What is the word on Matt Jones????

AFTER Jones realized he may have cost himself some potential votes with his anti-UofL comments yesterday, he had this to say:

Matt Jones‏@KySportsRadio 17h17 hours ago
Taking a comment I made jokingly on radio and then turning it into a serious news story sucks but it is what it is.

With the strong negative UofL fan reaction to his rhetoric yesterday, I think the politician in Jones may have suddenly realized he would need to carry the city of Louisville to have any chance in a potential run for congress. I read a LOT of social media comments yesterday, responding to Jones' comments, pointing out he is throwing insults towards a segment of the state that he would need votes from. I really believe he was surprised by the backlash from a political angle.
If he's too stupid to realize his anti-UofL schtick was going to cost him votes he shouldn't be running for office. He's made some inflammatory comments and he's also walked the racist line, if not crossed it. I admit I don't follow him have just heard and read a few things here and there to know his game.

There are countless people that take a lot of pride in their alma mater and school they root for. It's one thing to have friendly jabs but his work is just too over the top pandering to the fans of the other program. Not everybody is going to be willing to forgive that, though clearly some/many might. But not all.

He's a clown doesn't matter which side of the vote you sit on.
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The word is he is an arse. I don’t see how any Louisville fan could vote for him he would implement policy that would have a direct negative impact on the University of Louisville.
I'm going to let you guys in on a secret (I'm Republican btw), the vast majority of people in this state DO NOT CARE about UK vs. UofL that much. I'd say there are a lot of people that love when UK win out in the state and UofL vice versa in the city, but they are casual bandwagon fans. Although sports are big in our world....there are many other people that care about their farm, church, academics, family life, etc. A majority of people never went to UofL nor UK.

I lived in Louisville...and the majority of people where I lived and went to school with....did not care too much about a sports rivalry.
Women are the majority of voters and are even more powerful in the democratic many of them live and die by a male sports rivalry?

Mitch McConnell is a big GOP figure...who loves UofL. And guess what? Republicans will vote for him because they will vote for who is in line with their political beliefs (lets not debate if any policy is good or bad for them). Democrats are the same.

Amy McGrath appeals to very liberal voters. Matt appeals to rural/moderate democrats and swing voters in the Western and Eastern part of the state as a kid who grew up in dirt poor mountain become a very successful individual.

As (reluctant) a supporter of McConnell, I fear him facing Matt Jones more than McGrath....and if you're a democrat....1 less vote for the GOP is all that should matter....and if Matt's comments have made you hate him and you don't like his smug attitude....even if you believe in his political stances and want Mitch out....and you're hate of Matt makes you not want him to oust a person you don't agree with politically that makes laws that effect your daily life....then sports have too big of an impact of your life.

And politically....Matt doesn't need all of Louisville....he just needs enough. He can sweep Lexington, Eastern, and Western....and even 30-40% of Louisville dems get him over the top...I doubt a sports rivalry will keep dems from voting for him.
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That’s funny you act as if Matt is a seasoned politician with experience in administrative background. I really doubt the rural areas would vote for someone with his main credentials being talk show host on a sports radio program. Outside of Louisville the rest of the state is pretty conservative.
That’s funny you act as if Matt is a seasoned politician with experience in administrative background. I really doubt the rural areas would vote for someone with his main credentials being talk show host on a sports radio program. Outside of Louisville the rest of the state is pretty conservative.
I'm talking about the Democratic primary.

McConnell is going to win guaranteed, I think Matt knows that and won't do it right now.
He panders to UofK fans for money and they support him. He won't carry the city of Louisville in any type of political race. He 'might' do well out in the state. Maybe.
Not accurate. He will carry his fans ( I am not one of them). Then he will carry your fans that are of the same political party. That will give him enough to carry Louisville.
I think it is funny that we are even talking about this idiot as a contender for the Senate. How can you say anybody would vote for the jerk you don’t even know what his policies are. Most politicians who are serious about running for office try to hide their flaws. He has put his on exhibit for all to see and he has serious issues with half of the people of Kentucky.
I think it is funny that we are even talking about this idiot as a contender for the Senate. How can you say anybody would vote for the jerk you don’t even know what his policies are. Most politicians who are serious about running for office try to hide their flaws. He has put his on exhibit for all to see and he has serious issues with half of the people of Kentucky.

On Twitter he has been pretty clear about his policies. On Twitter he has also shown himself to be an ass about UofL.
He panders to UofK fans for money and they support him. He won't carry the city of Louisville in any type of political race. He 'might' do well out in the state. Maybe.
No way he does well out in the state. The hayseeds may love him for bashing the Cards but politics is politics. He would have to carry Jefferson County 90%-10% to have a shot, that won’t happen. I would sit that election out, I can’t stand either one.

What kind of a guy is he?? He graduated second in his class from DUKE. So he must be book smart. Matt Jones is the owner and founder of KSR. He hates everything to do with UoL sports programs.
Jones is very smart and he doesn’t hate UL. He hated the previous regime that was by any standards crooked to a core ? Matt will pull for UK to beat them but he is for anything that is good for the city. His anti-Lvle has been tempered down a lot since his radio show became a hit. I truly believe he started to get attention and after he solidified his show he has tempered his rhetoric. He has many friends that are Card fans,Ricky Jones, Tony Vanetti and others. Matt is first and foremost a business man make no mistake about that and if you look at what he does from a business prospective then you understand him !
Of course he's a clown. Which makes him a perfect fit for a clown SHOW...

Jones is very smart and he doesn’t hate UL. He hated the previous regime that was by any standards crooked to a core ? Matt will pull for UK to beat them but he is for anything that is good for the city. His anti-Lvle has been tempered down a lot since his radio show became a hit. I truly believe he started to get attention and after he solidified his show he has tempered his rhetoric. He has many friends that are Card fans,Ricky Jones, Tony Vanetti and others. Matt is first and foremost a business man make no mistake about that and if you look at what he does from a business prospective then you understand him !
Screw Jones.
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Jones is very smart and he doesn’t hate UL. He hated the previous regime that was by any standards crooked to a core ? Matt will pull for UK to beat them but he is for anything that is good for the city. His anti-Lvle has been tempered down a lot since his radio show became a hit. I truly believe he started to get attention and after he solidified his show he has tempered his rhetoric. He has many friends that are Card fans,Ricky Jones, Tony Vanetti and others. Matt is first and foremost a business man make no mistake about that and if you look at what he does from a business prospective then you understand him !
You’re Matt’s mom aren’t you? Lol

....and who gives a shit that he and Vannetti are friends?
Jones is very smart and he doesn’t hate UL. He hated the previous regime that was by any standards crooked to a core ? Matt will pull for UK to beat them but he is for anything that is good for the city. His anti-Lvle has been tempered down a lot since his radio show became a hit. I truly believe he started to get attention and after he solidified his show he has tempered his rhetoric. He has many friends that are Card fans,Ricky Jones, Tony Vanetti and others. Matt is first and foremost a business man make no mistake about that and if you look at what he does from a business prospective then you understand him !

He’s made his bed. I don’t give a f*** if he’s “tempered his rhetoric.” He’s a jack ass. Always has been. Always will be. I’d let him know that personally if given the opportunity.
If Jones is foolish enough to run against Mitch, every skeleton in his closest will be exposed. Even some that he doesn’t know about yet. It could well be ugly enough to really damage his radio thing. That would be too damn bad. Too damn bad.
You may be right however I’d be willing to bet a years salary that Matt has less to hide than Mitch ?
I have a lot of friends in Western Kentucky, hell, my own two daughters, two sons-in-law and my son are all UK grads and die hard big blue and they all are sick of him, his smart sassiness and have all said they will vote for Amy McGrath in a New York second!
Ghost, what do you know that we don’t know or is there a conspiracy theory going around.
Ghost, what do you know that we don’t know or is there a conspiracy theory going around.
Nothing specific - though I have heard the same thing that The Commodore said. I’m simply suggesting that the majority leader in the senate and someone who has been in seriously positions of power like he has - for as long as he has, is bound to have some skeletons - new or otherwise - rattling around in his closet.

I mean - how does a middle class guy like him earning about a buck and a half a year in congress get to be worth 30M?
Unfortunately I think that is the same story for all politicians. In reality Mitch did marry wealth and was given a huge amount of money from the father -in-law.
Answer? He married Elaine Chao, whose family is worth millions.
Not just that, but the law is also on their side. They can (and do) get insider trading information and they take advantage of it legally to make money. That's right, the same law that got Martha Stewart put in prison is legal for our House of Representatives and Senators to take advantage of. Call it a 'perk'.
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Not just that, but the law is also on their side. They can (and do) get insider trading information and they take advantage of it legally to make money. That's right, the same law that got Martha Stewart put in prison is legal for our House of Representatives and Senators to take advantage of. Call it a 'perk'.
Not doubting being a Senator hasn't helped him....but his wealth comes from his wife's family. Now he couldn't have gotten that gift had he not been related. When your father in-law can just give you $5-$25 million can build a nice fortune.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his wife, former Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, received a personal gift from a family member worth between $5 million and $25 million, according to his annual financial disclosure report, which was released on Friday morning.

The gift came from Chao's father, Dr. James S.C. Chao, a wealthy Chinese-born businessman, and it boosted McConnell's personal worth from a minimum of $3 million in 2007 to more than $7 million.

"That was a gift from Secretary Chao's father in April 2008 to the Senator and the Secretary, in memory of her mother, who passed away in August 2007," said Don Stewart, McConnell's spokesman. Ruth Mulan Chu was a historian.

Gifts of any value from family members to senators are permitted under Senate ethics rules.

While he invested the bulk of the money, McConnell used a portion of the gift to pay off a $100,000-plus mortgage on a Washington, D.C. home, and it more than offset significant losses suffered by the couple in their stock portfolio, the records show.
Cue Card, I agree with you on the inside trading but that is all of the politicians. A lot of politicians are also getting money from lobbyists. Most of these politicians have family members (children, spouses, brothers & sisters) who are lobbyists. They are highly paid to get their relatives to pass certain bills and part of that payment is funneled to them through their relatives.
Stuff like this sucks for the rest of us and I wish they would crack down on it. Since they make the laws and it would cut off their cash flow I don’t see it happening soon.
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Cue Card, I agree with you on the inside trading but that is all of the politicians. A lot of politicians are also getting money from lobbyists. Most of these politicians have family members (children, spouses, brothers & sisters) who are lobbyists. They are highly paid to get their relatives to pass certain bills and part of that payment is funneled to them through their relatives.
Stuff like this sucks for the rest of us and I wish they would crack down on it. Since they make the laws and it would cut off their cash flow I don’t see it happening soon.
Lobbying, unlimited campaign contributions, etc.

Legalized Bribery is what it amounts to in my book.
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