I think most UK fans remember past violations, but posting something from nearly 30 years ago doesn't really say much. The bottom line is that, even before this recent scandal, both programs have had three major violation cases that resulted in 6 total probation years and 3 tourney ban years for Kentucky, and 7 total probation years and 2 tourney ban years for Louisville (not counting the overturned ban in the late 90s on due process grounds). With the recent violation, Louisville is now up to at least 3 tourney ban years and likely some additional probation years. Kentucky's last case was in 1989, 27 years ago. Since then, Louisville has had three major violations cases.
So while Kentucky fans are familiar with violations decades ago, the perception that UK is a dirty program, especially relative to Louisville and other major programs, is simply false. Louisville will now be at least tied in tourney bans and likely well ahead in probation years, with a far more recent history of problems relative to Kentucky. In fact, even before this scandal, Louisville ranks in the top 15 in terms of probation years as a percentage of total years while Kentucky does not (not even in the top 20). Louisville will likely jump into the top 10 now.
And if you are curious, for major programs, Kansas blows Kentucky and Louisville away in terms of violations and probation years. They are the dirtiest historically by far. Minnesota is the worst, just above Kansas, but I don't consider them a major program.