You hate our enthusiasm with the force of a thousand suns. Lying - even if this case of lying to yourself - won't win you many friends here. Being honest and reminding us how you envy us could get you to a preliminary Step 1 of credibility. That is the only conceivable reality you could address. Then perhaps you could receive additional commentary on what we perceive might be your chances at eventually - some day - becoming as relevant as we are.The fact that we are the topic on most of your threads proves we are relevant. Not to mention when both schools recruit the same kids, they would rather go to UK that has a history of losing than come to UL. That in itself should be embarrassing enough for you guys, however you instead try and downplay them as though they weren't that great when in fact you guys recruited the same kids. LOL!!!!
The deep down insecurity you have is, that UK's talent level is finally surpassing yours and that after this year, we will hear the same excuses we hear during basketball season. It's the refs fault, you had injured players, the weather was bad, the planets didn't align correctly, aliens were involved. The simple truth is......UL is a good team and should win a bunch of games, but you will NEVER compete for CFP and you will always be 2nd fiddle to Clemson, Florida St, and possibly Miami, and North Carolina from here on out.
Love your enthusiasm though
Espousing your blatant wishful thinking by repeating over and over again your "wisdom" only marks you as humiliated long before you exposed you own pathetic pre-teen level Santa Claus fantasy.
For you, your entire purpose was to claim how irrelevant we are on the National scale. What's most absurd about that is that you are even wrong on that ankle-biting level.
UK fans used to be better than this. Now all we see is ridiculous, horrified cadavers any more, pathetically trying to raise a Rainbow over an outhouse.
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