Its my feeling that these opportunities don’t come along all that often. That’s why I am critiquing the “Man” Nwora... I think he can be our “Pervis” that takes us to the championship. I wasn’t all that buzzed on Pervis back in 86’. A little too cool for me ...but he got it done stealth... That’s maybe what Our player of the year could be...that’s why I rag on him. Cause I think he is the missing piece.. great talent that just could use a little sports psychology like Denny would order up. It’s too rare to get a team together like this. I’m not sure why some of you are cool on an above mediocre performance in an off year so to speak... we can dominate!! We are Endowed with cardinal greatness. Feel it again!! Bless our team and fans. We ARE the greatest. Let’s play like it