Will the Cards be cheering for their in state brethren

Then I guess your season was a failure too! Not sure what a slappy or your 4th grade lingo is all about but good for you bud, it's cute I guess. I have a feeling there's one more thing you care about because you're always talking about them.

You should go back to your own board with your total BS. How about that?

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
Then I guess your season was a failure too! Not sure what a slappy or your 4th grade lingo is all about but good for you bud, it's cute I guess. I have a feeling there's one more thing you care about because you're always talking about them.

73-70 slappie. Who has bragging rights for this year?

Go take your yappie over on catz won't be missed here.