left wing back into supporting their quest for empire by making them fear Trump and forget the war crimes in Iraq. (Gitmo, water boarding, etc.)

I don't trust Trump because I don't think he's competent enough to understand what's going on..I also don't trust his judgment when he hires guys like John Bolton.

Yes Russia interfered and Trump should acknowledge it..but also I don't care that they've interfered. I mean we can overthrow governments and contribute to unrest around the world...but Russian Facebook trolls come in and oh boy now they've done it!

It's all a power and influence game..our military wants our empire to expand while Putin wants the USSR to return. The US isn't the moral arbiter of the world. We haven't truly been the "good guys" in a war since WW2 and possibly the first Desert Storm. We can't just illegally invade a nation and kill 500k and then tell the world Putin is evil because we said so..

But hey, as long as the lives aren't American and our cities aren't destroyed, doesn't matter. Another defense budget increase away, who needs universal healthcare here when we can build a military for Sweden so they can have nice things!
It all makes sense now. Putin and trump - unlike the others you mentioned - do not have an agenda.

Thanks for clearing that up.
It all makes sense now. Putin and trump - unlike the others you mentioned - do not have an agenda.

Thanks for clearing that up.
Well maybe you didn't read it, but I said that Russia's agenda is to bring back the old USSR. That's their agenda, they want to reclaim land that they believe is their land.

Trump's agenda? Idk if a narcissist even really thinks about anything beyond how many people are talking about them...but his agenda is to just be on the mind of every person on Earth.

Now since they're on your side, what was your buddy Bush and Cheney's agenda in Iraq? And why wasn't their more outrage for investigating their possible war crimes than there is for Facebook trolling?
And this thread is why it is just beyond futile to discuss politics. Nobody gives an inch regardless of which side they fall on, and nothing gets accomplished. No wonder inside the beltway is so dysfunctional.

With that in mind, none of this interests me enough to keep it going. I'm tapping out.
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Look, Matt Jones knows where his bread is buttered. He’ll never sell out out his base. But he is eminently more electable than Amy McGrath, who I like BTW, but will get few votes in rural Kentucky.
So what I’m saying is: if you want to see Mitch support “term limits”, the only way to do it is to vote for Matt Jones. (my point is, Mitch will die in office if not voted out)
You really didn’t give any facts you gave your opinion based on the talking points that the left is trying to spin. Like I said google Obama and his Presidential pardons and you will find that he pardoned around 1500 or more drug offenders. 500 of the drug offenders were drug dealers.

The Trump administration is going hard after the drug trade and not only the dealers on the street. They are going after the pharmacist, nurses, doctors and the drug companies who distribute the drugs.

It’s funny you say Trump embarrassed himself on the world stage all that tells me is you are watching CNN and getting sucked into their vacuum of lies. Because quite the opposite is being reported overseas especially in Britain. The only negative response came from the Mayor of London who was bashed by British media for his comments.

In regards to alienating our allies with his comments it is quite the opposite. As a matter of fact both the British and the French complimented Trump for comments regarding the Europeans lack of military spending. They said it was his outspokenness that encouraged the European countries to increase their military spending.

Being a Democrat I would think you would appreciate that since you all are always complaining about how tired you are that we have to be the world police. You are very wrong almost delusional when you say Trump has alienated our allies that was Obama. Don’t you remember when Obama insulted the British by removing the bust of Churchill from the Whitehouse?

Don’t you remember when Obama told the British they would have to go to the back of the bus in regards to trade because of Brexit? Don’t you remember when he disrespected the Leader of Israel and interfered in their election trying help him lose? There are so many examples of Obama’s disrespect for our allies.

The ACA what a joke it was doomed from the beginning because of stupidity. The only ones who enrolled where the ones who got it for free so that is why it is collapsing. Even the politicians who voted for it didn’t sign up for it. On the other side the people who pay for their insurance lost it because of companies cutting hours to stay under 40 hours so they didn’t have to provide it.

Other people lost insurance because they could no longer afford it so they just paid the penalty. By the time the dust settled we had fewer people on insurance than before. Obama and the Democrats do nothing for the American people they put us behind everyone else. My whole family used to vote Democrat now none of them do.

By the way the media outlet you get your information from which is CNN is so bad that there viewership has now dropped to under 1 million viewers. Now think about that for a minute we live in a country of over 320 million people and CNN is only averaging 761, 000 viewers.
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And this thread is why it is just beyond futile to discuss politics. Nobody gives an inch regardless of which side they fall on, and nothing gets accomplished. No wonder inside the beltway is so dysfunctional.

With that in mind, none of this interests me enough to keep it going. I'm tapping out.
That’s what you get - and what I said initially - when everyone has their own “facts”.

Trump’s legacy.
You really didn’t give any facts you gave your opinion based on the talking points that the left is trying to spin.
Fact - the opioid / drug crisis is worse nationally now than before trump took over.
Fact - trump said he would stop NK’s nuclear program and, would do so before they had the ability to hit US soil with a nuclear weapon - he has failed to deliver on that.
Fact - 20M more people have health insurance under the ACA than before it was enacted.
Fact - Obama hasn't been POTUS for 2 1/2 years - time for you to focus on the present instead of beginning each of your points with "yeah but, Obama..."
Fact: Obama let the drug culture manifest itself for 8 years it is going to take Trump longer than 2 1/2 years to clean it up. By the way did you google Obama’s Presidential Pardons and see all the drug dealers he pardoned it is easy to do.
Fact: NK does not have a nuclear weapon that can reach U.S. you might want to research that before you post that. I am glad that Trump is making the effort to negotiate with rocket man. That is something the Obama administration did not do.
Fact: 20 million people who didn’t have insurance now have insurance because of ACA. Unfortunately those 20 million people are getting it for free and that is what is collapsing the ACA. On the other side there millions of people who once had insurance but now they don’t. Those are the people who pay for it so the trade off was a loss. Hey you know the proof is in the pudding if the ACA was working the Democrats wouldn’t be trying to replace it like they are now.
Fact: Trump has been President for 2 1/2 years and that is why things are better off now. Our economy is better our military is better overall the country is a lot better. I think it is funny that you don’t want people blaming Obama for the mess he created. When Obama was President anytime something wasn’t going right they blamed it on Bush and they did it for 8 years.
There is one thing Obama was better at than Trump and that is Obama was the King at putting people on food stamps and welfare.
Fact: Obama let the drug culture manifest itself for 8 years it is going to take Trump longer than 2 1/2 years to clean it up.
Please provide specifics of the actions taken by Obama that would prove this statement. In the event that you’ve forgotten the official “war on drugs” began in the early 1970s. Meanwhile it’s a fact that opioid deaths have risen to record levels under trump.
Fact: NK does not have a nuclear weapon that can reach U.S. you might want to research that before you post that. I am glad that Trump is making the effort to negotiate with rocket man
US intelligence agencies have stated the opposite. If Obama was still the president - it’s clear that you would agree with them. NK just conducted another nuclear test not even two weeks ago and, trump shrugged it off.

Fact: 20 million people who didn’t have insurance now have insurance because of ACA. Unfortunately those 20 million people are getting it for free and that is what is collapsing the ACA. On the other side there millions of people who once had insurance but now they don’t.
The fact is that 48.1M Americans were uninsured before ACA - now 28M are uninsured.

Fact: Trump has been President for 2 1/2 years and that is why things are better off now. Our economy is better our military is better overall the country is a lot better.
Outside of the length of trump’s tenure, those aren’t facts - those are your subjective opinions. Clearly the word “fact” doesn’t mean what you think it does.

Here’s an actual fact for you. When running for president, trump guaranteed that he would shrink the U.S. trade deficit, which he blamed on previous leaders’ supposed inability to negotiate deals that put America first. This was the centerpiece of his claim to be able to revive America’s manufacturing base. However just in the last week, the Commerce Department reported that the United States posted a $891.2 billion trade deficit for 2018, the largest in our 243-year history. Whoopsie!

Lastly, neither one of us is qualified to talk intelligently about the presidential pardons issued by Obama at the end of his tenure. Feel free to research all of them and get back to me with the specifics and we can then discuss whether they were just.
Trump has been in office for 2 1/2 years Obama was in office for 8 years. Obama did very little to curb the drug culture during his time in office. Trump has done more in 2 1/2 years than Obama ever dreamed of. I don’t know what rock you are under but there are weekly news report about Trumps fight against drugs. Since you have no knowledge of it even though it is pretty recent law enforcement have arrested Doctors, nurses and pharmacist along with regular dealers. There have been quite a few arrest in Kentucky. You can also google this information.
You can ignore all the drug offenders OBama pardoned after all you are a Democrat that is expected of you.
NK did not conduct a nuclear test they launched a short range missile that could house a nuclear warhead

Like I said if the ACA was so good why are the Democrats wanting to replace it? I guess you don’t have an answer for that because you keep dancing around it. You are right about part of this all the free loading Democrats who don’t contribute anything now have insurance. The middle class worker and his family lost theirs.

I am glad you bought up the trade imbalance that Trump is trying to balance. That lopsided trade deficit is the compliments of Obama and the Democrats. Trump has already worked out a deal with Canada and Mexico that will balance the trade between the 3 countries I am sure you heard about everybody else has. The funny thing about your argument is you post how lopsided the deficit is because of the previous administration.

I am glad that we have reached a deal with Mexico on the border and I hope it holds up. We spend 150 billion dollars every year taking care of illegal aliens. I would rather spend that 150 billion on other things like shoring up Social Security or taking care of our neglected Veterans. However I know how you Democrat’s are taking care of everybody else except the citizens of our country.
Just last week the Democrats in New York passed a bill that would take college funding away from children whose parent was killed in action while serving in our military. The money was now going to go to help illegal aliens pay for college. This is the Democrat Party welfare, food stamps, illegal aliens, everybody else but the tax payer.
I’m glad people are doing well as a result of Trump’s policies. I, myself, care for the greater good. I see white supremacists emboldened by Trump. I’m seeing children torn from their parents and locked in “camps” because their parents wanted a better life for them. I see a vulgar, indecent, immoral president launch insults and vile filth which brings continued incivility and discourse. He lies every damn day. He’s no gentleman, no statesman, no role model. Oh, and the tariffs. You know who suffers? The damn American consumer. We pay for it.
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Don’t feel so bad for the children they’re are now finding out that a lot of them are props. They are coming over with adults and they get in because they look like a family unit but they aren’t families. I don’t know why this is just now bothering you it is the same policy that Obama had.

Some of the pictures they posted showing the kids in the camp were from when Obama was President. The parents either send their kids up here with coyotes or they bring them up and then they abandon them. That way they are guaranteed that the U.S. taxpayer will raise their kids for them. In Houston, Texas they have 17 Care centers full of abandoned kids.

You think about that for a minute if we took our children out and marched them along I-65 our kids would be taken from us and we would be arrested. Somehow everyone feels sorry for these people who are abusing their kids and putting them at risk of rape and murder.
In regards to Trump and his Twitter habits I admit it is not your typical means of communication for the President. I look at it differently though since the media is so slanted and false this is a good way for him to put out a rebuttal of the fake news.

Whether you know it or not a lot of the politicians are now on Twitter doing the same thing they just aren’t as news worthy as Trump. I hear a lot of vile comments coming from the Democrats and I am sure that is just as upsetting for you as well. The good thing about Trump he says thing right off the cuff. He doesn’t need a TelePrompTer or script to talk like Obama needed.

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