What the freaking hell has gotten into Petrino?

Pretty disappointed with the dumb penalties and missing a 37yd FG. Hopefully we settle down. The offense looks ok (apart from penalties) and the defense is solid as long as we don't give them a short field.
Offensive line needs to open holes for the run game if not then. Cards will get beat down and the defense needs a three and out .
If they could just get a consistent running game going it will open up stuff. Defense is doing it's job now but will get worn down if the offense doesn't sustain some long drives
Safeties are playing back which has gotten us 2 ints but we've done nothing with them. Meanwhile, with the safeties back, AU has run effectively. With a big deficit to make up, CRG has to make a decision. Bring the safeties and invite a big play downfield, or stay back and struggle with the running game?
Is it personnel or coaching because this does not seem to be the same Petrino even going back to last year.
still not ready to play with the big boys.

it's not fun getting exposed.

hope they were just asleep in the first half.
What a hilarious whiner thread this is. Try not posting during game time while you're losing your cookies.
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Are we now into moral victories? Most of us aren't unless you're a big blue fan. We lost the game but I'm very encouraged by many of our freshmen. We can still have a great season. Just ask Ohio State about that.
Yeah, give me your names and I'll send them to Tom so you can be put on the short list of potential coaches.
This thread was sad. NEVER post about a game DURING the game. You look foolish. We ended up beating Auburn in every single stat besides the final score and points off TOs. We would have won this game had Jackson been starting, no doubt in my mind. He had the Auburn coaches scared and yelling at each other on how to cover him.

I'm sad we lost a great opportunity here but I am very optimistic for our chances going forward. Move Reggie to WR already and give up on the experiment with him. I wouldn't even consider him a backup QB after seeing how he handled himself Saturday. I was a big supporter of his before but he just doesn't have good QB instincts where Jackson is super raw but has superior QB instincts, speed and arm strength with accuracy. We will be very tough to beat if we run the read-option with Jackson. It will help our Oline to be more successful getting our QB on the move and making the defenses respect his legs and arm. I expect big things this season after how we stacked up to the #6 team in the country.
It was Lamar Jackson's first pass ever. An interception just like the Great Teddy Bridgewater. He's in great company and could end up equally as good.
We would have won this game had Jackson been starting, no doubt in my mind.

We would have won this game had Jackson or Bolin started. Heck, if Bolin started, we may not have had a pressing need for LJ in the first half, who knows. Bonnafon is not the answer and it is a waste of preparation time having RB taking snaps in practice through camp and leading up to games.

LJ looks good but he is going to need some help - including blocking - so he is not running for his life.
We ended up beating Auburn in every single stat besides the final score and points off TOs. We would have won this game had Jackson been starting, no doubt in my mind.

the #6 team in the country.

Talk about sad. We didn't "beat" Auburn anywhere that matters. Glad you're giddy; I'm not. And Auburn is not the #6 team in America and will lose 4 games minimum.
We would have won this game had Jackson or Bolin started. Heck, if Bolin started, we may not have had a pressing need for LJ in the first half, who knows. Bonnafon is not the answer and it is a waste of preparation time having RB taking snaps in practice through camp and leading up to games.

LJ looks good but he is going to need some help - including blocking - so he is not running for his life.
I think the O-Line needed to provide better protection for Bolin to be successful. Bolin, IMHO, operates best in the pocket. LJ is a much better scrambler for when the pocket collapses, which, on Saturday, seemed to happen too frequently for someone like Bolin.
I think the O-Line needed to provide better protection for Bolin to be successful. Bolin, IMHO, operates best in the pocket. LJ is a much better scrambler for when the pocket collapses, which, on Saturday, seemed to happen too frequently for someone like Bolin.

"...someone like Bolin."

I guess people think Bolin has clay feet. In reality what he does is this - he runs the play like its supposed to run and does not improvise at the first sign of pressure. He keeps his eyes downfield as he goes through the check-downs. And he keeps doing this even with pressure. He can side step rushes and still deliver.

If you want someone who can leverage 4 receivers in the pattern - its Bolin. If you want someone who can't get past their 2nd read and improvises then go with the others.
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"...someone like Bolin."

I guess people think Bolin has clay feet. In reality what he does is this - he runs the play like its supposed to run and does not improvise at the first sign of pressure. He keeps his eyes downfield as he goes through the check-downs. And he keeps doing this even with pressure. He can side step rushes and still deliver.

If you want someone who can leverage 4 receivers in the pattern - its Bolin. If you want someone who can't get past their 2nd read and improvises then go with the others.

I agree and this talk about not playing Bolin because of a collapsing pocket is a bunch of hooey. He hasn't played because we are interested in dual threat quarterback system - not because the pocket passer would be ineffective. This talking point is being perpetuated by people who don't understand football. How many sacks did Bolin have against Houston? Did we really think a raw quarterback who was fourth on the depth chart at the beginning of the season was going to mop up on Houston and others moving forward?

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